A Comprehensive Guide to Hiring Python Engineering Teams

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September 20, 2021

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A Comprehensive Guide to Hiring Python Engineering Teams


Python has remained one of the world’s most popular and productive programming languages for over the past decade. Easy to learn, highly efficient, and well-appreciated amongst both students and professionals, it’s easy to see how the language has gathered such a large following. Using it recreationally and deploying it into your business, however, are two very different tasks.

This guide and the articles that accompany it will take you through a deep dive into the Python features and functionality that make the language work well for your business.

After helping you to decide whether or not Python is the right tool for the job, we take a look at the frameworks to use that match your requirements and tackle the task of recruiting Python developers to build out your apps.

Starting with hiring and interviewing, we dive into the tips and tricks to get the most out of your recruitment processes. Outlining the initial steps of recruitment, we move on to take a look at the simple management techniques to get the most from your future teams and the role Python will play in the future of your firm.

From simple tips, tricks, and steadfast rules—our guide to hiring Python developers will get you up and running with one of the world’s most productive languages in no time at all.

And if you need help selecting the right Python developers, just tell us what you need. We can do the work for you and connect you with up to 5 companies within 72h that match your needs—all for free.

Pros and Cons of Python Development

The ease at which developers, students, and beginners can pick up Python programming can disguise just how effective the language can be in a professional setting. Python is capable of everything from internal support and tooling to global resource deployment and management. It’s useful for a great many tasks, from machine learning and data analysis to rapid prototyping and application deployment.

However, using Python in each of these roles requires care, attention, and a great deal of thought.

Amongst the advantages of the language are a select few drawbacks that could catch you out. Whether it’s high-speed performance, reliability, or testing, be sure to know what measures you might need to put in place to accommodate potential drawbacks that the language can bring.

The Pros and Cons of Python Development looks at these features in greater detail and includes some tips to help you analyse some of Python’s trickiest pitfalls.

The Ultimate Guide to Python Frameworks

The inherent productivity of the Python language can be boosted even further by using one of the many available frameworks it provides to developers. Python’s web app frameworks, in particular, deliver a lot for its engineers. Python frameworks are uniquely suited to creating applications and services at an exceptional pace.

The things you need to know to take advantage of these benefits are few, but remarkably important. The difference between full-stack, micro, and asynchronous frameworks, for example. A few examples of each, when discussing them with your teams, can help build a much clearer picture. What are the benefits and where are the drawbacks in each option? When should you use one over the other?

Covering the most popular, most productive, most reliable, and best-suited in each category, our ultimate Guide to Python Frameworks takes you through a handful of the frameworks you should consider to move your Python projects forward.

Should You Hire Python Freelancers or an Outsourced Python Team

The choice surrounding when and how to bring developers in to work on your projects is never an easy one to make. Project timing and developer schedules never quite seem to meet at exactly the same place.

A number of questions about the project often remain unresolved until very late in the day. Where will resources go as development wraps up? Will there be enough tasks for every developer? Both freelance developers and outsourced teams have pros and cons that make each worth considering.

A freelancer, for example, is ideally suited to short-term tasks. Brought in at short notice and at lower cost, they can be ideal for cash-strapped companies or those looking to implement small, discrete tasks and solutions.

An outsourced team, in comparison, adds additional experience, safety, and management onto a project. They are typically a more costly option, but one that comes with certain guarantees and security.

Choosing between the two can be done in a very methodical, logical, and verifiable manner. With just a few questions to ask of your firm’s experience, budget, and resources, you can highlight the option that will work best for you moving into the future.

Should You Hire Python Freelancers or an Outsourced Python Team dives into these questions and encourages you to ask them within your business.

Hiring Python Developers—Best Practices & Job Description Template

For all the technical challenges that come with application development, some of the most difficult and time consuming come from the challenges of hiring application developers. Some are solved simply by choosing Python as a development tool; others take more time, resources, and attention.

Python is a language that many developers are eager to work with in a wide range of roles. Both project managers and application engineers relish its highly productive and forward-looking nature and its ability to get more done with less time.

Regardless of the tools being used, hiring application engineers takes careful analysis and insightful questions to get on the right path and make the most of a firm’s available resources.

Our guide takes a close look at the logistics of hiring Python application developers and answers some important questions about how to analyse a candidate’s skills and experience for the role.

Hiring Python Developers even includes a job description template to get you started on recruiting Python developers to fill out your firm. Want even more guidance? Just tell us what you need and we can do the work for you. Within 72h we’ll connect you with up to 5 companies that match your needs—all for free!

How to Interview a Python Developer and What to Look for

Most prospective tech employees will agree that the technical interview is a universally daunting and often arduous process. Few realise, however, that it’s almost as daunting for the interviewer as it is for the candidate!

For the person conducting the interview, it’s their sole opportunity to provide an applicant with a positive impression of the company. It’s a conversation between candidate and management that goes both ways. While the candidate is aiming to provide an accurate picture of their skills and abilities, the company should also be providing an insight that shows why applicants should be willing to invest their time, skills, and talent with the firm.

To achieve all this requires a lot from a comparatively short and technical conversation. It requires careful analysis of a candidate’s skill set, their technical background, and the experience they hold in various libraries and frameworks supported by the language.

Our guide on How to Interview a Python Developer and What to Look For provides a complete primer on effectively interviewing the ideal Python developer and how to identify them from the crowd when you do.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Managing an Outsourced Python Team

Managing an outsourced team—to many—feels like a new and almost alien challenge. With time-zone changes, communication differences, and potentially conflicting working practices, even experienced managers can feel underprepared dealing with remote management. In reality, though, very little about the task is truly new or unique.

In practise, Outsourced team management and ‘conventional’ team management are the same roles. The few differences that do exist, in the tools and resources you use to communicate, are less significant today than they’ve ever been in the past. Most, such as instant messengers and screen-sharing tools, will be in use within most companies already.

The advantages of outsourced teams, however, have never been more significant than they are in application development today.

Additional pace, self-reliance, formalised processes, and project management are amongst the benefits that outsourced teams can bring to a business.

Unlocking these advantages is about following a simple set of guidelines and rules to get the most out of such teams. Most of them are already practised internally too.

Diving deep into these guidelines The Do’s and Don’ts of Managing an Outsourced Python Team contains the best practices you should follow to take advantage of remote teams within your company.

A Glimpse into the Future of Python Development

One of the most remarkable aspects of Python is that it has continued to grow year-on-year for many years in succession. Today, Python is one of the most popular and powerful general-purpose languages available.

Python has remained so strong because, during this time, it has continued to innovate and improve every single year. With one eye on the future, Python has undergone some impressive, bold, and comprehensive changes that have kept it highly relevant in software engineering discussions today.

Taking a look at these changes and what they mean for the future of Python development A Glimpse Into the Future of Python Engineering can keep you on top of the direction the language is taking well into the future!

Onboarding Python Into Your Firm

Despite being around since the early 2000s, Python continues to influence the shape and direction of software development. If it’s not a language already shaping things in your business, perhaps it’s time for Python to play a much larger role.

With some consideration to the advantages and drawbacks, some thoughts about the frameworks to employ and the developers to hire, bringing Python in as a prominent technology for your development teams has never been easier than it is today!


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Ian Deed

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Software developer, mobile application engineer, and writer helping companies to enhance their tech branding and improve the way they communicate with technical and non-technical audiences.

Leaning on years of experience and knowledge to understand technical communication that works from wordy jargon that doesn't.

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