Hiring Flutter Developers - Best Practices & Job Description Template

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March 19, 2021

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Hiring Flutter Developers - Best Practices & Job Description Template


This year, Google introduced Flutter 3.0, bringing powerful updates that expand the platforms developers can target while boosting productivity and stability. With these new capabilities, now is the perfect time to hire Flutter developers for your team. In this guide, we’ll show you how to craft an effective Flutter job description and attract top talent to harness the full potential of the framework.

Flutter 3.0 marks a significant milestone, particularly with its official support for building cross-platform desktop apps. This unlocks even more opportunities for developers and businesses alike. However, finding skilled Flutter developers can be challenging as demand continues to outpace supply. To help you navigate these hiring hurdles, we’ve prepared insights on the Future of Flutter Development.

Attracting top-tier developers requires positioning your company as an exciting and innovative workplace. By showcasing a clear vision, fostering creativity, and promoting diverse ideas, you can draw in the right talent to push your business forward. Need help finding a qualified Flutter team? Let us know what you're looking for, and within 72 hours, we'll connect you with up to five companies that fit your needs—completely free. Once you’ve assembled your team, check out our article on managing an outsourced Flutter development team for more expert tips.

Why Companies are Choosing Flutter?

Flutter’s boost in popularity has come in more recent years as the framework has matured in capabilities. Today, the platform can boast extensive developer support, remarkable technical capabilities, and continued forward progress in development.

Flutter 3.0 continues to advance the framework with technology improvements continuously driving the framework forward. Today, some of the benefits Flutter can boast for teams include:

  • Performance comparable with native mobile applications
  • Reduced development and maintenance costs over native apps
  • Single codebase capable of targeting multiple platforms
  • Decreased time to market for mobile applications
  • Both mobile and desktop application support for teams

Today, Flutter claims some 150,000 apps published so far. With the framework and its ecosystem continuously growing, the platform is showing little signs of slowing down any time soon.

What to Look for in a Flutter Developer?

Flutter developers are likely to feature a broad set of skills and experiences in the field of mobile app development. Typically, Flutter developers will have some knowledge of native application development on relevant mobile platforms and language skills that suit the projects and apps they’ve worked on in the past.

Invariably, these are skills and abilities that pay dividends within teams. But these are far from being the only skills you need developers to have. Some additional skills, experiences, and items you’d expect a Flutter developer to come with might include:

1. Experience with Diverse Development Methodologies and tools

Application developers at any level will be expected to have extensive experience using various development methodologies, processes, and tools that are universally applied throughout the industry. These may be considered fundamental to software engineering and included as standard for any role aside from the most junior levels. These include:

  • Agile development methodologies—Often SCRUM, occasionally Kanban or a related Agile applications
  • Version control—Most commonly based around GIT or SVN
  • Experience writing unit tests with one or more unit testing frameworks—Often JUnit, JTest, or XCTest in mobile application development
  • Experience with continuous integration tools—Commonly Jenkins, TeamCity, or Gitlab but many alternatives exist
  • Experience with project management tools—Jira, Asana, Redmine, or Trello are commonly employed today

2. A Portfolio of unique, interesting, and well-built things

The most impressive thing a Flutter developer can bring to the table is a strong portfolio of applications that show impressive knowledge and extensive experience and abilities. A developer looking for a senior role should be able to show some example applications either on the marketplace, or self-hosted to demonstrate what they can do.

At least some of these applications are likely to be outside of the Flutter platform. But these can show extensive skills and experience in related technologies alongside platform-specific knowledge. A wide range of applicable skills is a huge bonus for any engineer and a great strength to bring to your team.

Experience with Flutter tools and technologies is, of course, a must. Our complete guide to Flutter frameworks can help you get to know the ins and outs of this tech and help you evaluate the right developers for the role.

If a candidate brings a portfolio of apps to the table, give a lot of time to evaluating what they bring. A good portfolio is the single greatest insight you can get into an applicant’s technical knowledge, design credentials, coding style, and ability to discuss highly-technical topics.

3. Adherence to Style and Convention

There’s no better way to find out how well a candidate codes than looking at examples ‘in the wild’. Links to Github, Bitbucket, or Gitlab are ideal for exactly this reason.

Looking at how a candidate writes code and what they’ve built is an insight into their level of experience and skill. Are their methods well-documented, clear, and concise? Do they adhere to the style prevalent in the language? Are there instances of trial and error or spaghetti code left in the commit?

Clear and concise code is worth a great deal more than rapid hacking and half-hazard construction. Future maintenance, upgrades, and team members are reliant on well-documented, commenting, and self-documenting code to continue forward momentum.

There’s a wealth of great resources and style guidelines for the Dart language to support development with clean code. A candidate already sticking to best practices and up-to-the-minute thinking may be a head above the rest.

How to Find the Ideal Flutter Developer?

Flutter developers with experience which extends to the age of the platform are often difficult to find. With the platform only recently maturing into prominence, it’s only now that developers are finding Flutter skill-sets to be in particularly high demand from employers.

Now, finding experienced and capable Flutter developers available for a new role is something of a challenge. It is, however, far from impossible. For instance, you can just tell us what you need and within 72h we will connect you with up to 5 companies that meet your wants—all for free!

To do this, your Flutter developer job description should be advertising your firm as much as it’s advertising the role available. It should talk about the benefits and projects unique to you—the kind of exciting projects or unbeatable environment you won’t find anywhere else.

It may be the cutting-edge nature of the work you undertake. The prototypes and mock-ups you create to test revolutionary new ideas. It may be the laid-back, self-reliant atmosphere that values high-quality input above all else. It should be something that puts your best foot forward and has you stand out amongst a marketplace that is growing ever more crowded by the day.

A Clear and Honest Role Description

A good job advertisement works at its best when it’s honest, straightforward, and designed around the exact developer you’re looking to bring on board. It should contain a clear description of the skills required, technologies currently used, and methodologies employed within the company.

Being honest and forthright about exactly the candidate you plan to bring in will pay dividends in the future when it comes to an interview, evaluation, and hiring.

Included below is a Flutter job description template to get you started on posting your role to the world and landing the Flutter application developers that will complete your team. And once you’ve gotten qualified applicants, take a look at our guide to interviewing for Flutter developers.

Flutter Job Description template

Flutter Developer

[COMPANY] are hiring a senior Flutter developer to engineer applications that will run across Android, iOS, and the web. We are looking for someone passionate about performance, reliability, and design with the experience and credentials to back up that passion. Someone who can take ownership of applications, solve technical challenges and take pride in their solutions and code.

The ideal candidate will have experience building native applications, JavaScript knowledge, and a portfolio of applications already published either in the app store or self-hosted.

You’ll be a key member of the team tasked with contributing to a number of high-value projects within [COMPANY].


  • Have two or more iOS/Android apps developed with Flutter. Either deployed on the App Store/Google Play or available on Github;
  • 5+ years in mobile software development
  • Over one year’s developing Flutter applications for mobile
  • Experience with third-party libraries and APIs
  • Understanding of the Agile development life-cycle
  • Experience with automated testing and building
  • Experience with Git, SVN, or other version control tools
  • Proven experience in writing readable code, creating extensive documentation for existing code, and refactoring previously written code
  • Practical experience using and deploying Flutter 2.0


  • Java/Swift experience;
  • Understanding of Android Keyboard API;
  • Experience with optimizing applications for Material Design.


  • Office Location

To Apply

  • Please send a CV and covering letter which highlights relevant experience and why you’d be a good fit for the role to: [[email protected]]


Q1. What is the role of a Flutter developer?

The key role of a Flutter developer is in designing and developing applications for platforms supported by the technology. Today, a Flutter developer can expect to target Android and iOS devices in addition to Windows, macOS, and Linux desktop environments.

On top of writing code to produce exceptional apps a quality Flutter developer would be expected to play a part in every stage of the development lifecycle including design, development, testing, and maintenance. These roles include troubleshooting and fixing bugs as they’re discovered, keeping technology and tools up-to-date within the application, and following best working practices to write clean and maintainable code for applications.

The roles and responsibilities of a Flutter developer today should include:

  • Working with product owners, QA engineers, designers, and developers to produce a high-quality application to be released to the marketplace
  • Taking ownership of a product, its features, and its deliverables to ensure high-quality software is delivered on time
  • Writing clean and maintainable code that can assist in scaling an application into the future
  • Taking an active role in investigating new tools and techniques to aid application development
  • Staying up to date with the latest thinking and development trends to ensure ideas and technologies remain current

Q2. Is Flutter a good career choice?

Flutter is an excellent career choice for software developers coming into the field with an interest and passion for creating remarkable applications.

In comparison to other tools and technologies Flutter is easy to learn, highly sought-after in companies, and targets an increasingly broad range of platforms.

Since the framework’s release in 2017, the technology has continued to grow and expand in use. Today, the technology boasts 150,000 applications and use in some of the world’s biggest technology, automotive, and app-based companies worldwide. Continued investment and growth in the platform are creating an ever-increasing number of opportunities and ensuring Flutter has a long-lasting future ahead of it.

Developers looking for a Future with Flutter technologies should focus on learning Dart and the framework’s supporting libraries and tools exceptionally well. Creating a strong portfolio of rich and attractive applications can be a great way to start conversations with companies and teams looking for a strong skill set leaning on Flutter.

Q3. What do Flutter developers earn?

The average salary for a Flutter developer in the United States last year came in at $127,500. This comes in at a little over $65 per hour, with entry-level positions starting at $110,000 and more senior positions rising up to $150,000. For Flutter developers, this compares favorably to the average software engineering salary of $110,000 and a project manager’s median salary of just over $91,000.

With many businesses looking to undertake cross-platform development to reach more customers with less code, Flutter developers are in high demand and face a wealth of opportunities in the coming years.

Worldwide, Flutter developers struggle to reach salaries comparable with those offered in the United States. In the U.K, for example, a Flutter developer can expect to make around £50,000 ($61,000) for a comparable role—more closely aligned with average software engineering and project management salaries in the same region.


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Ian Deed

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Software developer, mobile application engineer, and writer helping companies to enhance their tech branding and improve the way they communicate with technical and non-technical audiences.

Leaning on years of experience and knowledge to understand technical communication that works from wordy jargon that doesn't.

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