Laravel Developer Resume: A Detailed Example

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Laravel Developer Resume: A Detailed Example


Getting the ideal Laravel developer job means your skills, experience, and interest match the needs of today's marketplace. More importantly, it matches the needs of the company you want to work for. However, you won't get the job even with the right skills and experience if you write a poor Laravel developer resume.

There are many developers whose only roadblock to getting their ideal PHP-Laravel developer job is their resume. Some don't know how to reflect on their experience, while many don't proofread or use keywords. According to Harvard and Accenture, 94% of resumes get rejected because they don't use keywords. They didn't match "the exact criteria" listed in the "job description."

A woman working in PHP.  Laravel developer job requires working through PHP framework.

Your experience using PHP programming to create functional web-based apps is unappreciated in a poor resume, and I’ll resolve that. Let's start with the core misunderstanding of CVs and resumes.

Laravel Developer Resume vs. CV: Key Difference

Most jobs require a resume, although some applicants mistake resumes for CVs. I taught in an online CV and resume writing class a few months ago; many attendees thought resumes and CVs were the same. What you need for most online and skilled roles is a resume, not a CV, and here's the critical difference.

The Formatting

The formatting distinguishes CVs from resumes and vice versa, although they both show your identity, skills, educational background, work experience, interests, and other relevant information. Your resume should be short (2 pages, max), easy to read, and focused on your previous achievement to show how you can add value to the company.

It should include sections like:

  • Personal details;
  • A headline;
  • Personal statement/professional summary;
  • Skills;
  • Work experience;
  • Education and qualifications;
  • Achievements, and
  • References.

Your references, if applicable, should be names (and email addresses) of two to three people who can vouch for your skills. They may be your previous clients or employers.

However, a CV is more extensive and elaborate. It includes your:

  • Contact information;
  • Education (including thesis, dissertation, and certificates);
  • Honors and awards;
  • Professional experience;
  • Publications and presentations;
  • Extracurricular activities or volunteer experience, interests;
  • Objective summary;
  • Certifications;
  • Professional affiliations;
  • Professional activities;
  • Research conducted, and any other information.

The list is exhaustive; it's why many say CVs are boring. It's usually between 3 to 10 pages. It's mostly needed for jobs in academia, scientific laboratories, research tanks, high-political jobs, and affiliated roles. Here's an example.

Laravel Developer Resume Example

Name: John Doe

Suite 206, Middletown, 651 North Broad Street, Delaware, USA.

+1 (555) 810 3675

(you can include a hyperlink to your LinkedIn profile here, as well as add your work portfolio)

John Doe is a proficient senior PHP-Laravel developer with 5+ years of experience. He has proven expertise in easing development pains like routing, authentication, sessions and caching, and web app development through Laravel Framework. A W3Schools certified PHP developer with expertise in HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and MySQL, he is capable of building responsive web and app designs to improve customer experience.


  • Knowledge of programming languages like HTML, CSS, JQuery, and JavaScript.
  • API design skills with expertise in RESTful web services and design.
  • Expertise in MVC and OOP.
  • PHP programming skills, with experience in Laravel Framework, MySQL database, Zend Framework, and Smarty.
  • Expertise in DBMS.
  • Experience with project management frameworks.
  • Understanding of iOS and Android latest updates.
  • Knowledge of APIs and cloud computing tech.
  • Strong communication, leadership, organizational, and teamwork skills.
  • Self-discipline and motivation with adherence to professionalism and work ethics.

Note: You can split this section into columns while writing your custom Laravel developer resume.


Lead PHP Developer

Workin Geeks, London, United Kingdom, 2021 - present

  • He uses open-source to modify work and integrate changes into a larger project.
  • He creates detailed briefs for fellow developers' needs using project management tools.
  • He used MySQL to save processes and triggers and optimize complex business domains.
  • He trains new developers on third-party APIs to improve productivity by 30% and reduce workload.
  • He uses JIRA, Bitbucket, Git code, Agile & Scrum teams to maximize workflow.
  • He has experience using HATEOAS, JSON, JSON-LD, API design, Swagger, and other RESTful APIs.
  • He has experience in authentication and authorization standards like OAuth, OpenID Connect (OIDC), SAML, JWT, OAuth, and OKTA.

Senior PHP Laravel Developer

Nomad Tech Nerds Agency, Delaware, US, 2019-2021

  • He oversaw the web application development cycle of more than five apps from the concept & research to post-launch stages.
  • He created a custom development process and architecture to improve workflow and communication.
  • He adopted project management tools to improve team efficiency by 50%.
  • He consistently used new trends and web development best practices to ensure that HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are consistent and valid on all portfolio apps.
  • He built a custom web-based app to evaluate tasks, take suggestions, and improve the technical process of a job, improving productivity by 50%.
  • He coordinated co-developers and served as a liaison between them and project managers in the agency and other companies.

Junior PHP Laravel Developer

Schumacher Technologies Agency, Munich, Germany, 2017-2019

  • He improved customer experience by 30% by maintaining and updating the company's web applications portfolio.
  • He built innovative applications while collaborating with the User Experience (UX) team.
  • He contributed to the research of the User Experience (UX) team to build a custom web for users.
  • He ensured consistency of HTML, CSS, and shared JavaScript on applications.
  • He used backend data services to increase data services API.
  • He communicated with the lead developer on tasks.

Note: Focus on the tools or programming languages you used and the results. Consider how those results can be valuable to an ideal company/agency where you want to work while building your resume. This lets you create a resume tailored to their needs, as established in the job description.


California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, 2010-2014

BSC, Computer Science

Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA

M. Sc in Computer Science, 2015-2017

Note: While this is a custom Laravel developer resume example, the companies, work experience, and other details are false. The author didn't undergo training in any of the institutions.

Now that you know what should be in your resume for the role, it's a guide for yours. However, aside from the guide above, here are some essential things you should never forget.

5 Tips to Improve Your Resume

A Laravel developer resume on paper rests on the edge of a laptop keyboard at an angle

There are tens of testaments you must never ignore while creating your resume. The following are five tips that determine your success or failure:

Don't Ignore Keywords

The keywords for your role would be Laravel Developer, experienced in using Laravel Framework, PHP-Laravel developer, MySQL, JavaScript, and others that match the job description.

Using keywords increases your chances of being invited to an interview. The keywords make it easy for recruiters to scan your resume, which makes you distinguishable from other applicants. It'll also make it easy for resume reading algorithms like Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) to assess your resume. After all, a survey shows that over 98.8% of Fortune 500 companies, 66% of large companies, and 35% of small organizations now use recruitment software.

Highlight Your Skills

Your skills should be accessible at a glance, as seen in the Laravel developer resume example above. Your skills could be around your knowledge of programming languages (mention them). It's why skills are recommended to feature on the top page.

Your skills could also be your understanding of project management frameworks, mastery of recent updates, knowledge of cloud computing, etcetera. However, you should also include soft skills. These are skills that reflect the kind of person that you are and could be:

  • Strong coordination and organizational skills
  • Leadership, teamwork, and empathy
  • Cultural intelligence, professionalism, and commitment to work
  • Discipline, open-mindedness, and ability to take responsibility

Mix these skills with hard skills so there's a reasonable blend. If you think it'll take the whole page, split them into columns and keep them between 6 to 10 bullet points.

Proofread for Spelling, Punctuations, and Grammatical Errors

Your resume isn't completed until you proofread it. Recruiters are turned off by spelling, punctuation, and grammatical mistakes, which is why you shouldn't dare it. Every sentence must be followed by a punctuation mark, including bullet points. Although 57% of recruiters would reject a resume longer than two pages, 75% of recruiters would reject resumes with grammatical errors. You can get a colleague to vet your resume before you apply to any company.

Let Your LinkedIn or Portfolio Reflect Recent Experience

Many recruiters (after shortlisting) check candidates' LinkedIn profiles. They want to see more of your work and possibly verify the details on your resume. Your Laravel developer resume may be detailed, but you'd still leave some things out if you have over ten years of experience. Therefore, updating your LinkedIn profile and portfolio is essential for success.

Quantify Your Success Rate

If your architecture or custom-designed framework saves time or money, quantify it. It could be 40% or 20%; quantify it based on the time/money spent rather than what could've been spent without your framework. This makes recruiters see you as an innovative developer who'll find ways (and measure how) to save them time and money.

What Next?

Creating a Laravel developer resume can be tricky because you'd love to charm your potential employees. Understanding the job description and role is a simple tip to make the process easier. It shows the recruiters that you read the job description well and are ready for an interview. It also shows that you pay attention to detail. All you need to do after submission is to wait to be invited for an interview.


Q1. What does a Laravel developer do?

A Laravel developer uses the Laravel Framework in PHP to design and build services, tools, and web-based applications. They're proficient in web technologies and programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and others. The goal is to use these tools to build web-supporting applications, collaborate with other developers, and facilitate efficiency in Application Programming Interface (API).

Q2. What is a headline for a resume?

Your headline summarizes the skills and experience you highlight throughout your resume. It should include the keywords on the job description, and it must be concise in demonstrating why you're the right fit for the role. It's also used to grab the hiring manager's attention and, in most cases, get them to read through your application. Your Laravel developer resume headline (or title) expresses your value. It could be: A PHP-Laravel developer with 5+ years of web development experience.

Q3. What's a good summary for a resume?

Your resume summary is a professional or personal statement that previews who you are, your skills/abilities, experience, and how you can help. It's usually about 1-4 sentences, or under 100 words, and can also be called an elevator pitch. For example:

“John Doe is a proficient senior PHP-Laravel developer with 5+ years of experience. He has proven expertise in easing development pains like routing, authentication, sessions and caching, and web app development through Laravel Framework. A W3Schools certified PHP developer with expertise in HTML/CSS, JavaScript, and MySQL, he is capable of building responsive web and app designs to improve customer experience.”


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Peace Akinwale

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I'm Peace Akinwale, a freelance B2B writer specializing in SaaS. With over 5 years of experience and a HubSpot Academy certification, I excel in crafting engaging SEO content that drives results for your business.

I have worked with diverse clients like, HackerNoon, FanDuel, and Bays Planet Foundation. The experience has improved my understanding of search intent, research, data-led and journalism-rich content. This ability allows me to write compelling pieces that provide practical value to readers and improve your company's visibility on SERPs.

Currently focused on martech, my writing experience spans various industries, including tech, software, finance, lifestyle, and more. I'm adaptable and can tackle any subject matter in SaaS, bringing a fresh perspective to your content strategy.

As a content marketer, I have a proven track record of success, such as contributing to a 40% increase in website traffic within four months and helping my previous agency grow its client base by 40% through referrals from satisfied clients.

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