Going Into Production with Web Factory

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July 23, 2021

Updated on:

June 11, 2024

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Going Into Production with Web Factory


BERLIN, Germany - Say hello to Web Factory and get ready for some crafty tech labour! Web Factory is yet another exciting new partner in the Pangea universe who can help you bring your ideas to production. With access to the latest technology and skilled workers in the back, this factory processes your concepts into complex solutions.

First-Class (Not Mass) Production

Web Factory opened its doors in Skopje, Macedonia, in 2009 and has been manufacturing effective end-to-end digital systems that help businesses grow ever since. Their eager mission is to become a company where gifted tech stars are born and distinguished businesses emerge. Aspiring to be the key technical factor in the success of each of their clients, Web Factory is all about quality over quantity: this is a boutique operation that does not dabble in mass production—mastermind and CEO of Web Factory, Todor Panev, affirms:

“Web Factory was built to make a change in how an IT company operates. We have always been focused on quality and not quantity, that is what our clients and team members love about us and that is why they are part of our journey. We believe that as individuals we can succeed in many things, but as a team, we can win.”

And win they certainly do! The talented team has already accrued a multitude of awards that leave us in awe:

  • Silver Medal in for Santander Customer Transaction Prediction competition by Kaggle 2019
  • 2nd place for Best Mobile Application by A1 Mobile Carrier: SpotMe in 2010
  • Freedom-Centered Culture Organization by WorldBlu in 2019

Beyond prize committees, Web Factory has also wowed companies of all sizes and industries with their fascinating work. Specifically, they have gone into production with e.g. ESA (European Space Agency), T-mobile Macedonia, IGNIS Inc. Japan, Akoni, and WARC Japan. Indeed, the company has been making so many inroads in Japan recently that they set up a satellite office in Tokyo!

But Web Factory's winning streak ends is far from over. With their streamlined process, a great set of workers, and only the latest and greatest tools in today’s digital landscape, the company has achieved a remarkable overall Pangea Score of 9.5/10.0. Read on to learn just what helped these industrious Macedonians achieve this impressive feat!

The Human Factor

As in any well-functioning factory, it is the employees who play the most crucial role in the company's success. Web Factory's 75+ employees produce only the best digital solutions for their many different clients around the world, taking on even the trickiest challenges. At Web Factory, the team remains flexible without ever changing its core values: freedom and autonomy for people to do their work as they see fit, while being accountable for it.

Above all, the company believes in creating an atmosphere where people can share their ideas and knowledge, no matter what position they are in and to establish a workplace that people are proud of. It is not surprising that this admirable attitude has resulted in an overall Pangea Team Health Score of 9.2/10.0.

Personalised career paths are one of the major perks at Web Factory. Their hard-working employees choose the pace at which they want to advance their careers, always supported by their valued colleagues. Everyone here has the opportunity to grow personally and professionally by having access to the information they need.

For example, Stefan Peshikj started as an intern only a few years ago and is now respected tech lead of Web Factory’s frontend team. He goes down memory lane and recalls his time as an intern:

“The company was really supportive of me finishing my university studies, and working here really helped me get perfect grades at the last year of my studies without having to learn too much after work, as real-life experience increased the rate at which I learned and adapted to new things.

I had a great mentor who was dedicated to helping me get on the right track, showing me what I need to work towards to become better at what I do.”

Elena Zhurkova, Project Manager at Web Factory, adds:

“Web Factory has been a turning point in my life. Here I was given an opportunity to completely change my career, and grow myself as an individual on both personal and professional level.”

Hearing about Stefan and Elena’s stories, it is no wonder that Web Factory reaches a top score of 9.6/10.0 in personal growth. Further peak ratings can be achieved in the peers’ rapport category and in the company's culture (both at 9.3/10.0). Alexandar Jovchevski, business developer, team lead, and client consultant all in one, gives us an insight into how these incredible scores were achieved and what has kept him working at Web Factory for so long:

“There are plenty of things keeping me here, from the newest tech trends, top talent, great teamwork, to an incredible working atmosphere and good work-life balance. What matters the most to me is my colleagues, and the care for the people shown by the company and the management.”

Having fun at WebFactory team event!

Impressing Clients with Well-Crafted Products

As mentioned above, Web Factory has a large number of international clients. They typically deliver lean digital solutions and products to agencies, consultancies, well-known corporations, or Series B++ Startups and SMEs in industries such as entertainment, computer games, education management, financial services, and hospitality.

We sat down with several of these clients, who awarded the company an incredible Pangea Client Insights score of 9.9/10.0! This amazing achievement leaves no doubt that at Web Factory, the results and products delivered must be of the highest standard. Indeed, the sophisticated project management, technical expertise, and process maturity all received perfect scores of 10.0/10.0, which is clearly hard to top!

Just hear it from their extremely satisfied customers, who confirm to us that Web Factory has passed every quality tests with flying colours:

“I have been working with Web Factory for so many years that I started to feel they are part of us. Their skillset is great, they are a technical and solution-oriented team putting attention to detail. Always happy with their amazing solutions”

- Takako Mori, Product - Manager @ IGNIS Inc. Japan

“Amazing team! We were working on a challenging application never developed before for Idol groups in Japan, and what Web Factory did was superb. We created a platform with video calls from scratch on multiple platforms in less than 10 months”

- Toshitaka Hasegawa, Innovation Manager @ Pulse Inc.

“We chose Web Factory because they could meet our needs and budget, but once we began, I first noticed their level of questions. It showed they really wanted to understand our project and deliver what we need. That inspired trust and confidence.”

- Ryan Hagglund, Owner @ MY English School

Some Web Factory employees doing what they do best

Transforming Raw Ideas Into Finished Products

If you have an idea that needs technical support from a crafty team of experts, know that Web Factory will turn it into top-quality products. Whether you need assistance in frontend or backend development, with bespoke systems, implementation of features, or ML/AI Services—Web Factory specializes in all of them.

Their tech team supports you with their agile way of working if your desired product is still in its infancy or already exists and needs support and maintenance to stay in shape. They are also at your side when your company's team is growing rapidly and you don't quite know how to manage it all. Web Factory impresses with an high-class tech stack that includes Angular, Flutter, Hava, Python, TensorFlow, Unity, and Vue.JS.

The combination of company values such as freedom, team spirit, quality, and effort—to go along with commitment and proactivity—seem to work wonders for Web Factory! Much like an assembly line in a physical factory, this group of hard-working craftsmen can turn raw ideas into finished products and produce technical achievements like there’s no tomorrow. If all this still doesn't quite convince you, CEO Todor’s words will do the rest:

“In the red ocean of vendors for software services, there are few that you can pick, who can deliver and take care of your product like their own. This is where and how we see ourselves, a company that can deliver and bond with the client as a team. Over the years we gained domain knowledge in a few industries and expertise in several technologies, which gives us a headstart before our competitors when it comes to product and software development. Choosing us will always be "what you see is what you get", honesty and quality above all.”

If you want to partner with Web Factory, please go to their engagement page or just contact us. Optimise your business ideas and go into production with Web Factory soon!


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Isabelle Beyer

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Isabelle Beyer is a German Copywriter and Content Manager who excels in translating complex ideas into engaging narratives. As an adept Translator and meticulous Editor, she ensures that every piece resonates with clarity and cultural relevance.

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