A Comprehensive Guide to Hiring Javascript Engineering Teams

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September 6, 2021

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A Comprehensive Guide to Hiring Javascript Engineering Teams


JavaScript is the world’s most popular programming language and a powerful tool in software development. It allows for rapid building and instant publishing to a global audience. To harness this power, it's crucial to have the right team. Whether you need a JavaScript expert to refine your existing pages or a full engineering team to create apps from scratch, understanding JavaScript hiring is key to success.

This guide simplifies the technologies, jargon, and resources you need to know. Whether you're targeting web apps, cross-platform mobile development, or desktop frameworks, building a skilled JavaScript team ensures your applications and services are deployed effectively. We can connect you with up to 5 companies that match your needs within 72 hours — for free.

Our Comprehensive Guide to Hiring JavaScript Teams covers the features, benefits, and drawbacks of JavaScript development. It includes tips on hiring, interviewing, and managing your team, as well as an overview of related technologies and frameworks. With these resources, you'll be equipped to build problem-solving apps that will shape your future.

Pros and Cons of JavaScript Development

For some time now, JavaScript has been the world's single most popular programming language. It’s used to implement everything from web services to mobile, desktop, and even automotive applications.

Used by both experts and enthusiasts, the JavaScript language has some key features which make it a powerful ally to have. Key amongst these is the rapid speed and inherent simplicity of its application.

JavaScript is often cited as being ideally suited for prototyping, experimentation, and design. The rapid pace and extreme versatility that the language enables make it ideally suited to teams looking to approach development with an iterative approach.

On the other side of the coin are teams that feel the language is too permissive and overly forgiving on inconsistencies and mistakes. In JavaScript, there are both developers who swear by it and those who steer away or modify the language to address its weaknesses.

Finding a middle-ground between either of these approaches is a difficult task. Our guide to the pros and cons of JavaScript development can help you weigh up the advantages of JavaScript against its drawbacks to decide on the right approach for your firm moving forward.

The Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Frameworks

Perhaps one of the undersold advantages of JavaScript is the abundant frameworks and platforms available to build on within the language. JavaScript is rich in both web development and mobile cross-platform frameworks for a wide range of use cases.

Each of these offer the opportunity to speed up the process of application development, a robust and reliable platform for developers to build on, and provide community support as well as the tools and resources to augment your development teams. Advantages that are hard to pass up in a competitive commercial environment.

Knowing what framework to choose, when, and for what task to choose them is a technical challenge. Even highly experienced application developers struggle. Our ultimate guide to JavaScript frameworks provides everything you need to discuss some of the most relevant and up-to-date JavaScript frameworks with your teams today.

Should You Hire JavaScript App Development Freelancers, or an Outsourced JavaScript Team?

Beginning to pull together the language, tools, and frameworks you plan to use in future deployment — the next step is to decide how you’re planning to recruit JavaScript skill-sets into your team.

Both Freelance JavaScript developers and outsourced JavaScript teams offer benefits and drawbacks which will suit different projects and professional environments. As with most technical solutions, in hiring, there’s no one-size-fits-all fix that solves every problem.

Freelance JavaScript professionals bring an affordable and flexible option that enables you to onboard the JavaScript experience at very short notice. Freelance is often ideally suited to small, one-off projects that can be handled with minimal supervision or feedback.

On the downside, there is additional unreliability and cost of management that makes freelance developers an unattractive option for many businesses.

Outsourced JavaScript teams offer dedicated support, experience, and project management that many companies rely on to implement major services and applications. While more expensive than bringing in freelance individuals, it’s an option that offers many advantages in project reliability, experience, and professional level B2B support.

Ensuring you’ve done your full due diligence is key to setting off on either path. Here, our article: Should you hire JavaScript app development freelancers, or an outsourced JavaScript team has you covered.

Hiring JavaScript Developers - Best Practices & Job Description Template

With so many JavaScript developers available, you’d be forgiven for thinking finding and recruiting these skills into your firm should be comparatively easy. In truth, the demand for JavaScript talent has never been higher than it is today. The competition for hiring engineers has never been quite so tough.

Major tech firms from the local level to Silicon Valley and beyond are always on the search for the most capable JavaScript developers they can find. Most of the world’s most popular apps, services, and platforms contain JavaScript code within their stack.

Hiring JavaScript engineers to your firm means positioning your company and projects in front of developers with an interest in both the technologies you use and the services you provide. This means a strong online presence and a job description that brings in the developer you need to plug gaps in your knowledge.

We have prepared an excellent resource on hiring JavaScript developers, including the best practices to follow and a job description template that will get you started on your search.

Should you need help to build your team of developers, we can help you with that, just tell us what you need. We can do the work for you and connect you with up to 5 companies within 72h that match your need- all for free.

How to Interview a JavaScript Developer and What to Look For

One of the key questions hiring managers have, for any technology or language, is how to hire engineers and experts without possessing a deep background knowledge of the topic yourself? The key is to ask the questions that allow the candidates to talk to you about the wider subject and their skills.

A golden rule of education is that you don’t truly know a topic until you can teach it to someone else. This makes a useful rule to use to conduct interviews.

If there’s a technology or technique you don’t know about yet, ask! Have the candidate teach you a thing or two about the subject they hold expert knowledge in. A strong candidate should be able to discuss the topic with any audience at all. The experience should help you stand out in their mind as well as allow them to stand out in yours.

Our article, "How to Interview a JavaScript Developer and What to Look For”, contains a complete breakdown of the dos and don’ts of constructing a great JavaScript interview. One that will highlight the right candidate and ensure the perfect fit for your firm.

The Do’s & Don’ts of Managing a Remote Javascript Team

Remote teams give management and developers the freedom, resources, and space to create and build in an environment conducive to exceptional development. In an inexperienced team, these advantages can come at the cost of smooth communication and additional admin overhead. The “trick” is to find a balancing point that works for everyone.

Avoiding these drawbacks in remote teams. Turning them into an advantage instead is just a matter of following a few simple rules. There are rarely even tools to add or processes to change.

Our article on the do’s & don’ts of managing a remote Javascript team contains everything you need for simple and effective management of a remote JavaScript Team.

JavaScript Engineering Team

Starting out on the endeavour of building a JavaScript engineering team can be a daunting task. It can feel like there is a never-ending list of steps and rules to remember to guarantee success.

In truth, a few small secrets and keys — shared in our articles — are all it takes to ensure your business transforms into one of the most notable and productive out there, with a JavaScript team to power it forward.


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Ian Deed

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Software developer, mobile application engineer, and writer helping companies to enhance their tech branding and improve the way they communicate with technical and non-technical audiences.

Leaning on years of experience and knowledge to understand technical communication that works from wordy jargon that doesn't.

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