Toptal vs. Turing - Choosing The Best Platform to Hire

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July 16, 2024

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Toptal vs. Turing - Choosing The Best Platform to Hire


Let's face it: building a stellar tech team is the make-or-break factor for startups and scale-ups.

The stakes are high; a single bad hire can disrupt team dynamics, hinder project timelines, and even damage your company's reputation. SHRM’s study reveals how hiring the wrong person usually costs a company up to five times the bad hire's annual salary.

Platforms like Toptal and Turing are both vying for your attention, promising the best of the best. But which one is actually the right fit for your team and your project?

We'll compare both platforms head-to-head, examining everything from the quality of their talent pools to their project management styles and pricing. We'll also examine their screening process, service offerings, and contract flexibility.

Toptal vs. Turing Summary


Toptal is a freelance platform that boasts an exclusive network of top-tier talent across various fields, including software development, design, and finance. Their rigorous vetting process ensures that only the top 3% of applicants are accepted, guaranteeing high-quality expertise and experience.

Since its founding in 2010, Toptal has uniquely grown into a flexible platform with models for diverse project needs and budgets. Their end-to-end project support streamlines the entire process, from talent matching to quality assurance. If your priority is accessing top-notch talent with a proven track record and a hands-on approach to project management, Toptal is a fit.


Turing is an AI-powered platform that connects companies with pre-vetted remote developers and engineers. Their extensive global network offers a vast talent pool with diverse skill sets in various technologies. Turing's strength lies in its ability to efficiently match companies with suitable developers based on specific project requirements.

Also founded in 2014,  Turing has built its reputation by uniquely focusing on full-time remote roles and providing team augmentation options for shorter-term projects. If your goal is to build or scale your development team with remote talent while prioritizing cost efficiency and flexibility, Turing is the platform to consider.

Pricing and Cost Comparison


Toptal's pricing model isn't publicly available, but based on our research and client reviews, we found the following:

  • Initial deposit: A refundable deposit to initiate the talent search process ranging from $500 to a few thousand dollars
  • Hourly or project rates: $60-$80 per hour and can go up to $200+ per hour for highly specialized experts
  • Toptal fee: Besides the freelancer's rate, Toptal charges a fee for talent sourcing, vetting, matching, project management, and quality assurance
  • Part-time developers: $1,000 - $1,600+ per week
  • Full-time developers: $2,000 - $3,200+ per week

The more experienced and specialized the freelancer, the higher their hourly rate will be. Projects that require niche skills or complex solutions will generally cost more. Longer-term engagements may have lower hourly rates compared to short-term projects.


Turing's pricing model is more transparent than Toptal's. It focuses on a salary-based approach for its full-time remote developers and engineers. They charge a fee for talent sourcing, vetting, matching, and ongoing support. This fee is usually a percentage of the developer's salary and is factored into the total cost presented to the client. The percentage can vary but is typically around 15-20%.

Here's a general estimate:

Mid-level developers: $60,000 - $90,000+ per year

Senior developers: $90,000 - $120,000+ per year

Lead/principal developers: $120,000 - $150,000+ per year

These are just estimates, and the actual cost will vary depending on the specific developer you hire and their location.

Quality and Screening Process


Toptal boasts a rigorous screening process that accepts only the top 3% of applicants. This multi-stage vetting includes comprehensive language and personality tests, in-depth technical skill assessments, live screenings, and test projects.

They meticulously evaluate each talent to ensure that only the most qualified and experienced professionals join their network. Toptal's stringent standards guarantee that clients gain access to top-tier talent with a proven track record of delivering exceptional results.


Turing deploys a comprehensive vetting process that includes automated screening, technical challenges, and live interviews. Their AI-powered system evaluates candidates based on their skills, experience, and project requirements.

They also assess soft skills like communication, collaboration, and problem-solving to ensure that developers are technically proficient and fit well within a team environment.  

Turing's vetting process may not be as in-depth and exclusive as Toptal's, but it aims to identify top-performing developers who can deliver high-quality work remotely.

Services Offered


Toptal handles the entire task lifecycle, from talent sourcing and onboarding to project management and quality assurance.

Their network boasts experts across various domains, including software development, design, finance, product management, and more. They offer clients various engagement models, from hourly and part-time contracts to full-time engagements, providing flexibility for businesses with diverse project requirements and budgets.


Turing's AI-powered Talent Cloud offers a vast network of pre-vetted developers and engineers with diverse skill sets and experience levels. Their AI algorithms match companies with the most suitable developers based on project requirements, skills, and cultural fit, streamlining the hiring process.

Turing also provides tools and support for managing remote development teams to ensure seamless communication, collaboration, and project tracking. They provide flexibility and cost-efficiency for projects with varying demands.

Flexibility and Contract Length


Toptal provides a high degree of flexibility regarding contract length and engagement models. They offer hourly, part-time, and full-time contracts.


Turing primarily focuses on full-time remote engagements, with developers typically working on a long-term basis with the same company.

Their core offering centers around building dedicated remote teams. Although their approach may not be as flexible as Toptal's, it provides stability and continuity for companies seeking to build long-lasting relationships with their developers.

The Advantage for Businesses

When choosing a platform to build, augment, or enhance your technical teams, it is crucial to consider all your options, not just Toptal and Turing.'s unique services stand out by offering a combination of advantages that no platform can match. specifically supports your entire product development lifecycle, from ideation to the launch.

We give you access to a curated network of pre-vetted development agencies with a broader range of expertise and resources, including project managers, designers, QA specialists, and more.

Our Verdict Between Toptal and Turing

Toptal's rigorous vetting process, flexible engagement models, and end-to-end support distinguish it if you prioritize quality and a hands-on approach. It is your option to access the top 3% of freelance talent across various fields.

However, if your priority is building or scaling a remote development team quickly and cost-effectively, Turing is the platform to consider.

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Is Toptal better than Turing?

It depends on your priorities. Toptal offers diverse, vetted talent across various fields, and is ideal for those needing top-tier expertise. Turing specializes in remote software engineers with efficient AI-driven matching, which is better for tech-focused needs. Choose Toptal for wider talent options and rigorous vetting or Turing for building or scaling a remote development team quickly.

What is better than Toptal?

Pangea, with its vast talent pool and flexible pricing, beats Toptal for budget-conscious projects requiring diverse skills. is a superior choice for those seeking high-quality remote software engineers and designers, thanks to its curated talent pool and focus on long-term collaboration.'s specialization in senior-level developers and transparent pricing make it a better alternative for businesses seeking experienced tech talent.

Is Toptal really worth it?

Yes. Toptal's value proposition lies in its rigorous vetting process and reliability, but these come at a premium cost. It is worth it if you prioritize quality and hands-off project management, especially for larger, complex projects. However, budget-conscious individuals or those needing more control might find better alternatives offering similar quality at lower costs or with more flexibility in the hiring process.


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Godwin Oluponmile

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