What Should Be on a React JS Resume and How Does a Template Look?

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October 7, 2022

Updated on:

September 6, 2024

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What Should Be on a React JS Resume and How Does a Template Look?


You’re just weeks away from launching your product, and suddenly, Bob from tech had to leave for personal reasons. Now, the pressure’s on HR to find a replacement who can fill his shoes and keep the project on track. The new developer, of course, must have a strong ReactJS resume.

Finding talented developers skilled in front-end frameworks like Angular and React can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. A quick search for “how to hire a React developer” returns over 80 million results—far from ideal when you're on a tight timeline.

This guide will walk you through exactly what to look for in a ReactJS resume. Plus, we’ve provided a resume template to help you identify top-tier talent with ease. If you need additional support, Pangea is here to streamline the process. Just share your requirements with us, and we’ll match you with the best vendors in no time. You can review applications directly on our platform and make a decision with confidence.

What Elements Should You Look For on a React JS Resume?

When vetting candidate resumes for a React.js development role, examine the technical and non-technical attributes. Besides excellent technical knowledge, possessing top-notch non-technical qualities makes for a more rounded and desirable technical hire.

When hiring a React dev to fill Bob’s big shoes, you may focus on the following areas.

Technical Proficiency

Since React is a front-end library, the candidate has to demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of CSS styling techniques and React.js fundamentals. They should also have experience using distributed version control systems such as Git. Of course, they need to show practical familiarity with JavaScript build tools.

Expertise in Related Technology

Using React well means having an excellent command of the JavaScript language and its ecosystem. Prospective developers must understand ECMAScript besides adjacent JS technologies and frameworks compatible with React.

Knowledge of Testing and Automation

Testing and automation are a bedrock of modern web development. The best ReactJS developers understand the importance of testing tools and frameworks in building robust applications. Ensure the developer highlights experience in unit testing, integration testing, end-to-end testing, and so forth.

Spot-on Planning Skills

A good developer who’ll hit the ground running and elevate product delivery standards at your company should be excellent at planning. They’ll have an aptitude for planning and coordinating tasks and sprints efficiently. You must trust your dev to deliver as and when due, even with scope creep.

Solid Interpersonal Skills

Beyond bits, bytes, and pixels, a great React.js dev resume will reveal desirable interpersonal skills such as effective communication, open-mindedness, and teamwork. Critical thinking is also a trait that a good React developer (or any other dev) should have.

Other non-technical skills include creativity, patience, curiosity, management, and analytical thinking.

What Technical Skills Should a React Developer Have?

Now that you have an idea of the technical and non-technical bits to consider on any React developer's resume, let's zoom in [again] on the technical skills required:

  • Solid knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Great insight into why ReactJS exists and core concepts such as the component lifecycle, JSX, and the Virtual DOM
  • Experience with React.js workflows, meaning create react app, Flux, and Redux
  • Experience with Rest API
  • Experience with data structure libraries
  • Understanding of mobile app development – Android and iOS
  • A degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related discipline

How Different Levels of React Developer Resumes Should Read

A resume can tell if a developer is a good fit for a junior, intermediate (mid-level), or senior (advanced) React.js developer role.

Junior ReactJS Developer Resume

A junior react.js developer's resume should show a minimum of the following:

  • Experience of at least 1–2 years
  • Working knowledge of HTML, CSS, BootStrap, JavaScript, Git, and RxJS
  • Familiarity with React fundamentals (better if they know some Angular too)
  • Competency in written and spoken English (if this is the preferred language of communication at your company)

Mid-level ReactJS Developer Resume

A mid-level React developer will, in addition to whatever a junior React developer's resume brings to the table, typically offer:

  • More than 2 years of experience with React.js
  • Deep understanding of HTML, CSS, BootStrap, JavaScript, Angular, Git, and RxJS
  • Familiarity with NodeJS
  • Working knowledge of JavaScript (ES6 and beyond), TypeScript, and Redux state management
  • A lot of experience in developing mobile apps with effective API endpoints and user interfaces

Senior ReactJS Developer Resume

Let's say Bob was a senior ReactJS developer, and you're looking for someone to step in and continue the good work. In steps Alice, but you're unsure if she fits the profile of the React.js developer your business needs. Here's how you can tell from her resume that she's not an impostor:

  • Possesses no less than 5 years of experience
  • Can create React-based UI with React and TypeScript
  • Familiarity with front-end environments such as ES6, SASS, LESS, MVC, MVVM, Ionic, and so forth
  • Ability to create RESTful web services and APIs
  • Advanced language and communication skills
  • Vast experience with other JavaScript frameworks, including Angular and VueJS

Should You Base Your Hiring Decision on a Candidate's Resume Alone?

You shouldn’t decide to hire a candidate just because their resume looks great. Job candidates have mastered the art of varnishing their resumes to give them the best chance in a pool of thousands of other applicants.

To go beyond the allure of any resume and select substance over form, become deliberate about the pre-screening. One-on-one phone calls can help you to verify the information and assess a candidate's interest and if they'll bring any real value to the company.

Many companies still believe that tech hiring is all about whiteboard tests. Yet the urgent truth is whiteboard tests may well be a relic of ’90s hiring practices. When you serve whiteboard solutions that candidates must solve on the spot, you mostly end up achieving either of these 2 things:

  • Putting the candidate under undue pressure, causing them to fidget and forget even simple things.
  • Painting your company in a bad light (unless you have a FAANG-like reputation or size).


Q1. What is required for ReactJS?

ReactJS needs a complement of front-end tools such as HTML, CSS, Redux, Ionic, Browserify, and Webpack. More importantly, it needs a developer with much insight on its internals and ecosystem. Basic Javascript knowledge is highly imperative.

Q2. Does React replace HTML?

No, React doesn't replace JSX. However, it offers an extension of JavaScript known as JSX. A React JS developer will interact more with JSX than with HTML. Event handling in HTML and React isn’t the same when it comes to syntax. The reason behind the impossibility of replacement is that React works on virtual DOM, while HTML is peculiar with access to the Real DOM at all times.

Q3. Is React enough for the front end?

React alone may not be enough for the front end, depending on the purpose of the project. The front-end is a collection of components — there are other things that a developer needs to create rich and interesting user interfaces.


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Godwin Oluponmile

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