The Software Solution Guarantee of APP IT

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Publish date:

October 17, 2022

Updated on:

June 10, 2024

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The Software Solution Guarantee of APP IT


BERLIN, Germany - With exciting software solutions for enterprises for all sizes and clients from around the world, APP IT stands apart from the rest. With its impressive industry know-hows that translate into quality digital solutions and optimized business processes, the company excels at what it does. We extend resounding applause for APP IT and hope the following spotlight will have you joining us in applause as well!

Keep The Applause Going

With an excellent Overall Pangea Score of 9.3/10.0, APP IT ranks highly amongst our software engineering vendors! In operation for more than five years, APP IT is headquartered in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and we welcomed them onboard in 2022. Their software solutions are diverse, ranging from creating and optimizing web and mobile development applications to desktop and smartphone apps to building web shops. The company’s services include Back-end Development, Front-end Development, Mobile Development, Prototyping and Proof of Concepts, and Web Development.

With highly impressive clients such as ADTEXO d.o.o., Express Courier d.o.o., and Green River Digital, we need not say much more about the company’s credentials (a list of more clients can be found here). Company values such as Responsibility, Honesty, Persistence, Decisiveness, and Freedom are echoed by CEO Faruk Bavčić, who remarked on the strengths and all-encompassing services of the company:

“Our expertise are web and mobile applications where we have successfully delivered over 20 projects so far and are continuously delivering new solutions to our clients. Our team is committed to delivering top-notch ERP software with a focus on client needs with cross-functional teams. We are a dedicated team of software professionals with high attention to details, skilled in analysis, problem solving and timely deliveries.”

The Team’s Undeniable “App”titude

7 team members are holding up APP IT banners at an outdoor fitness event

The team is proud to represent APP IT at an outdoor fitness event

The 16 full-time employees at APP IT are driven, detail-oriented and analytically gifted to name just a few qualities! They’re also respectful, honest, persistent, and have a host of other qualities we hope you’ll discover by hearing from the employees themselves – who gave the company an Overall Team Health Score of 8.9/10.0.

Software Developer Elvis appreciated the opportunities for Personal Growth (9.1/10.0), Peer Rapport (9.3/10.0), and Wellbeing (9.0/10.0):

“I joined the company at the invitation of the management, who provided me with very attractive working conditions, challenging projects and complete freedom at work. A good team atmosphere is actually the most important fact that keeps me in this company. In addition, employees have the opportunity to continuously develop their skills.”

Fellow Software Developer Azra also praised the ample opportunities they receive to be challenged, which encourages growth:

“One of the most exciting aspects is that we work on interesting and challenging projects. We get new tasks on a daily or weekly basis and it is often something new, unknown and challenging. So it is really exciting to work on projects like that, push our limits and master new skills. It is exciting to work in a dynamic environment with a positive and enthusiastic atmosphere and people.”

Senior Software Developer Edin applauded management’s eagerness for input from employees and the company’s willingness to grow:

“After getting to know the people and the project I'm working on, I came to the conclusion that Appit cares a lot about its employees and at the same time offers that as an employee of the company I can participate in the process of building the company itself. This is interesting to me because the employees themselves participate in shaping the company and have the opportunity to fix things they think are not good.”

The company also hosts regular Free Food Days for employees and a recent one involved a team member cooking a delicious barbeque for everyone and freely sharing his culinary tips. It’s no surprise that APP IT scored a 9.2/10.0 for Culture!

Clients Are Snapping For APP IT

With a Client Insights Score of 9.7/10.0, APP IT has been incessantly praised by clients who are excited to speak of their Customer Journey (10.0/10.0). Other categories that scored a perfect 10.0/10.0 included UI / UX Design, Project Management, Quality Assurance, Documentation Level, Business Maturity and Process Maturity!

Mirza B. of Express Courier remarked on APP IT’s reliable professionalism:

“Very professional approach to work and kind workers that I successfully worked with.”

J.I., the COO @ Agency, remarked on APP IT’s incredible flexibility when it came to meeting changing needs on short notice:

“Our client requirements fluctuate a lot from month to month and App IT has been there for us to cover the resource gaps that occur in a very short period of time. They are always communicating to make sure they can help us cover our business needs.”

Another client, Amir S., was also amazed at the speed with which APP IT provided its deliverables:

“...A quick cooperation, they delivered the website very fast and I had support whenever I needed it.”

APP IT works mostly within, but not limited to, the following industries: Accounting, Warehousing, Sales, CRMs and various others involving the software system ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning).

An Appetite for Tech

Employees are seated in front of their desktop computers working away.

A Team with an Appetite for the Best Digital Solutions

If you’re looking for more IT personnel for your project, APP IT can provide individualized expertise or even a whole team! If you simply want your project to thrive within the demands of the future, APP IT can help you with tailored digital solutions that are always looking ahead. The team is constantly looking for new technological tasks and challenges!

The most frequently used technologies in APP IT’s tech stack include .NET, Angular.js, Microsoft SQL Server, TypeScript, Java, ASP.NET MVC, Kotlin, PHP, Node.js, and Apache Cordova. Regarding engagement types, they are best suited for Team Augmentation, Firefighting Response, and Support And Maintenance.

Unsure of what technologies your project will require? No worries! APP IT offers free online consultations to get a sense of your project’s needs and scope. Imagine the endless possibilities of working with this team! We’d be thrilled to put you in touch with APP IT - just take the first step and  reach out to us. Whatever your needs, we’ll let them APP it for you!


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Marina Reza

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I’m a Berlin-based freelance writer, people-watcher & regular co-host of Berlin Spoken Word. For wage labor, I write SEO-based articles (covering mental health to various technical subjects), blog entries, website copy, B2B marketing content and social media content.

I also write poems, prose & songs.

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