Keeping IT Smart and Simple with HiGroup

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December 2, 2021

Updated on:

March 13, 2024

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Keeping IT Smart and Simple with HiGroup


BERLIN, Germany – How do you define value? For HiGroup, the latest star in Pangea’s lineup, it’s all about the users. The simple expression, Users = Truth, captures their commitment to building web and mobile products that grow and adapt to maximize value. To see what HiGroup can deliver for your users, why not reach out and say “Hi”?

Aiming High to Maximize Value

Since setting up shop in Ljubljana, the vibrant economic hub of Slovenia, in 2018, HiGroup has steadily built a reputation among a growing cadre of satisfied clients for their data-driven, user-focused approach to development, from start to finish.

The phrase “ Value Maximizers” describes their philosophy for delivering value for end users by working closely with clients to develop well-researched, elegant solutions to complex problems, while also keeping things smart and simple. CEO Dino Starčič describes their holistic mindset as follows:

“When working with us we don't just represent the workforce to build and deliver digital products. We will work and consult with you to deliver products with maximum value whilst always looking at the big picture. We will challenge the decisions with data, research and will adapt to complex environments as responding to changes fast and efficiently is crucial for maximizing value.”

HiGroup has already helped numerous clients aim for greater heights, including the online booking platform Reserviri, the lifestyle and travel app VisitVibe, and the personal finance app Cashews. Based on the strength of fantastic ratings from clients like these, along with their crew of happy employees, they earned an overall Pangea score of 9.1/10! Read on to learn more about the fundamentals of this high-flying rating.

Held in High Regard

HiGroup’s dedication to delivering value for users has won them accolades from customers—whether agencies, consultancies, corporations, or start-ups—across industries from computer software and industrial automation to IT & financial services.

The company’s Pangea Client Insight Scores include a 9.5/10 for Tech Expertise, and 90% satisfaction scores for Project Management, Customer Journey, UI/UX Design, Business Maturity, and Process Maturity. The high bar indicated by these ratings is also reflected in glowing client reviews of their work like the following from Jon Goriup, Product Manager at Anteja ECG:

“Working with HiGroup we developed and launched a number of updates for our value chain transparency solution. The team was always dedicated to executing highest quality work and were sticking to the agreed timelines.”

Along the same lines, here’s how one anonymous startup founder raved about the work ethic, reliability, and commitment to customer satisfaction of the HiGroup team:

“HiGroup did not stop working until we were satisfied. The design they’ve created is interactive, fast, and stable. Everything looks perfect. HiGroup delivered the project on our timeline and our budget. I can't recommend them highly enough!”

There you have it—high praise indeed!

Can’t have too many screens

It's “Hi Time” for Transparency and Trust

Currently, 14 full-time employees strong, HiGroup’s team is driven by a core set of values, including Transparency, Trust, Learning, and Commitment to Customers. In more detail, they describe themselves as:

“...a group of ambitious, daring people that together create an environment where we can innovate and cherish our out-of-the-box mindset. Having a transparent and trust-driven culture enables each individual to grow and pick the paths they want to explore.”

At Pangea, we’re impressed by the culture they’ve created out of these values over the years, and we think you will be too. But you don’t have to take our word for it! Let’s check out the numbers:

With both overall and first-year retention rates of 90%, it’s clear that the team at HiGroup is content, committed, and growing together—so you can trust they’ll be with you all the way through the development process.

These high levels of employee satisfaction are reflected in an outstanding overall Pangea Team Health score of 9.4/10, with ratings for Culture, Management and Peer Rapport, Personal Growth, and Feedback & Recognition all at 9.5/10 or above!

Let’s hear it from some of HiGroup’s team members directly:

“I love the culture and work environment at the office, always having someone to ask for feedback, go for a quick coffee chat or just hang out after work for a beer or two.”

- Maša Pogorevc, Project Manager @ HiGroup

“Joining HiGroup was probably one of the best decisions I have ever made. [...] From the very beginning, they were nothing but supportive. They played a crucial role in the growth I have experienced on both, personal and professional levels. I always had the feeling that I am a part of the story we are building together.”

- Žiga Pirc, Back-end Developer @ HiGroup

“What makes me happy and sparks joy in me is seeing how quickly and how strong we are growing. The things we achieve, the people we have managed to push in the right direction so now they become experts in their field, and amazing products with happy clients we make.”

- Edin Ćeman, Team Lead & Front-end Developer @ HiGroup

Taking an NBA2K break

Raising the Bar, All the Way Through the Stack

The versatile team at HiGroup is not one to shy away from a challenge, and they are always eager to raise the bar, whether spearheading the development of new products, jumping in to augment existing project teams, or taking on support and maintenance roles.

Their services run the gamut from back- to front-end development, cloud services, mobile development, MVP development, and project management.

Up and down the stack, from front-end (JavaScript, Vue.js, React, etc.) and back-end (PHP, NodeJS, Laravel), to mobile (React Native, Ionic) and big data (MySQL, Postgresql, MongoDB, etc.), HiGroup is always fluent with the latest tools for your project (and certified with AWS and Microsoft Azure).

A recent project that demonstrates the scope of HiGroup’s skills and effective execution is their work for SailNomad, a yacht and boat reservation platform where users can search among many vessels to charter, acquired through APIs from different sources. In addition to digitizing their work processes, HiGroup revamped their entire web abb, ultimately increasing page visits by 312%, while bringing in 525% more inquiries and reservations.

In a rapidly changing world, you want a team like HiGroup that’s always on the leading edge— aware of what’s around the bend, while adapting to new conditions. We think CEO Dino Starčič sums up their forward-thinking approach best:

“As we know the world of IT is changing fast, we are investing to educate our team members so they are always on the edge when it comes to technology or product management and this is how we keep IT smart and simple.”

To find out how HiGroup can help you take the data-driven high ground with confidence, head over to their profile page to connect and learn more. With their commitment to adaptation and constant learning, along with customer satisfaction, simplicity, and usability, we at Pangea think this company is destined for high places!


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Matthew Lutz

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I am a quantitative behavioral ecologist with expertise in swarm intelligence and collective behavior. Currently working on AI safety in multi-agent systems and agent-based modeling for synthetic data.

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