A Comprehensive Guide to Hiring Flutter Development Teams

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June 5, 2021

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June 13, 2024

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A Comprehensive Guide to Hiring Flutter Development Teams


Flutter’s outsized impact on the world of mobile application development is difficult to ignore. Since its release in 2017, the platform has expanded in the number of companies and users leaning on the framework to build their apps and services.

The rapid expansion and evolution of Flutter in application development is a decisive factor businesses and teams should currently be paying attention to. Currently, Flutter Developers are ideally placed to build and scale apps with near-unparalleled productivity and efficiency.

Reaching the full potential of the tools, technologies, and teams that deploy them is simply a question of leaning on previous knowledge and experience while learning the language and quirks of the technology itself. This is rarely a change made overnight, in a single decision, or without good reason. It’s a decision that requires a lot of time, thought, and analysis from both you and your teams.

The first step of this process is to take a close look at the pros and cons of Flutter that make it an ideal fit for some projects and teams and a poor fit for others. Whether or not Flutter works for you will be a question that depends almost entirely on the shape, plans, and teams within your organization and the applications it intends to produce. Here, we take you through the process of considering Flutter technologies, seeking out Flutter developers, hiring, and managing the right candidates for your future teams.

While the process and challenges of finding Flutter developers and bringing them into your teams is no small feat, we’ve got the resources and connections to help. If you need help selecting the right company, tell us what you need. We can do the work for you and connect you with up to 5 companies within 72h that match your need — all for free.

Pros and Cons of Flutter App Development

The first aspect of Flutter to consider is whether or not the technology is the right fit for your developers. As an exciting new technology on the market, it can be easy to get drawn into thinking of any new thing as a must-have tool. First, however, you have to carefully weigh up the advantages and drawbacks that will genuinely make a difference within your teams.

Luckily, Flutter indeed does have many advantages that can make it indispensable for you. Some of the advantages of Flutter include:

  • Rapid application development: A headline advantage of Flutter is its ability to cut time in development and testing with innovative development features and extensive tooling.
  • Exceptional UI customization: Flutter is designed with the user interface firmly in mind. Flutter apps allow for detailed branding and unique interfaces that ensure your apps stand out from the crowd.
  • Extensive Community Support: Both Google and the open source community support the platform with frequent updates, revisions, and materials to support development.
  • Near-Native Application Performance: A good Flutter app doesn’t suffer from lag, UI, or performance issues — the platform’s in-built rendering engine ensures exceptional performance.
  • Desktop Platform Support: Since Flutter 3.0, support for desktop development has moved into a stable release, and the number of platforms developers can reach using the platform continues to expand.

Fully analyzing any new platform or tool should include looking at the advantages and disadvantages it can bring to your teams. Looking past just the showcase apps and the headline features of the platform, our article on the pros and cons of Flutter app development highlights the features you should consider before fully investing in Flutter.

The impact of Flutter on mobile application development is tough to ignore. A major new platform used and backed by Google, it’s one that is expanding in users and scope at an accelerating rate that should cause many businesses to sit up and take note.

Should You Hire Flutter App Development Freelancers or an Outsourced Flutter Team?

With Flutter applications in your sights, your next step will be to decide how you’re going to find the team which will turn your ideas into practical code.

Two leading options that organizations often use are freelance application developers and outsourced Flutter development teams. Both offer advantages and disadvantages which suit the unique requirements of every firm, application, and project.

In planning your team, it pays to be clear about the skill set you require and the role that a new developer will play in your organization. Understanding these two variables and deciding on the resources you have to build your team will help you weigh the pros and cons of each choice before settling on the right way to add new talent to your team.

Answering this question: Should You Hire a Flutter Development Freelancer, or an Outsourced Flutter Team, our article goes through the pros and cons of both choices to make the decision clear and obvious with the right facts at hand.

Hiring Flutter Developers — Best Practices & Job Description Template

One of the distinct weaknesses of Flutter is that it’s a relatively new entry into the marketplace of mobile application development. It’s a technology that developers haven’t yet had a chance to acquire many years of hard-won experience in. It’s one where few have a vast portfolio of successful apps to show and demonstrate their value.

This aspect of Flutter is fading away more and more every day — but right now, it can make hiring high-quality Flutter developers a challenging task. With Flutter, hiring the right developer is a decision you have to make with a limited amount of information to draw on. Even finding high-quality developers in a marketplace that is more limited than most is no easy feat.

The first step is finding the developers with the right skill set, this means advertising your firm as a strong proposition in the market with a job description that draws Flutter developers to you.

Our article on Hiring Flutter Developers details precisely what to look for in a future successful developer and even provides a template to write the job description that will entice developers to apply to you.

How to Interview a Flutter Developer

With a pool of talented developers before you, the ideal interview should highlight the candidate that’s a natural fit for both your team and your tech. How to Interview a Flutter Developer and What to Look For gives you a chance to practice your interview questions, find some new ways to approach the challenge, and refine the techniques to find your firm’s next Flutter developer.

Starting with the soft skills that matter and moving on to generalized development and Flutter-specific questions. Our question and answer guide (featured in the link above) helps get the best candidates to stand out from the crowd—the perfect way to supercharge your hiring processes.

The Do’s & Don’ts of Managing an Outsourced Flutter Development Team

From a project management perspective, remote teams are a daunting challenge. Even those with many years of experience in in-office team management can struggle to get to grips with the challenges of distributed work.

There are, of course, genuine pitfalls and challenges to be overcome, but few are as truly daunting as people imagine them to be. With some simple tips and tricks, and many modern tools to help, managing a remote Flutter development team can be made easier, more effective, and more efficient than even in-house development.

In modernity, remote work and remote management are increasingly used and increasingly essential to a firm’s future success. It provides a wider pool of developer talent and allows companies to select from some of the best developers in the world rather than being limited to a single area or city. Although it may seem daunting, it can be an exciting opportunity.

Our article on the do’s & don’ts of managing an outsourced Flutter development team can keep you on the right track and give you everything you need to begin working on effective remote management today.

The impact of Flutter on mobile application development is tough to ignore. A major new platform used and backed by Google, it’s one that is expanding in users and scope at an accelerating rate that should cause many businesses to sit up and take note.

A Glimpse into the Future of Flutter development

Flutter’s impact on mobile application development, even in the short time it’s existed, has been undoubtedly large. That impact is only expected to grow as the platform grows to include desktop applications, the web, and potentially more.

Keeping a keen eye on the future is a way to inform your decisions today. Whether investing further in Flutter resources, keeping up to date on the progress of the platform, or bringing in new talent to access its capabilities — watching how the future of Flutter unfolds can only have positive impacts on your business.

Our article, A Glimpse into The Future of Flutter Development, provides expert insight into the direction of the platform’s trends and its intent for the future of application development.

From the benefits and drawbacks of the Flutter platform’s approach to comparing it against competing frameworks and technologies, this glimpse into the future will help inform your decisions for many months to come.

Flutter’s Future App Development

Flutter is undoubtedly an exciting new tech that’s changing the course of application development. Its influence on competing frameworks, industry, and development trends is already being closely observed by tech professionals and insiders.

Amongst all the excitement, hype, and vision for the future — its potential impact on your organization should be measured with careful analysis and thorough consideration. When you’ve weighed up what it can and can’t do, considered the implications on hiring and management, and thought about the kind of apps you will produce in the future; you’ll be well on track to making the right kind of informed technical decision the technology deserves.

Flutter is, after all, something that could be influencing the way you produce apps and services for a decade or more.


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Ian Deed

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Software developer, mobile application engineer, and writer helping companies to enhance their tech branding and improve the way they communicate with technical and non-technical audiences.

Leaning on years of experience and knowledge to understand technical communication that works from wordy jargon that doesn't.

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