Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its subset Machine Learning (ML) are no longer reserved for those working in this industry or classic science fiction novels. The general population has entered the AI and ML chat, so to speak. They’re engaging with popular chatbots like ChatGPT and watching contemporary movies with AI-powered protagonists, such as the killer doll in M3GAN.
In fact, AI and ML are experiencing a watershed moment in the technology landscape. It’s forecasted that the AI market will grow to nearly 208 million U.S. dollars by the end of 2023 and increase by twenty-fold in 2030.
AI opens exciting new avenues of innovation and streamlines business processes, enhances software, and paves the way for increased financial success in lieu of relying on human-dependent processes. We’ve covered a taste of automation in the following article discussing AI software in code development. Many companies and investors are getting in on the ground floor of this exciting period. However, potential clients may find themselves in the throes of option paralysis when deciding on a company for their AI project. To help, we’ve compiled a list of the top players in AI and ML in 2023 and hope they resonate with you!

Founded in 2021 and based between New York City and London, AI company Straylight uses AI-powered code-generating technology to automate data science. Some digital products can be impressively built in seconds by an AI OS! Co-founder and CEO Maxwell Rebo is a passionate entrepreneur and has been building top-tier AI/ML products for over 12 years. Straylight’s impressive team consists of fintech entrepreneurs, federal regulators, and former national security experts such as co-founder Sergio Rodriguera Jr. Sergio has worked for the U.S. Department of the Treasury and Department of Defense, as well as served as an Intelligence Officer for the U.S. Navy. If you’re a financial institution or fintech company tired of squandering money on unsuccessful software engineering projects and ready to work with trusted experts, Straylight may be just the company for you. is an exciting mobile application that helps you craft punchy short-form videos in under three minutes, ten times faster than the average time needed to make a video! uses its AI technology in one streamlined application, from script and visuals to recording and even editing, where you can add engaging captions and effects. As a result, active users are able to create short-form videos 10 times, whereas top users are known to post over 65 videos in a month. Co-founder & CEO Roy Hermann and co-founder Tal Hacmon were high school friends before they became creative entrepreneurs and the brains behind This revolutionary app democratizes a realm that was once relegated to experienced content creators only. If you think creating videos is too complicated, time-consuming and simply out of your lane, is here to disprove that belief and help you actualize your creative vision.
Is investing taking a toll on your mental health and would you fancy some support? We highly recommend Pentech, a B2B wealth management platform for retail and institutional investors that does the heavy-lifting work of investing for you. It offers a unique algorithm-based, cost-effective, real-time and scalable solution with impressive features such as an AI financial advisor and a premium in-house analyst team – all under the trusted guidance of the Founder of Pentech, Fredrik Karlsson. The platform is flexible and allows one to use any financial instruments, such as cryptocurrency, stocks and bonds. Contact Pentech for a one-on-one demo and the opportunity to discuss a potential partnership you don’t want to miss out on!
Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden and founded in 1888, fintech company Neovici is a trusted source for using automation and AI to provide efficient, secure, and streamlined financial services and workflows. Their revolutionary cloud-based AI platform Cosmoz helps with payment reconciliation, accounting, and reporting – and can be tried on a small scale at no risk to you. Founder and CEO Jan Berggren together with COO, board member and partner Jonatan Berggren have been involved for over 13 impressive years with Neovici. Both are passionate about employing disruptive technology to continue helping clients while growing this powerhouse of a company.
Revolutionizing the hospitality landscape, Edifice keeps teams and service staff one step ahead of anticipating guests’ needs – whether it’s at a VIP lounge, restaurant or fitness center – just to name a few properties. Edifice’s Notifications feature helps staff stay apprised of any requests, changes or complaints 24/7, while their Insights feature uses human behavior analytics to highlight revenue and savings opportunities. Based in New York City, Founder and CEO Kurt Franz brings his impressive background in real estate technologies and project architecture to Edifice, where he’s been for over three years. He also teaches at Columbia University’s Real Estate Development program as an adjunct professor and serves as a Technology Advisor at the real estate consulting firm APRE. If you want to manage a top-tier, efficient team that satisfies guests’ ever-changing needs, look no further than requesting a demo from Edifice before deploying it (our bets are you will).
It’s undeniable we live in an age of glossy convenience and 10Beauty, the world’s first salon-quality and fully-automated manicure machine, is entering this space by bringing automation to the world of beauty. The start-up is venture-backed by top-tier investors and funders like Lerer Hippeau, Red Sea Ventures, and Imaginary, raising well over 20 million dollars from their headquarters in Burlington, Massachusetts under CEO Alexander Shashou and Co-CEO Justin Effron. The machine leverages robotic technology and is being released in limited quantities in 2023 as it’s still in self-proclaimed “stealth” mode. This is definitely an up-and-coming AI player to keep your eyes (and soon-to-be-pretty hands) on.
CEO and Founder Maarten Elferink created the platform Vosbor to tackle the future of agricultural commodity trading in the terrifying face of climate change. This platform connects buyers and sellers who can reach each other across markets at any time and anywhere. Trading that has historically been offline and disconnected from the world can now be monitored and traced for efficiency and security. AI technologies employed include cloud-based architecture and Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) – a manner of verifying truth without revealing any other identifiable information. Vosbar has been a major force in feeding the future of food security and for that we commend their work and encourage you to follow them, too!
Started in 2010 by Demis Hassabis, Shane Legg, and Mustafa Suleyman, DeepMind caught our eyes for its mission of helping humankind through scientific innovation. Their variegated team includes machine learning experts, researchers, engineers and they cover robotics, generative models, unsupervised learning, neuroscience and Deep Learning (a subset of ML). DeepMins’s projects over the years have led to a range of successful discoveries, such as the ability to diagnose eye diseases or predict the complicated shape of proteins, which plays an important role in the creation of drugs. Having partnered with giants such as Google and YouTube, DeepMind also nurtures students and researchers early in their AI careers to ensure that the next generation is well-equipped to continue this tradition of excellent research and life-changing discoveries.
With advanced online technologies comes advanced methods of preying on the unsuspecting. AI platform Signifyd helps mitigate fraud and customer abuse for e-commerce merchants with an end-to-end Commerce Protection Platform that makes it one of the leaders in its field. As a former Head of Risk at FedEx as well as PayPal, co-founder and CEO Rajesh Ramanand helped start Signifyd with a wealth of experience and continues to do so as he comes up on nearly 12 years at the company. With e-commerce clients such as Wayfair and Walmart, Signifyd is a trusted platform whose advances in digital security services give shoppers and e-commerce merchants alike a significantly higher sense of safety.
Final Thoughts
While ChatGPT has boldly entered the (collective consciousness) chat, the above list of up-and-coming players in AI and ML are not far behind, if not already ahead. These companies demonstrate that the disruptive technology of AI is being used for the greater good of humanity and continues to brighten and refresh the technology landscape, one fascinating platform at a time. If you ever decide you're ready to hire your first AI company, don't hesitate to submit your brief.