Rule App Development and Integration with Untitled Kingdom

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August 6, 2021

Updated on:

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Rule App Development and Integration with Untitled Kingdom


BERLIN, Germany - Big ideas need a place to grow, and Untitled Kingdom is fertile ground for the seeds of world-changing tech that will positively impact people’s lives. Joining Pangea in 2021, the company’s main focus is developing FemTech, IoT, and digital health products—from the idea scribbled on the back of a napkin all the way to MVP. Do you have an idea that will change the future of health tech? Check out Untitled Kingdom!

Untitled Kingdom’s Unbridled Possibilities

Started in Kraków in 2009, Untitled Kingdom’s mission is to create products with positive impacts on people’s lives, fueling projects in digital health, FemTech, and IoT that spark change and harmony in the world. Their core values are quality, transparency and family, and these are clear with their preference of “Partners” rather than clients. Input from the whole team is taken into account to best advise Partners on project improvements and solutions for moving forward.

Untitled Kingdom’s commitment to developing the best possible digital health products from any stage of the creative process is their strongest goal. As their CEO and co-founder Piotr Zajac says:

“At Untitled Kingdom we take care of the whole product & software development process. Twelve years of experience let us explore and jump into challenges with no fear. No matter at what stage your product or service is, we will take it to the next level. We pay great attention to Partnership relations and work with our Partners as one team with one goal. ”

Untitled Kingdom’s top Partners include FemTech pioneer Elvie, hearing aid leader Eargo, and medical tech giant ConvaTec. With innovators like these on board, an Apple MFI certification, and an overall Pangea score of 8.7/10.0, was keen to bring this poised Polish company into the team. Read on for more about Untitled Kingdom!

The Royal We

With 40+ full-time employees, the Untitled Kingdom team prides itself on its openness to trial and error. Not every idea is going to benefit a project, but the company values mistakes that they can learn from, and team members are encouraged to experiment and repeat until they’ve determined the best possible way to move forward.

Using Management 3.0 methods to bolster team morale and cohesion, Untitled Kingdom fosters its sense of family with interdisciplinary teams, Kudos appreciation practices, transparent communication, and top-notch feedback sessions. Everyone on the team has a voice, and they can test their skills in multiple roles and offer consultation to Partners with confidence.

Most team members at Untitled Kingdom have around 4.5 years of experience, but they truly believe in compounding that experience by furthering employee development with a discretionary educational budget and time set aside for study. With a Pangea Team Health Score of 8.5/10.0—including a Management Rapport score of 8.8/10.0 and a Culture score of 8.8/10.0—it’s no wonder that Untitled Kingdom’s first-year retention rate sits at 98%!

Of the company culture, data scientist Joanna Tarazewicz says:

“I know everyone’s name. And yes, we’re all friends who just... happen to be working with me in the same company. And it shows! After hours, we hang out at the office together and take group weekend trips. Can you imagine?”

In a similar vein, QA Engineer Siarhei Lukaprou appreciates the sense of community and the opportunities for advancement, saying the most exciting aspects of working at Untitled Kingdom are:

“Great relationships with all the team members. We’re collaborating while always respecting and supporting one another. [And] Excellent feedback culture. I’m regularly receiving high-quality feedback, which helps me in both work-related and personal growth.”

And above all, product designer Karolina Klimek describes working at Untitled Kingdom as:

“Fun: Cause we’re about more than work! I've been here for less than a year but spent countless hours playing board games, drinking wine, and partying with my co-workers. Working or not, in the Untitled Kingdom, we appreciate each other’s company.”

Where the magic happens at Untitled Kingdom

A Kingdom of Partners

This sense of fun and community is at the core of the company’s values, and it extends beyond the immediate team in the office. Untitled Kingdom works with clients—Partners—of various sizes, ranging from seed startups to established enterprises in mental health care, hospital care, and architecture and planning—all of whom are treated like family. This has resulted in their customers giving them a Pangea Client Insights Score 8.9/10.0, with both Business Maturity and Customer Journey ranking at 9.3/10.0 each.

But digging deeper into these scores, let’s hear it directly from some of Untitled Kingdom’s employees. Michael Maher, COO of Spoke, an app that promotes mindfulness and music for mental health, says:

“We have been really impressed with U.K. The onboarding process was exceptional, the team have felt like an extension of our team and have always gone above and beyond to hit our targets and deliver a high-quality, bug-free app.”

Soumyadip Rakshit, CEO at smart sex toy startup MysteryVibe, praises the both the quality of work and the ease of integrating with the Untitled Kingdom team:

“Untitled Kingdom are world leaders in Hardware-software App development. We have worked with them for the past 4 years and their technical expertise, attention to detail and project management skills are second to none. A true extension of our team.”

The Untitled Kingdom team enjoying an evening event

Dashing Data Use

Untitled Kingdom’s variety of services cover multiple areas of app development, including backend, big data, IoT, and data science and analytics that will change people’s lives and relationship to their health for the better. Their most recent success has been their Partnership with FemTech innovator Elvie, developing intuitive native apps on IoS and Android for both the Elvie breast pump and the Elvie Kegel trainer.

With a robust tech stack that boasts Java, JavaScript, Kotlin, Node.JS, Python, React Native, Selenium, and Swift, Untitled Kingdom can take on projects across a huge spectrum of platforms, and their team has experience in several methodology styles for approaching projects. The Untitled Kingdom crew will determine what works best based on the size, availability, and individual needs of the team. Whether it’s new product development from scratch, an existing project handover, or team augmentation for an ongoing project, Untitled Kingdom has the expertise and breadth of knowledge to take it on!

From FemTech to IoT, Untitled Kingdom is dedicated to digital health apps that will impact people in positive ways, applying their wide range of skills and know-how to produce projects that will change the world. If you have an idea that you’d like to see come to life, visit their engagement page and we’ll put you in touch with the Untitled Kingdom team! But don’t just take our word for it; let CEO Piotr tell you about his company’s mission:

“At Untitled Kingdom we’re all driven by the positive impact we have on peoples’ lives. That’s why we specialize in creating apps for digital health products. If you’re looking for a partner that shares similar values and is interested in the success of your business, not only pixel-perfect code, we’re all ears.”

For a company whose core values are quality, transparency, family, expect nothing less!


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Arielle Cottingham

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Texas-born Afro-Latina poet, performance artist, and dancer. With a theatre degree, two books, and an Australian Poetry Slam Championship under her belt, Arielle explores the interplay between spoken word and the body, merging elements of dance and physical theatre with written poetry to create multidisciplinary short works that she has toured through Texas, Australia, and Southeast Asia, from the pubs of Melbourne to the cafes of Singapore to the Sydney Opera House.

During her free time, she enjoys editing and contributing to content at and other sites.

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