Why You Should Hire a Project Manager

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Publish date:

May 19, 2023

Updated on:

June 5, 2024

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Why You Should Hire a Project Manager


A highly skilled Project Manager can significantly impact your project outcomes, ensuring timely delivery, optimal resource allocation, and seamless collaboration among team members.

A study says organizations generally waste 12% of their resources due to ineffective project management.

This number can be brought down with a protective approach and by establishing effective project management. This comprehensive guide will help you understand why you need to hire a Project Manager at what cost and at what time.

What is a Project Manager and What Do They Do?

A Project Manager (PM) is a professional responsible for leading and overseeing the successful initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, controlling, and closing of projects. They ensure that projects are completed on time, within budget, and in line with the organization's goals and objectives. They play a vital role in:

  1. Defining project scope and objectives
  2. Developing a detailed project plan, including timelines, milestones, and resources
  3. Managing project risks and issues
  4. Coordinating and communicating with stakeholders. Check out these tools to improve team communication.
  5. Ensuring project deliverables are completed on time and within budget
  6. Monitoring and reporting on project progress

Challenges That Companies Face Without a Project Manager

A person is sitting at his work desk and thinking if he needs to hire a Project Manager for his company.

Lacking a dedicated Manager can lead to various difficulties for tech companies, as projects often become harder to manage and control. Here are some common challenges that you may encounter and understand why you need to hire a Project Manager:

  1. Inefficient resource allocation: Without a PM to prioritize tasks, allocate resources, and manage budgets, you may struggle to utilize your organization’s resources effectively, leading to wasted effort, increased costs, and reduced productivity.
  2. Poorly defined scope and objectives: The absence of a PM can result in projects with unclear or constantly changing objectives and scope, causing confusion, delays, and potential scope creep.
  3. Lack of coordination and communication: Ineffective communication and coordination between different departments, team members, and stakeholders can lead to misunderstandings, misaligned expectations, and ultimately, project failures. There are different communication styles in the workplace that they must know.
  4. Inability to manage risks and issues: Without a PM to proactively identify, assess, and address risks and issues, projects may encounter unforeseen obstacles and disruptions that could derail progress and jeopardize outcomes.
  5. Delayed timelines and missed milestones: The absence of a Project Manager may result in disorganized project plans and schedules, causing delays, missed deadlines, and failure to achieve critical milestones.
  6. Compromised quality: A lack of oversight and quality control measures from a dedicated PM can lead to subpar deliverables, resulting in customer dissatisfaction, damage to the company's reputation, and potential loss of business.

By understanding these challenges and recognizing the value of a skilled Manager, now you know why you must hire a Project Manager. You can take a proactive approach to minimize these risks and optimize your project management processes for better outcomes.

How Various Departments Benefit from Hiring a Project Manager

The role of a Project Manager extends beyond simply overseeing individual projects; it also involves facilitating collaboration, communication, and efficiency across multiple departments within an organization. Here, we explore the key departments that stand to benefit from hiring a PM.

1. Information Technology (IT)

Project Managers in IT departments help ensure the successful delivery of technology-related projects, such as software development, infrastructure upgrades, and system integrations. They can improve the development and deployment process by implementing best practices, managing resources, and aligning project goals with business objectives.

2. Marketing

Marketing departments can be benefited if they hire a Project Manager who can efficiently plan and execute campaigns, product launches, and events. By managing deadlines, budgets, and resources, PMs help teams by tracking all of their assets and ensuring consistent brand messaging across various channels.

3. Engineering and Manufacturing

In engineering and manufacturing, Project Managers play a crucial role in driving product development, process improvement, and facility expansions. They help streamline workflows, mitigate risks, and ensure the timely delivery of high-quality products or services.

4. Finance

Financial departments can leverage the skills of a Project Manager to facilitate system migrations, process optimizations, and compliance initiatives. PMs can help improve financial reporting, streamline budgeting and forecasting, and ensure the organization meets regulatory requirements.

5. Human Resources (HR)

Project Managers can assist HR departments in implementing talent acquisition strategies, employee engagement initiatives, and organizational change management. By providing structure, direction, and oversight, PMs enable HR teams to effectively address the company's workforce needs.

Best Time to Hire a Project Manager: Key Indicators and Considerations

A group of people is looking at laptops to see the job applications to hire a Project Manager.

Determining the right time to hire a Project Manager can be challenging, but there are several key indicators and considerations that can help organizations make an informed decision. Here are some signs that it might be time to invest in a dedicated manager to drive your projects to success and improve overall organizational efficiency.

  1. Growing complexity: As your organization takes on more complex projects with multiple stakeholders, interdependencies, and tight deadlines, a dedicated Project Manager can help navigate these challenges and ensure successful outcomes.
  2. Inefficient resource allocation: If your organization is struggling with prioritizing tasks, allocating resources, and managing budgets effectively, a Project Manager can bring structure and order to these processes, ultimately improving overall efficiency.
  3. Lack of clear objectives and scope: When projects suffer from unclear goals, scope creep, or misaligned expectations, a Project Manager can help define objectives, establish boundaries, and ensure all stakeholders are aligned with the project's purpose.
  4. Communication breakdowns: If your organization is experiencing communication issues between departments, team members, or stakeholders, a manager can act as a liaison to facilitate clear and effective communication, fostering collaboration and reducing misunderstandings.
  5. Missed deadlines and milestones: Consistently missing deadlines or failing to achieve critical milestones can be a sign that your organization needs a Project Manager to oversee project schedules, monitor progress, and ensure timely completion.
  6. Rising project risks and issues: If your organization is encountering frequent project risks and issues, a Project Manager can help identify, assess, and address these challenges proactively, mitigating potential negative impacts on project outcomes.
  7. Decreased customer satisfaction: Poor project outcomes can result in dissatisfied customers and damage to your company's reputation. A Project Manager can ensure that projects are completed according to customer requirements, ultimately improving satisfaction and loyalty.

How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Project Manager?

The cost of hiring a Project Manager varies depending on factors such as their experience, expertise, location, and the size and complexity of your projects.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual salary for a Project Manager is around $94,500 and $45.43 per hour.

For hiring freelance or contract-based Project Managers, rates can range from $30 to over $100 per hour, depending on their qualifications and the project's requirements.

Keep in mind that these figures can change over time and may differ based on your specific industry, region, and the candidate's background. To get an accurate estimate of the cost to hire a Project Manager for your organization, research industry-specific salary data, and consider factors like the size and complexity of your projects, as well as the Project Manager's experience and expertise.

Final Words

Now you know how crucial it is to hire a project manager for your organization, connect with us and let us know your requirements. We will help you connect with the experts who you are looking for.


Q1. How can I hire a project manager?

To hire a project manager, start by defining the specific skills, qualifications, and experience you're looking for. Advertise the position on job boards, LinkedIn, or through industry-specific platforms. You can also use internal referrals or work with recruitment agencies. Shortlist candidates based on their resumes, conduct a multi-stage interview process (phone screening, behavioral, technical, case study/simulation, and stakeholder interviews), and make an offer to the top candidate that aligns with industry standards and their experience.

Q2. How much is a freelance project manager?

The cost of hiring a freelance project manager depends on various factors, such as their experience, expertise, location, and the complexity of your project. Freelance rates can range from $30 to over $100 per hour. To get an accurate estimate, discuss the project scope and requirements with potential freelancers and request quotes based on their hourly rates or project-based fees.

Q3. Should we hire a project manager?

Hiring a project manager can be beneficial for organizations seeking to improve project outcomes, streamline processes, and ensure effective communication and collaboration among team members. If your company is facing challenges related to project planning, execution, or resource allocation, a skilled project manager can help overcome these issues and drive projects to successful completion. Consider your organization's needs, available resources, and the potential benefits of hiring a project manager to make an informed decision.


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Polina Tibets

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Forward-thinking and dynamic professional with 10+ years of experience driving growth throughout the SaaS, Startup, Artificial Intelligence and Consulting industries. Strong command of the strategic operations with exposure to organizational effectiveness, governance, administration, go-to-market strategy, PR and social media.

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