Top 15 Flutter Resources to Boost Your App Development

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Top 15 Flutter Resources to Boost Your App Development


Flutter is one of the fastest-rising app development tools appreciated by software developers today. Known for creating exceptional user interfaces, publishing user-friendly apps, and creating highly productive code — it's a technology well worth learning for both experienced and novice developers looking for a way to reach a broader audience. To help you learn Flutter and the Dart language that supports it, we've put together 15 of the best Flutter resources for learning to use the platform effectively in a productive development environment.

Our diverse range of Flutter resources spans expert blogs, hands-on tutorials, YouTube videos, and tips and tricks that demonstrate the features of Google's unique SDK. Within these links, you're certain to find quality resources that suit your preferred style of learning and study. With advice from learning experts, Google staff, and software engineering professionals even experienced application developers will find a thing or two they don't know about Flutter and its tools within these links.

If you want to learn more about Flutter and Dart from our perspective, you can take a look through our Flutter development resources. Through years of experience and many hands-on projects, we've put together everything you need to know about hiring, managing, and deploying Flutter developers to build your apps and services.

15 Flutter Resources to Learn Good Development Practices

Whether you're brushing up on a lost skill or learning Flutter from scratch, these Flutter resources are well worth a few hours of your time to ensure you're up to date with the latest tools and thinking when it comes to the framework.

Software engineer working on code behind a computer monitor in an office environment

Code With Andrea

One of the best resources for developers just starting with Flutter, Code with Andrea is a website that hosts tutorials, courses, and practical code examples that can take you right from day 1 through to a highly advanced stage of software engineering. Having served over 30,000 students and an audience of tens of thousands more subscribed Flutter developers, the site is an exceptional resource for learning Flutter, Dart, and Firebase.

The Code with Andrea page hosts its content across an impressive array of well-written articles, YouTube video tutorials, and bite-sized Flutter tips and tricks to keep developers up-to-date with changes and information about the platform.

For novice developers unsure where to start, or those suffering from information overload when it comes to Flutter, Code With Andrea is one of the best resources out there for featuring clear and concise information from a Google developer expert.

Tim Sneath

One of Flutter's product managers at Google, Tim Sneath has an excellent Flutter blog that announces new features, demonstrates interesting code snippets, and talks about areas of the framework and language developers are likely to find interesting.

Blogging on Flutter topics since initially joining Google from Microsoft in 2017, Tim's blog is one of several invaluable insights into the platform that comes from engineers actively working on improving the project. Developers actively working with Flutter in day-to-day projects are likely to get the most out of Tim's blog. Keeping tabs on these regular announcements and sneak-peaks at functionality coming to the framework is a great way to stay up-to-date on the future of Flutter and the tools likely to provide an invaluable resource for your upcoming applications and projects.

Ray Wenderlich

A resource that will be familiar to many developers who have come into software engineering in the last 10+ years, Ray Wenderlich publishes a vast amount of learning resources on mobile application development. The site caters to topics that span not just Flutter but native iOS and Android application development too.

With articles, hands-on tutorials, videos, and even books on how to design and build mobile applications there are more than enough resources to take a deep dive into Flutter development. These resources are exceptionally well suited to beginners just starting out learning mobile application development or those coming from a different technical background. There is more than enough content, however, to keep you going through the duration of your career.

Sanjib Sinha

An excellent Flutter resource that looks carefully at how to use the framework effectively and how to improve your Flutter code, Sanjib Sinha is an expert on Flutter, Dart, and data science among other technical topics. The author has published several books covering each of these fields in addition to a wide array of tutorials and blog posts that cover improving Flutter development through better coding practices.

Sanjib Sinah's Flutter resources are ideally suited to intermediate developers looking to learn new language features and aiming to improve the way they write Flutter apps. For almost all aspiring Flutter developers, however, it's a resource well worth subscribing to for the regular updates and guides on using new and upcoming features of the framework.

Flutter Awesome

For developers looking for a greater volume of information and some practical real-world examples of code to learn from, Flutter Awesome is an exceptionally helpful tool. The site curates some of the best Flutter code from around the web with an array of libraries, apps, and resources that will suit anyone from beginner to professional level.

Flutter awesome doesn't have the same detailed step-by-step tutorials and guides that other resources benefit from but, for experienced developers, the vast amount of real-world examples and code snippets to learn from can make a huge impact in building future applications.

Pawan Kumar

A Google Developer Expert for all things Flutter, Dart, and Firebase, Pawan Kumar has produced one of the most comprehensive Flutter code resources currently available.

As a Flutter and Dart expert, Kumar's articles, videos, and updates on the technology are invaluable resources for any developer. What sets Kumar's resources apart from the rest of the field, however, is the code examples and demo apps available through his GitHub page. These example apps provide an array of real-world applications to download and run to provide a starting point for developers to learn from and explore at their own pace.

JaYoung Lee

As a UX (user experience) researcher at Google, JaYoung Lee provides excellent and authoritative insider content about how developers use Flutter and ways the platform can be improved in the future. These insights are well worth subscribing to as a developer at any stage of your career. Lee's keen insights provide an invaluable source of information about the platform you can't get from anywhere else.

Flutter developers will learn a lot from Lee's posts about how to use Flutter more productively, how other teams are deploying the technology, and what they should be focusing on to stay ahead of the competition.

Flutter Fever

Flutter Fever is a high-quality Medium publication that gathers together some of the latest news, tutorials, and resources available for Flutter development. The range of articles that Flutter Fever publishes for developers is broad enough to include tutorials and tools in addition to facts and features you might not have heard about anywhere else.

As a developer, keeping on top of these resources can quickly turn you into an expert as new tools and techniques are constantly being released to update the Flutter platform.

Fun With Flutter

Another interesting Flutter publication, Fun with Flutter is a publication that caters very well to developers migrating to the Flutter platform from another technology or those initially learning software development. The publication boasts a range of easy-to-follow tutorials, complete and comprehensive guides to application development, and a vast and knowledgeable community that can help to speed up the learning process for novice developers.

The site is built and run by Gordon Hayes, a developer with many years of experience creating and publishing apps across multiple platforms. Combining hands-on coding, detailed explanations, and useful code snippets, there are few resources as informative for junior developers as Fun with Flutter.

Launch Club

For developers slightly more familiar with software engineering practices, or with some existing knowledge of Flutter, Launch Club is a publication that takes a deep dive into more detailed real-world example applications for Flutter. Developers can learn a great deal from examples of code and working production-ready applications for developing their ideas.

Launch Club's advanced content ranges from Firebase tutorials to crypto, third-party integrations, and beyond. These courses include complete masterclasses on topics such as UI and database design to ensure developers get a chance to learn everything there is to know about building Flutter apps.

Johannes Milke

One of the best practical developer insights you can get into using Flutter today is through Johannes Milke's Flutter resources. The Software developer based in Germany has contributed significant amounts of free time and energy to creating a series of detailed Flutter video tutorials on YouTube.

Milke's tutorials frequently cover developing complete Flutter applications that are similar to apps used on the market today. These resources can be an excellent starting point for many developers and a way to learn new tips and techniques to implement ideas you've had in the past. Milke's videos are accessible even for new developers and easy to follow with links to code that implement the ideas discussed.

The Flutter Ninja

Another excellent developer resource, The Flutter Ninja has an array of Flutter projects and tutorials that self-motivated learners will be able to richly benefit from. In addition to creating practical solutions, the Flutter Ninja also creates guides to some of the more abstract concepts and hidden features in Flutter development.

This is a Flutter resource that can be immensely useful for students studying the topic in a formal setting as well as developers learning how to build Flutter applications.

The Flutter Way

A YouTube channel focused on the UI capabilities of Flutter development, The Flutter Way is a great resource to help developers improve their Flutter skills and get to know the framework's unique advantages. Each lesson is presented by Google Developer Expert Abu Anwar and offers a comprehensive free resource for Flutter developers to enhance their skills.

Since March 2020, The Flutter Way has grown to 174,000 subscribers and assisted many more developers in addition to that. Resources such as these are changing the way developers learn languages and tools for the better and creating a more accessible and flexible way to approach technical topics.

User interacting with an iPad and laptop computer together in a cross-platform application

Syntac Ops

Another invaluable YouTube Resource, SyntacOps is a Flutter development channel run by expert Flutter programmer Jay Ben. In contrast to several other resources discussed here, SyntacOps doesn't offer complete application solutions to developers. Instead, Ben's tutorials take a deep dive into focusing on individual application components and how they work together to create robust and reliable applications.

The SyntacsOps approach allows developers to focus on just the components they need for their app and get the detailed advice and analysis they need in under 5 minutes. SyntacOps is an excellent channel and resource for developers that are highly self-motivated in their approach to learning to use Flutter.

Awesome Flutter Tips

A Flutter resource run by Flutter developer Laxman Bhattarai, Awesome Flutter Tips is a developer resource that helps developers learn to be more productive and time-efficient with their Flutter code.

This resource is consistently being updated with tips and tricks that even senior developers may have missed over years. From data classes and relative import packages to IDE tricks and tools to save time (and mistakes!) Awesome Flutter Tips invariably has something that you'll be grateful to add to your toolbox.

Learning From Flutter Resources

Whether you're just starting as a Flutter developer or already a seasoned expert like our Flutter development companies you'll find something to learn, study, and take a deep dive into in one of our Flutter resources listed above.


Q1. Is Flutter the future?

Flutter is a highly promising technology for future cross-platform development. Recent changes to Flutter 3.0 unveiled desktop and web programming tools to assist developers in targeting a broader range of platforms with reusable and highly productive code.

The Flutter platform has been rapidly growing in use and appreciation since its initial release in 2017. Recently, Google's toolkit caught up with and surpassed React Native as the most popular cross-platform tool. The unique advantages and architecture of Flutter make it a technology that is highly promising for developers at all levels. The opportunities it presents to reduce costs, create exceptional interfaces, and share code amongst multiple platforms make it a tool well worth considering in most companies and teams.

These unique characteristics of the technology and its ever-growing popularity combine to give Flutter a promising place in the future of application development.

Q2. Is Flutter full stack?

No, Flutter is a front-end development framework that enables developers to build exceptional interfaces and user experiences for mobile, desktop, and web applications. The key goals behind Flutter involve enabling developers to create streamlined cross-platform user experiences that are consistent across each of a user's devices.

Of course, technically speaking, Flutter is far more than a framework on its own. Flutter comes bundled with all the tools, resources, and code necessary to build and run applications that are largely isolated from the underlying platform. In this sense, Flutter is an SDK (software development kit) that includes the graphics engine and widgets necessary to display a consistent UI. Included in this SDK is a frontend framework that developers build from when implementing their Flutter applications. Flutter's frontend technologies can be combined with any number of backend frameworks including BaaS (backend as a service), low-code, and no-code solutions to produce exceptional applications.

Q3. Is Flutter a high-paying job?

According to the Stack Overflow developer insights survey, the median salary for a Flutter developer is a little over $10,000 more compared to last year.

In comparison to related technologies and languages, Flutter is lacking behind in developer compensation. React Native developers, for example, have a median salary of $54,000 despite the latter technology having a greater abundance of JavaScript developers and a far more mature user base.

JavaScript developers command a much higher salary than Dart developers at 43,700. A large part of this disparity is in Google's dart language being closely coupled to the Flutter platform.

With such a drastic $10,000 change from one year to the next, however, these signals might suggest that salaries are rapidly increasing as the Flutter framework gains popularity and appreciation amongst development teams and companies.


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Ian Deed

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Software developer, mobile application engineer, and writer helping companies to enhance their tech branding and improve the way they communicate with technical and non-technical audiences.

Leaning on years of experience and knowledge to understand technical communication that works from wordy jargon that doesn't.

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