Top 8 React Native Courses

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February 28, 2023

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August 30, 2024

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Top 8 React Native Courses


Feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of React Native courses available? Not sure which one is worth your time and money? You’re not alone. With new courses appearing every day, it can be tough to choose the best one. But don’t worry—we’ve got you covered.

Below, we’ve compiled a list of carefully selected React Native courses for you to explore. You can review the list, narrow down your options, compare them, and make an informed choice. Plus, we’ve included a brief guide at the end to help you decide, so be sure to read all the way through!

React Native Courses

1. Meta React Native Specialization

Meta React Native Specialization is a reliable course where you’ll learn React Native from experts at Meta. This course will help you create apps for all platforms, including iOS and Android, build the interactive user interfaces, and learn best practices for UX and UI.

During the length of the course, you’ll master several skills, such as:

  • HTML and CSS
  • Web Development
  • React (Web Framework)
  • Mobile Development
  • Test-Driven Development
  • JavaScript
  • Front-End Web Development
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Linux
  • Version Control
  • Bash (Unix Shell)
  • Github

The best part, this course comes with a certification from Coursera and Meta which will help add value to your resume. However, the course is quite lengthy. If you spend 6 hours/week, it will take you eight months to complete this course. Nevertheless, you can always spend more hours weekly to complete it more quickly.

2. Create Your First React Native App

This course from Udemy is all you need to create your first React Native App. A computer system, some basic knowledge of JavaScript and command line is enough to get you started. This course will cover numerous entry-level concepts, such as:

  • Installing React Native components
  • Designing and creating reusable components
  • Project organization
  • Scrolling lists
  • Navigation
  • Installing third-party packages
  • Core APIs

More than 5,000 have taken this course thus far and have rated it well. It’s only 3.5 hours long, which means, you can complete in a single day. Moreover, it comes with a certification – so, if you’re looking for a quick React Native crash course, sign up for this one.

3. Complete React Native in 2023: Zero to Mastery (with Hooks)

This course is a bit more extensive than the previous one. Available on Udemy for an affordable price, the Complete React Native in 2023 can make you an expert in React Native. By the end, you’ll be able to create a fully functional eCommerce application.

In this course, you’ll learn the following:

  • React Basics
  • 3rd Party integrations
  • React Hooks
  • Animations
  • Asynchronous Javascript
  • Android Development
  • iOS Development

The course features high quality content and has no prerequisite apart from some basic JavaScript knowledge. It has a 4.5-star rating on Udemy and has been opted for by over 24,000 individuals. There’s also a certificate of completion once you watch the entire 27 hours of content.

4. React Native Basics

Yet another reliable React Native course is React Native Basics by Spencer Carli. Although this course is free to access, it packs a lot of value. From setting up the development environment to creating a fully functional mobile app that converts currency, this course has it all. Here are some important aspects of React Native development that you’ll learn in this course:

  • Building a solid foundation to create a React Native app
  • Interacting with APIs
  • Creating customized screens and components
  • Interacting with 3rd party libraries
  • Capturing user input
  • Navigation in multiple scenarios
  • Improving UI and adding functionality

Within a few hours, you’ll have everything you need to create a native iOS/Android app.

5. React Native - The Practical Guide

React Native – The Practical Guide from Udemy is perhaps the best on our list. It’s been by enrolled by a whopping 179,604 students – and garners an impressive 4.7 rating. On a higher level, this course helps you create iOS and Android Apps using basic React and React Native knowledge. On a granular level, this course covers the following:

  • Core React Native concepts
  • Navigation in React Native
  • Debugging
  • Connecting backend servers with your app.
  • Animations
  • User Authentication
  • Image picker and maps
  • Using native, JavaScript, and React components

You’ll be taught by Maximilian Schwarzmüller, an AWS-certified web developer and instructor who’s taught over 2,000,000 students. To get started, you just need some basic knowledge of JavaScript and React.

6. React Native Navigation

This React Native course teaches a very specific aspect of cross-platform app development with React Native: navigation. Here’s what you will learn:

  • How to navigate between different screens in a React Native application
  • Create stack navigators and menus
  • Different types of navigation, such as:
  • Drawer Navigation
  • Material Top Tab Navigation
  • Bottom Tab Navigation
  • Stack Navigation

The course has an overall 4.5-star rating and has been enrolled by over 26,000 students. It’s 2.5 hours long and can be completed in a single day. If you want to enhance your React Native knowledge and learn more about navigation, this course is for you.

7. React Native: Advanced Concepts

If you’re an intermediate React Native developer and want to master advanced concepts such as animations, navigation, maps, etc., this course is for you. Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Creating high-performance and smooth animations
  • Creating interactive React Apps using Expo
  • Understanding navigations
  • Updating users via push notifications
  • Implementing authentication
  • Integrating tutorial pages

However, to be able to grasp all these concepts, you need an intermediate-level understanding of React Native. You can also choose an entry-level course from this list and then move to this one later.

8. Become a React Native Developer

The last course on our list is from LinkedIn. As the name says, this course is good enough to help you become a React Native developer capable of creating native iOS and Android apps. Here’s what you’ll learn in this course:

  • Understanding the React Native ecosystem, including frameworks, IDEs, libraries, UI, etc
  • Basic React Native components
  • Transitioning from React to React Native
  • Creating your own CRM mobile application

A basic understanding of React Native and JavaScript is all you need to get started with this course. This course has around 11 hours of video content and offers a certification on completion.

How to choose the best React Native course?

An oversimplified answer to this question is: whichever course meets your requirements is the best for you.

For instance, if you’re a complete beginner and want a brief understanding of React Native, you can choose “Create Your First React Native App.” However, if you want an in-depth understanding along with a reputable certification, “Meta React Native Specialization” is an ideal choice. Or if you’re a little short on funds, you can go for “React Native Basics,” which is surprisingly valuable and free.

Decide your requirements such as:

  • Pricing
  • Scope
  • Focus area of learning
  • Certification
  • Rating
  • Duration of the course
  • Any other factors that you consider important

Compare the available options, and choose the one that meets all your requirements – bearing in mind the other demands currently present in your day to day.


Q1. Which is the best course for React Native?

From our list of top 8 React Native courses, Meta React Native Specialization holds the top spot. It’s beginner friendly, has minimal prerequisites, is completely online, extensive, and, most importantly, offers a reputable certification from Meta and Coursera.

In case this course doesn’t align with your requirements, make sure to consider other options. Always remember what’s best for others may not be the right option for you. So, consider your requirements and make an informed decision.

Q2. Is it hard to learn React Native?

No, React Native has a low learning curve and is easy to learn. Even newbie developers can master it within a few months. If you come from a web development background or know JavaScript or React, it’ll be even easier.

Q3. Is React Native a good career?

Yes, adding React Native to your skillset will ensure a good career. React native has been growing since its inception because of a low learning curve, super-fast development, cross-platform support, minimal logistical challenges, and a mature community. Even employers across the globe look for React Native developers and are ready to pay a premium price as it helps them save a ton of resources and time. So, if you’re thinking of choosing React Native as a career, go for it.


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Mayank Wadhwa

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I've been into content writing for over 3 years now.

And ever since, I've written in almost every domain under the sun. However, I've niched down to B2B marketing and technical writing (software development, crypto, fintech, etc.).

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