Biggest Companies Keeping Angular Popular

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Publish date:

July 14, 2022

Updated on:

March 11, 2024

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Biggest Companies Keeping Angular Popular


Angular isn't just the oldest JavaScript framework used by web developers. Up until the last few years it was also the most popular. In 2023, nearly 12 years after its initial release date, Angular still has a massive following. So, who are the big-name companies using Angular, and what does the future hold for the platform?

Stack Overflow's 2021 Developer Survey reveals Angular to be the 3rd most popular web framework, after ReactJS and jQuery. Despite AngularJS being discontinued in December 2021, Angular remains at or near the top of many developers' favorites list.

With its two-way data binding and ability to build cross-platform progressive web applications quickly and easily, Angular boasts features that are attractive to lots of big companies in addition to Google/Alphabet, its publisher.

Of course, for Angular to stay at the top of the annual surveys and lists of favorites, it needs more than just the support of developers. Big-name companies like Netflix, Santander, Upwork, and Microsoft use Angular for some of their core applications, meaning we will continue to see Angular in high-profile places for some time to come.

Why Do Big Companies Use Angular?

Angular boasts a number of key features that have kept it in the web development spotlight since its release in 2016, despite stiff competition from React and Vue.js. Based on TypeScript, some of the features developers find attractive include:

  • Easily build Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
  • Build powerful single-page applications
  • Two-way data binding
  • Able to transform static HTML into a dynamic platform
  • Able to manage complex animation timelines
  • Cross-platform development for mobile and desktop
  • Actively supported by publisher Google, with new features always in development
  • Fast loading, robust websites, and applications are easy to build and deploy
A person sits and looks at the Netflix app on his handheld device, with a larger screen in the background.

Biggest Companies Using Angular:


Angular publishers Google/Alphabet don't just actively support the framework. Angular can be seen in many prominent locations across Google's various sites and applications, from Google Play Books and Google Assistant through to Project Fi, Google AdWords, and beyond.

A good demonstration of Angular's capabilities can be found on Google's Chrome Music Lab page, where it supports a range of interactive music tools and toys.


Maybe one of the most prominent users of Angular outside of Google, Microsoft's Office 365 online applications use Angular, as does the Xbox home page. Both use Angular's features such as two-way data binding to offer users a beautiful but highly functional interface right in their browser.


Netflix is another one of the most well-known companies using Angular. Its interface offers users on a range of platforms a familiar experience that doesn't skimp on quality when it comes to animations and embedded video. Angular's capabilities make it easy for Netflix's team of developers to focus on creating beautiful and functional user experiences that entice viewers to return to the platform time and time again.


PayPal isn't the only example of an Angular front-end on a secure banking application rear end, but it's the one most internet users throughout the world are familiar with. Whether you're accessing the platform from your desktop or mobile, Angular is what's driving your interactions with this online payments giant.

Deutsche Bank

Deutsche Bank AG is a multinational financial services and investment company that uses Angular for the frontend of its developer portal.

It features the Deutsche Bank API program which provides an easy access point to millions of organizations around the world that want to integrate Deutsche Bank transaction systems into their own web applications.


The Samsung Forward page uses Angular to create a visually appealing, robust user interface. It's probably not well known outside of Russia, but Samsung is one of the largest companies using Angular so it still places on this list.


One of the biggest global freelance marketplaces, Upwork relies on being able to present users with a fast-loading, functional experience no matter where they are in the world. Users benefit from a clean, easy-to-navigate platform that makes finding work simple.


Upwork isn't the only freelance platform using Angular. gives us another example of Angular in action. As with Upwork, freelancers benefit from the professional and easy-to-navigate interface for both workers and clients.


Publishing giant Forbes presents readers with a clean, clear interface that works beautifully on all devices. With 94m visitors in April 2022 alone, it's vital that the publisher can push articles to the site to auto-update without worrying about each article looking and feeling "right".

Along with Bootstrap, Angular works as the front end of a CMS that displays articles to over 1 billion readers each year.


Those interested in purchasing a new car expect a few things when shopping with Tesla, one of the biggest car companies using Angular. They’re looking for a website with a clean, clear interface, the ability to create and order custom car configurations, easy access to dealership locators, and a place to browse accessories and other extras.

The Tesla website offers all of this, beautifully rendered with animations and embedded video that really showcases the look and feel of each model while the potential customer is still browsing.

Support Pages:

Overall, lots of big-name companies use Angular to power their support pages. Some of these include:

  • Wix
  • Apple
  • Adobe
  • Xfinity
  • Microsoft Office

Banking & Financial:

Banks also frequently turn to Angular, for its ability to create a secure but good-looking frontend for online banking customers:

  • Santander
  • Deutsche Bank
  • Mastercard
  • Capital One
  • PayPal
  • Wise (formerly Transferwise)
A monitor sits in the background, open to an article, while in the foreground there is a phone lying next to an open laptop with code on the screen.


The companies using Angular are some of the biggest and most well-established in the world. If you're a frontend developer, or you want to become one, Angular should be on your "must learn" list. This is especially true for those who want to be included in helping big tech brands bring their products to the public.

Whether you are thinking of beautiful user experiences like Netflix and Tesla, or reliable and secure sites like Upwork or PayPal, Angular can help you build powerful web applications for every type of user.

Creating user interfaces with built-in applications and data processing capabilities is going to be a key part of frontend development for some time to come. It doesn't matter whether the services on offer are running locally or in the cloud, on mobile, desktop, or another smart device.

If a visual interface and efficient code deployment is required, Angular should always be a potential port of call. Follow in the footsteps of the biggest companies using Angular and you can’t go wrong.

Angular FAQs:

Q1. Is Angular becoming less popular?

It's easy to see from all the major companies using Angular that popularity isn't a big issue. Globally the call for powerful cross-platform applications that carry the look and feel of a brand to users everywhere is growing every day. Even if Angular has been bumped off the top slot in most front-end developers' list of favorite frameworks, it still features strongly across the world wide web's (un)real estate.

It would be madness to suggest this state of affairs is going to come to an end any time soon. In fact, Angular may retake the top spot in the future as new features come online. As it stands, frontend developers should definitely include Angular in their list of "must learn" technologies if they want to work for big brands now or in the future.

Q2. Is Angular a modern framework?

Angular is one of the most modern and powerful frontend frameworks. It may have been developed by Google way back in 2010 as a JavaScript framework. But it has since been transformed into a completely new and modern TypeScript framework.

With regular update releases and new features being introduced, it’s no surprise that the biggest international companies use Angular.

Q3. Should you learn Angular?

As you can see from the list above, Angular is going to be popular for some time to come. If you're starting out with the framework, you'll find several key features that make it easier for junior developers to build applications capable of meeting the needs of big enterprises around the world.

Things like the built-in default directory structure and easy CLI file naming support are just a couple of the things that make onboarding to Angular hassle-free. Additionally, because Angular is so well established and supported, there is a vast and active ecosystem of communities and packages to help you achieve your goals quickly and effectively.

If you want to work on beautifully rendered enterprise applications that are stable and secure, Angular should definitely form a part of your curriculum.

Q4. Which global companies use Angular?

The biggest global companies using Angular are:

  • Google
  • Microsoft
  • Netflix
  • Paypal
  • Deutsche Bank
  • Samsung
  • Forbes
  • Tesla
  • Apple
  • Adobe
  • Santander
  • Mastercard
  • Capital One
  • Wise (formerly Transferwise)
  • Delta Airlines
  • JetBlue Airways

Q5. Is Netflix built on Angular?

Yes, Netflix is built on Angular. The popular web application framework makes it possible for the streaming service to provide users with a similar experience across multiple platforms. Whether a user is accessing Netflix on their smartphone, tablet, laptop, desktop, or smart TV, they are guaranteed the same functionality and features.

By using Angular, Netflix can create animations and themes that tie into its steaming options. This instantly gives it both a modern and dynamic feel, regardless of which device the user chooses.

Q6. Is Google still supporting Angular?

Although Google no longer supports AngularJS, Google does support Angular. In fact, Angular appears in a number of prominent locations throughout Google’s applications and sites. You can find it everywhere from Google Assistant and Google Play Books to Google AdWords and Project Fi.


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Nicola Quinn

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Hi, I’m Nicola – a Brit living in Tenerife who can’t get enough of the frustrating parts of digital marketing that stress most people out.

While most people don’t know where to begin with creating a powerful SEO strategy, I pull out my trusted strategy blueprint and get to work creating actionable, effective steps.

While most people groan at SEO writing, I delve into keyword research and pull out my creative flair for the ultimate website content that wows your readers and Google.

While most people haven’t got a clue what to post on Facebook, I analyse audiences to find out where they are, what content they want to see and use it to build a sensational social media marketing strategy.

While most people get lost down the Pinterest rabbit hole and end up with an account full of pins about things they love, I refine my proven social media marketing strategy and use it to reach and influence your target audience.

Basically, I’m the right balance of geek and creative. I know how to do all the background stuff to please the search engine masters, while also connecting with your people and delivering them engaging, exciting content they love.

I dived into my line of work in 2011 and I haven’t stopped swimming since.

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