Hiring ReactJS Developers to fit your firm

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Hiring ReactJS Developers to fit your firm


ReactJS has recently become the most popular web framework for businesses and teams worldwide. Highly appreciated for its capabilities in creating rich and dynamic front-end web pages, it’s a framework that can do a lot to enhance applications and services for teams. Finding and hiring ReactJS developers to bring these advantages into your firm is a challenge of finding both the technical and interpersonal skills necessary to build great teams.

This is a challenge less about hiring one or two rock star developers and more about putting together a group of high-quality engineers that can build on each other’s contributions.

To hire the developers that can make a difference within your organization, it’s up to you to pay attention to the skills, personalities, differences, and similarities to build a complete and well-rounded team. In hiring technical teams, the soft skills of experienced engineers play just as large a role in success as the knowledge and tools they deploy.

So how do we hire ReactJS developers to build our apps and sites? How do we weigh up the pros and cons of the framework against other popular tools and languages? And how do we hire, interview, and manage our ReactJS teams to ensure future success?

Here, we’ve put together a complete guide and some of our best resources to solve these challenges within your organization. Detailing the steps we’ve taken and providing some essential resources and templates to start you off on the right foot, we’ve compiled some essential resources to help you overcome these obstacles with ease.

Choosing ReactJS Development

Originally developed by Facebook as an internal framework to provide critical tools lacking in JavaScript at the time, ReactJS rapidly grew from its initial release in 2013 to play a leading role in front-end web development. Today, ReactJS is maintained by Meta and used to build single-page apps, mobile, and server-side applications in conjunction with an ecosystem of back-end libraries and tools.

Today, ReactJS supports Meta’s web projects in addition to seeing widespread adoption throughout the tech industry in sites such as Paypal and Ebay.

The headline advantages of the framework make it easy to see why it’s been so readily adopted by organizations, particularly in the tech industry. For React development teams, these advantages include:

  • Modular components. ReactJS boasts a component-based architecture that makes maintenance, code re-use, and management easier by design. Organizations with the developers and tooling available to take advantage of this architecture can save vast amounts of time and create more robust applications

  • Inherent scalability.Another advantage of modular design, ReactJS is easier to scale than most other platforms. A simple process of adding new components, replacing old ones with more robust code, and making encapsulated changes instead of re-fitting an entire application. React’s architecture makes scaling to meet demand a far easier process

  • Exceptional community.React’s abundant advantages and open-source design has led to a large and thriving community of developers surrounding the framework. There’s no shortage of resources and assistance to lean on to aid your team’s development

Of course, React comes with its fair share of drawbacks and disadvantages too. As a relatively immature and fast-moving framework, it’s one that is still open to change and difficult for teams to keep up with at times.

Looking at each of these advantages and drawbacks in great detail, as well as analyzing whether ReactJS is indeed the right tool for your business, our article on the pros and cons of ReactJS development goes through the framework’s features point-by-point to help you make the right decisions for your organization.

Getting to Know ReactJS

If you want to dive even deeper still into the technical details and features of the framework, we’ve got additional resources to guide you. For example, when hiring ReactJS developers it can help to know the ins and outs of the framework and tooling yourself to make better decisions in building your teams.

To get to know JSX, from Flux, understand the virtual DOM and architecture of the framework, we’ve put together the ultimate guide to ReactJS, a brief article on the framework’s highlights and advantages that matter when choosing a technology to bring into your firm.

With an in-depth knowledge of ReactJS, and an understanding of what makes it so powerful and productive for teams, you should begin to get an idea of what the technology and its teams can achieve within your organization.

Complete due diligence, however, means comparing the framework against related technologies and tools before making a final decision on tooling, hiring, and strategy. The market for front-end web frameworks is one of the most crowded and competitive in today’s technologies.

To assist in making this tough decision, one of our web technology experts has put together an article comparing ReactJS to its next nearest competitor in web development, AngularJS. Outlining the UI differences and performance comparison—our guide to the difference between AngularJS and ReactJS is an invaluable resource on the technical differences between both frameworks.

Hiring ReactJS Developers

With an in-depth knowledge of the technologies involved, and an understanding of how ReactJS stacks up against other options, the next thing you need to do is put together a team that’s going to lean on the framework’s advantages and see your projects through from design to deployment.

This means considering your candidate’s technical experience as much as their soft skills and interpersonal abilities. It is, after all, these factors combined that will create a cohesive team unit with more productivity than each engineer could achieve in isolation. Getting to this goal is a technical skill itself that comes with practice, patience, knowledge, and experience in the field of technical hiring.

If these are things your organization has yet to build, then we’ve put together some articles and resources to let you borrow some of ours. Taking you through the hiring process when it comes to ReactJS developers, we’ve included everything you need to know to make a start on the process today.

Here, we start with deciding on the type of team you should hire for the role. Looking carefully at whether you should choose freelance developers to bring into your firm or an outsourced team to undertake your next major project. We’ve put together a guide that weighs up the advantages and drawbacks of both approaches in detail. Our article on hiring a freelance React developer or outsourced React team can help you find the solution that fits your firm.

The next hiring challenge for your firm to take on is finding React developers in today’s tough market. This means going through the steps of creating an online presence for developers to find, building an internal culture that values experience, and using the right tools and techniques to advertise your firm to prospective candidates.

For many, this might be a new and intimidating set of challenges to embark on. The reality is that entry into this market isn’t as far away as it seems. In fact, our guide to hiring ReactJS developers can take you through the process, guide you on best practices, and even provide a job description template that will see you land high-quality candidates in no time at all.

ReactJS Technical Interview

The last stage in the hiring process is the technical interview. Something that’s equally difficult for both hiring managers and candidates, this is a topic that deserves a lot of thought and attention right from the start.

In a crowded marketplace, it’s important that your firm stands out in a candidate’s mind as much as they do in yours. The interview is a key chance to demonstrate your firm’s commitment to building a rewarding culture and workplace and create a high-quality environment for creative thinking, application building, and problem-solving.

Starting with general interview questions to find out if a candidate is a good fit for the company and culture, then moving on to technical and practical questions to find out if they’re a good fit for the team—hiring a great ReactJS developer can be as simple as a great conversation with your team.

To help you achieve this in your business, we’ve put together a guide on how to interview a ReactJS developer and what to look for. Starting with what a ReactJS developer does day-to-day and what kind of skills you should expect them to have—our guide dives deep into the details about what to ask to find the right developers that will be the very best fit for your teams.

Managing ReactJS Developers

The final stage in creating ReactJS teams that can build success for your organization is learning how to manage these techincal teams to bring out the best of their abilities. Communicating well, avoiding the pitfalls of micromanagement, and building trust are key components of creating quality development teams that last into the future.

While management is another technical skill that is learned best from practical experience and expertise, it’s also one where you can lean on good advice and better practice to build your own through trial and error. Here, we’ve put together some key pieces of advice when it comes to technical management to avoid some of the major errors when it comes to managing ReactJS developers.

Starting with a handful of tips and tricks that will start you on the right track, our guide to the do’s and don’ts of managing outsourced ReactJS development teams contains everything you need to do, and the things you need to avoid, to create a happy and successful development team inside your organization.

If you need to dive deeper into the ins and outs of good management when it comes to ReactJS teams, we’ve got you covered here too. Starting with our comprehensive guide to hiring ReactJS developers, our resources can take you from initial app idea to building complete services in record-breaking time.

Precisely what this means for your organization and the future of its services is up to you. ReactJS is a highly capable tool for building single-page web apps and services capable of changing the world. Technology company Netflix has done precisely that, deploying the technology successfully amongst its teams to provide record-breaking services to users.

By picking up such a highly productive framework with a rich user community and ecosystem, you are leaving the door open to do a lot more than you might think possible with these tools today.

To see where React is heading in the near future, find out what’s changing within the framework, and prepare for what’s to come next—our article provides a glimpse into the future of React.JS development that could prove invaluable for your organization.

Leaning on ReactJS

Whether you’re building the next media-streaming service, financial services revolution, or simply getting your business out there into the world—ReactJS is an excellent choice to create highly productive online services.

The key to your success is finding the teams that work well together, fit the culture of the organization, and contain both the technical and soft skills to drive towards success. With our resources here you should be able to begin finding, managing, and building these teams within your company today.


Q1. How do I Hire React developers?

Hiring a React developer can be as easy as inviting applications from experienced engineers with a strong job description template and a good advertisement for your firm. The very best way to reach these developers is through the networks of engineers, companies, and staff you’ve employed in the past. Advertising your firm as one that’s seeking out React skillsets for interesting new projects with a great deal of opportunities can have applicants coming to you in large numbers.

From these candidates, you should be able to conduct a high-quality technical interview focused on React that demonstrates good technical knowledge as well as the interpersonal skills necessary to build your teams. The right candidate should be able to demonstrate clean, readable, and modular code when it comes to React engineering and be ideally placed with a rich portfolio of applications relevant to your industry. Finding all these in a single candidate with the right personality to fit isn’t always easy but is achievable with a little guidance along the way.

Q2. How Much is a React Developer Paid?

The average U.S salary for a ReactJS developer was $58,000 last year. This figure places React fifth amongst the most well-paid web frameworks in use today. Ruby on Rails, in comparison, averaged a little over $77,000 for its developers while competing framework Angular averaged just under $49,000 median salary for its developers.

Conversely, React development skill sets were the most in-demand in the same year with React topping the list of the most commonly used web framework amongst professional developers. In contrast, Ruby on Rails was far outside the top 10, with less than 8% of professional developers using the framework to build on the web. Frameworks Svelte, ASP.NET Core, and Gatsby completed the top 5 most highly paid based on developers’ median salary in the previous year. ASP.NET, and Flask fell just behind React at $56,000 and $54,000 respectively.

Q3. Are ReactJS developers in demand?

React developers are the most in-demand skill set in  web technologies today. Recently overtaking jQuery as the most commonly used web framework amongst developers React is used by more than 40% of developers today, in comparison to jQuery being used by 34% of developers and Angular’s 26%.

Amongst developers themselves, React is one of the most highly appreciated web technologies with a little under 70% of developers richly appreciating what the technology can provide. Being highly productive, efficient with development time, and capable in creating highly-attractive applications is what has led to ReactJS being a framework in such high demand today. In the near future, we can expect that demand to translate into an increased need for ReactJS engineering skill sets as today’s apps require ongoing upgrades, maintenance, and improvements. It could be that demand for ReactJS developers is only at the beginning of an upward curve for engineering skills within the framework.


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Ian Deed

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Software developer, mobile application engineer, and writer helping companies to enhance their tech branding and improve the way they communicate with technical and non-technical audiences.

Leaning on years of experience and knowledge to understand technical communication that works from wordy jargon that doesn't.

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