A Comprehensive Guide to Hiring React.JS Developer Teams

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September 13, 2021

Updated on:

March 11, 2024

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A Comprehensive Guide to Hiring React.JS Developer Teams


Since its launch in 2013, React has rapidly expanded to become one of the most widely used frameworks in front end development. Used by both professional React.JS developers and amateur enthusiasts alike, many of the world’s most popular and groundbreaking apps and services are built on the React library.

From Netflix to Paypal, Twitter, and Airbnb—React.JS has proven itself to be both highly capable and more than dependable when it comes to critical application deployments.

With demand for React.JS and its developers so high today, finding the right developers to fit into your firm can be a daunting challenge to undertake. The Pangea.ai “Comprehensive Guide to Hiring React Developers” takes you through every part of the process step-by-step.

From the initial stages of analysing React.JS, figuring out if its advantages and drawbacks of the technology are a good fit for you, through to hiring and managing your React development teams—this guide and its linked articles will answer every question on the tech and its management.

Going above and beyond this comprehensive guide, we can also help in selecting the right company, tell us what you need. We can do the work for you and connect you with up to 5 companies within 72h that match your need- all for free.

Pros and Cons of React.JS App Development

The first question to answer before considering React for your firm is: What can it do for you? Like any tool, language, or platform React has pros and cons which make it more suited for some projects than others.

The advantages of React.JS include its ability to create SEO friendly pages, reduce the time to market of an application, and offer improved performance over related similar frameworks.

These advantages make it a powerful tool to have at your disposal. With SEO being such a critical part of user discovery and with performance so critical to competition—React.JS becomes a natural choice for many services.

The drawbacks to being a library that endures such fast-paced development, rule React out of some types of project. The constantly evolving nature of the library and its lack of convention, as well as its robust documentation make it difficult for developers to dive deep into it.

Our article on the Pros and Cons of React.JS App Development takes a closer look at the issues to consider before investing heavily in React technologies.

Since its launch in 2013, React has rapidly expanded to become one of the most widely used frameworks in front end development. Used by both professional React.JS developers and amateur enthusiasts alike, many of the world’s most popular and groundbreaking apps and services are built on the React library.

The Difference Between Angular.JS and React.JS

When analysing a new approach in application development, it’s only responsible to compare it against competing solutions already out there. Both Angular and React are extremely well used and liked as front-end development solutions.

The differences between the two solutions can appear to be subtle, almost trivial, but they have severe and lasting implications. After comparing performance, scalability, learning curve, and functionality—only then can we begin to make a responsible decision about the future of your teams.

Our article, The Difference Between Angular.JS and React.JS explores the precise differences between the two solutions and leaves you in a better place to choose between the two technologies.

Ultimate Guide to React In 2021

This guide to React takes a closer look at the library and dives into the technical issues and features that make it the go-to solution it’s become today. Analysing the technology features that make up React and the advantages it holds over comparable frameworks— it answers the top questions on developer’s minds before being introduced to its tools and technologies.

From React’s component-based design to JSX, the Virtual DOM, and a Flux-based architecture, it’s your chance to learn everything you need to know to discuss the benefits and drawbacks of React in your business.

Breaking down the secret ingredients that go into React, The Ultimate Guide to React.JS in 2021 is a deep-dive into everything you need to know inside and out.

Should You Hire React.JS App Development Freelancers, or an outsourced React.JS team?

With a decision made on choosing React, the choice about how and when to bring these skills into the firm is next on the agenda. Freelance developers or a remote outsourced team?

In truth, both are strong options for producing high-quality React applications. Both will get you where you want to go. Each choice will take its own route to get there, however.

The advantages of a freelance developer come, primarily, from reduced short-term costs, a more rapid onboarding process, and ease of finding specialised talent to meet your requirements—benefits that can be ideal for rapid prototyping, discovery, and evaluation.

The disadvantages often cited by business owners include more frequent project slip, communication challenges, and lack of project oversight. Much like developer tools and resources, each option is better suited for different types of projects.

An Outsourced team, in contrast, typically provides formalised in-house project management, abundant and up-to-date communications, and strict adherence to convention and design.

The advantages of an outsourced team, in the expert experience and professional services they offer, suit large and complex projects particularly well. They may not, however, suit businesses looking to build apps using a more informal or ad-hoc approach.

Our article, Should You Hire React.JS App Development Freelancers, or an outsourced React.JS team?, takes a deep dive into the day-to-day of what a React developer does and takes a look at the factors that go into making a decision between the two.

Hiring React Developers - Best Practices & Job Description Template

As we’ve covered here, hiring a highly skilled React.JS developer is a tough challenge in the current marketplace. The competition is tough. The way your firm presents itself to developers can either draw them to apply to you, or turn them away early in the process.

Creating the right culture, the right kind of atmosphere, and the right kind of online presence is key to both attracting developer talent and making the right kind of developer interested in working with your firm.

A few simple techniques and tweaks to your organisation can be all it takes to transform your business into one ready to onboard React developers. Our guide, Hiring React Developers - Best Practices & Job Description Template, takes you through the process stage by stage. From initial culture and fit to advertising your role and contacting the candidates that will meet the changes ahead.

Should you need more assistance in this hiring process of selecting the right company, tell us what you need. We can do the work for you and connect you with up to 5 companies within 72h that match your need- all for free.

How to Interview a React.JS Developer and What to Look For?

With the culture, online presence, and job description to match—expert level React developers will be pouring into your inbox looking for a space on your project teams. The next step is to interview candidates to find the top-tier applicant’s that will be a natural fit to your company culture and its requirements.

This means finding out which applicants have both the interpersonal skills and technical abilities to get the job done.

Conducting the right kind of interview is as much a technical skill as picking up a new framework or language. It involves asking the right questions, discovering a candidate’s hard and soft skills, and diving deep into the discussion to find out just as much about their communications skills and motivations, as about their technical know-how and experience.

How to Interview a React.JS Developer and What to Look For? takes you step-by-step through the process of interviewing React developers. Our article includes some of the most insightful questions you might ask to find the developer you’ll want to hire from your talented field of applicants.

The Do’s & Don’ts of Managing an Outsourced React Development Team

Managing a team located in another country, time zone, or continent can be one of the most daunting challenges of technical management. Nevertheless the trade-off, when done well, remote teams can unlock new potential and boost productivity.

Since its launch in 2013, React has rapidly expanded to become one of the most widely used frameworks in front end development. Used by both professional React.JS developers and amateur enthusiasts alike, many of the world’s most popular and groundbreaking apps and services are built on the React library.

The secret to reaching these goals is managing the team in exactly the same way you would if they were sitting right next door.

Adhering to a few simple rules of remote team management can transform your management style into one that will work across time zones all around the globe. Most of the techniques and tools you need for success are already in place.

Our excellent article on The Do’s & Don’ts of Managing an Outsourced React Development Team contains everything you need to launch you into managing an outsourced team that produces React apps to meet your requirements.

A Glimpse into The Future of React.JS Development

React.JS has been the future of app development for a seemingly long time. Only recently has it become the present too. Apps produced using React.JS are now serving hundreds of millions of pages every day, and the momentum of the library is only set to grow from here.

Current versions of React are undergoing changes, behind the scenes, that are set to make the library even more reliable, performant, and stable than it is today. These changes are set to ensure React.JS remains a leading technology in front end development for some years to come.

Despite lacking in brand new features, developers are enthusiastic about the changes currently happening in React.JS. Improvements in both React.JS and React Native are set to make skills in the library even more relevant and productive as time goes on—something that should inform your hiring choices in the very near future.

A Glimpse into The Future of React.JS development takes a detailed look at what’s changing in recent versions of React.JS and what these changes are likely to mean for developers in the future.

Hiring React.JS Developers

With such a high rate of adoption and such widespread popularity amongst developers, it’s safe to say that React.JS has transformed the industry since its launch several years ago. Choosing React and onboarding React development teams into your business is a commitment to joining this change and creating dependable and scalable user applications.

With our guide in hand, you should be more than ready to navigate the process from initial requirement gathering through to advertising, interviewing, hiring, and managing your ideal React development team.


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Ian Deed

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Software developer, mobile application engineer, and writer helping companies to enhance their tech branding and improve the way they communicate with technical and non-technical audiences.

Leaning on years of experience and knowledge to understand technical communication that works from wordy jargon that doesn't.

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