34 Front-End Interview Questions for Candidates and HR

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October 20, 2022

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34 Front-End Interview Questions for Candidates and HR


Interviews for tech roles, like front-end development and Flutter, often determine how well you fit the position. HR will ask a range of front-end interview questions, and the way you respond plays a crucial role in showcasing your experience, skills, and work ethic. If you answer confidently and thoroughly, you boost your chances of landing the job. If not, you may find yourself waiting for a call that never comes.

The key to standing out from other applicants is to prepare strong answers for potential HR questions, but how can you do that if you're unsure what they might ask? Keep in mind that your CV gets you the interview, but it's your performance in the interview that secures the job. Your answers need to be detailed and convincing enough to show you have what it takes to succeed as a front-end developer.

34 Front-End Interview Questions for Engineers

First off, you should be sure of your skills as a front-end engineer. Can you implement codes like HTML and CSS? How well can you utilize frameworks like AngularJS, ReactJS, and Ember? Most job interviews are navigated to uncover irregularities and false claims. But, above all, they focus on discovering the candidate. This includes finding out your values and work ethic. Also, to see if you’d fare well with the existing work culture.

It’s no surprise why most HR people ask open-ended questions. Here are some of the most dazzling interview questions you should prepare.

  1. When is the best time to fire DOMContentLoaded and Load events?
  2. Name the HTTP status code classes that are used to induct success, client error, and server error.
  3. Can you write a code snippet that demonstrates the use of ES6 Promise API?
  4. What’s an event propagation (bubbling phase)?
  5. Provide the same-origin policy as a part of the web browser security model and their practical limitations.
  6. What is the essence of HTML5 History API in single-page applications
  7. What’s the process for the Critical Rendering Path for web browsers?
  8. Why is PageVisibility API useful?
  9. Provide a ground-up overview of recent Push web technologies.
  10. How are objects in Javascript passed? by reference or by value?
  11. What does “1” + 2 + 4 evaluate to? What about “1” == 1 ?
  12. What has your front-end development career been like?
  13. Is JS any different from jQuery?
  14. How will you commit to the company’s growth?
  15. Tell us about other phases in the DOM Event flow you know.
  16. Is placing an async after the tag appropriate?
  17. What are the Anonymous functions in JS?
  18. Explain CSS image sprites and their implementation.
  19. Do you have the basic skills front-end developers must have?
  20. What do you think is a user-friendly web design? How will you go about it?
  21. Are your codes understandable by other developers?
  22. Describe how you plan your CSS and JavaScript structure.
  23. What is CSS rule?
  24. What are SASS and XSS?
  25. Tell me about HTML Meta Tags.
  26. Why do you think you are experienced with ReactJS?
  27. Why are REST web services beneficial?
  28. Which elements of design do you think are crucial?
  29. Tell us about ClickJacking.
  30. Why use the W3C standard code?
  31. Can you optimize a web page through code? What’s your process?
  32. In CSS- would you choose Normalizing or Resetting?
  33. Explain and differentiate div and span.
  34. Do you know and implement the principles of SOLID?

How to Secure a Job Role as a Front-end Engineer

Not every applicant gets the job, and too often, candidates who do their due diligence are the ones who stand a chance. One would expect that having the skill is enough to get them on the job, and It’s not wrong to think that your qualification also plays a vital role in the HR decision-making process.

However, every organization has a unique taste in its choice of candidates. They all try to see who fits their goals and work ethic.

Certainly, you wouldn’t sabotage your organization's goal by playing the favoritism card. Perhaps you’d rather stick with a candidate who better fits your work culture and is fairly qualified over an arrogant candidate, which is the essence of interviews.

Interviews bring you closer to the candidate, beyond CVs and resumés. It helps those who see what’s behind that pretty face and appealing resume. And every interview question like the ones above is geared towards fishing out the ideal candidate amongst the herd of the applicant. How? Let’s find out!

HR expects some dynamics in your answer to interview questions. And as an applicant, you should provide these dynamics. Let’s explore how to provide dynamics and cut-fit answers to interview questions.

Know the Job

Landing a Front-end engineering job is challenging and seldom gets easier. But, for an applicant who already knows what it takes, securing the job becomes tard easier.

Organizations looking to fill a front-end engineering job role almost always publish a list of what they’d be looking for in a candidate. Your first job is digesting every bit of that job and paying attention to its details. When you see information like “we are looking for an applicant who can take the initiative and run with it, " it means they are looking for a candidate who is a team leader –a candidate that needs less monitoring to get things done.

Show Experience

When you answer questions or write a resume, it’s not enough to give a theoretical answer. You must show practicality. That’s all HR is asking for anyway! It’s a show, don’t tell ordeal. Anybody can quote or give non-practical answers to interview questions. But, if you are experienced enough to apply for the job, do more than give answers; take them on a journey of how you’ve implemented whatever you are saying and show the result you got.

Be Concise

One of the best ways to show experience is to make difficulty look easy. And there’s no better way to do it than provide concise or straightforward answers to front-end interview questions. Rambling has no use or positive advantage to it. Just say what needs to be said and leave out the excesses.

Take Your Time

One myth that surrounds interviews is the belief that “you’re expected to provide spontaneous answers.” Well, you’re not! What’s the rush anyways? Take calculated pauses to let your answers sink. It’s also a display of confidence, and you should learn to maximize the power that comes with momentary silence in interviews.

“Tell me about yourself.”

One of the most conflicting questions candidates might face in an interview is “tell me about yourself!” When asked, kindly note that HR is not interested in the fact that your mum gave birth to five kids or any answer that doesn’t concern how you can rightly fill the role.


Having airtight answers to possible interview questions gives you a headstart over another applicant. It might take a few practices in front of the mirror, but it’s the right way to stay prepared ahead of a job interview. Here are some of the possible questions you might want an answer

Q1. How do you practice front-end?

Give a quick overview of your processes in utilizing frameworks, how you code, and why you think your approach makes your work more efficient. These are answers you should think about and internalize before the interview.

Q2. Do front-end developers need to know algorithms?

Yes, front-end developers need algorithms to deal with large data structures and complex problems. Understanding algorithms and data structures also promote critical thinking, problem-solving, and coding skills.

Q3. Why do I need to hire you?

Give sufficient details about your career path related to the job requirements. Find the company or organization’s pain point and address it by rightly positioning your experience as the best thing they can have. This question is a variant of “tell me about yourself.”


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Godwin Oluponmile

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I drive revenue for MarTech and eCommerce companies with seductive storytelling. I build customer-centric pieces through thought-provoking opinions with trends in your industry.

I maximize customer retention through words.

SEO-focused copywriter and strategist. Web 3.0 enthusiast. Words on Entrepreneur, Benzinga, Hackernoon, Pangea, Codeless, Blocktelegraph and more.

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