Get Your Project Rolling With Marble IT

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December 22, 2022

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Get Your Project Rolling With Marble IT


BERLIN, Germany - As a sculptor carves from a block of marble, the visionaries at Marble IT are ready to sculpt your product idea into a finely chiseled digital solution. Working at the exciting intersection of web, mobile, and gaming industries, Marble IT is all about creating and realizing custom software solutions efficiently. It isn’t hard to marvel at the swirl of projects coming out of this company. Let’s get the ball rolling and meet them!

A Company Carved With Care

As any sculptor knows, a solid foundation is essential for the magic of chiseling and carving to begin. Likewise, Marble IT’s origin story starts with a solid base that allowed the company to proliferate with young, ambitious, and creative energy.

With headquarters in Novi Sad, Serbia, Marble IT was founded in 2018 and joined our multitudinous community in 2022. They are on the heels of the movement to gamify the internet by transforming it into 3-D spaces resembling games and also by gamifying apps. Their extensive expertise in the gaming industry gives them an edge over competitors when it comes to mobile and web applications. The company’s general process of product development includes project orientation, research & analysis, chiseling user experience & visual design, development, and deployment & maintenance.

Company values like Transparency, Accountability, Growth Mindset, Resourcefulness, and Creativity encompass a well-rounded ethos that illustrates the inner workings of Marble IT. Most clients are based in North America and Europe, while top clients of the company include Lyphe Group, Matka AG, and Zenegy.

CEO Luka Ćurčić beautifully summarizes the ethos behind Marble IT, which explains the company’s Overall Pangea Score of 9.0/10.0:

“We are a software company with diverse tech and creative capabilities, which we use to maintain a stable environment that allows experimentation, exploration, success, failure, learning and growth. Our mission is to help ambitious people in creating world-class software which in turn helps create a better world.”

A Smooth and Polished Team

Two employees are playing marbles on a table with an assortment of colorful marbles.

Marble ITers Know How to Work All Their Marbles

Marble IT consists of a fun and inspiring team that exemplifies unity and diversity as well as individualism and irrepressible team spirit. These qualities make for a chiseled yet lively company culture that easily earns a fantastic Pangea Team Health Score of 9.2/10.0. Team-building events and activities have included scavenger hunts, holiday parties, gatherings to honor the company’s milestones, as well as video games (naturally) at the office. A culture of freedom and trust allows team members to reach their creative and technical potential and overall productivity.

Tech Lead Aleksandar Polic wrote to us about the excellent Culture (9.3/10.0), Peer Rapport (9.4/10), Management Rapport (9.4/10.0), and opportunities for Personal Growth (9.2/10.9) at the company:

“MarbleIT provided a great opportunity for my progress early in my career. My professional journey started only about half a year before I joined MarbleIT. Dedication and professionalism I tried to show were seen by upper management and it was a great motivation for me to do better. MarbleIT values people, that is the core. During this time, we've established a great culture and atmosphere inside the office. Combined culture and fun technical challenges provide an entertaining environment which makes our company great for a long-term commitment.”

Likewise, Frontend Developer Jelena is incredibly appreciative of opportunities to expand her technical horizons:

“As I wanted to dive deeper into frontend development, Marble IT has opened the door for me in terms of knowledge, support, projects, and overall experience. From learning new frameworks and languages, and building mobile/web applications to integrating third-party libraries, and animations, I have had all the support needed in terms of consulting colleagues, tutorials, courses, etc.”

Employees are privy to company operations that may not necessarily involve them to provide a greater vantage point of what is happening at Marble IT. Open and direct communication between employees, no matter their role within the company, allows team members to feel at ease when issues arise – whether they be technical or interpersonal.

Technical Lead Aleksandar appreciates the tailored assignments, which enhance his sense of Wellbeing (9.2/10.0) and Satisfaction (8.8/10.0) at the company:

“My favorite part about working for MarbleIT is that there is no pressure or micromanaging. The company trusts us that we will deliver a good code on time. The company cares about employees' wishes. If we want to work on a specific role or with new technology, they will give their best to find the project that fits our needs.”

Clients: Marble IT is Marvelous

Marble IT’s Pangea Client Insights Score of 8.8/10.0 comes as no surprise! Customers easily speak to the incredible software solutions that Marble IT produces with diligence and impressive expertise. Here, clients are considered “partners in growth” and come from a range of industries, including Entertainment, Computer Games, and Computer Software. They can exert autonomy and allocate agile teams within flexible timeframes. Marble IT also offers free consulting for those who are newer to this world and don’t know how to start implementing solutions for their ideas.

Client L.M. is thrilled with the Customer Journey (9.3/10.0) and Tech Expertise (8.7/10.0) of the team at Marble IT:

”I have worked with Marble IT to build the UK’s first digital pharmacy for medical cannabis. They have been pivotal to the launch and success of our project and we have enjoyed working with them.”

Like sandpaper used to smooth the contours of marble, thorough exercises and protocols for Quality Assurance (8.7/10.0) at Marble IT ensure that products are running effortlessly and bug-free. Another client, P.S., is a CEO whose testimonial below exemplifies the stellar quality of Project Management (9/10.0) and Process Maturity (9/10.0) at the company:

”The experience and quality of the solution is always the top priority for everyone involved. This aligns the interests, simplifies communications, and just makes it fun to work together, hit the milestones, and continuously deliver great solutions.”

Client D.G. is a firm believer that the company soars high above its competitors:

”I knew from the first meeting with Marble IT that we had found our team. Prior to interviewing them we spoke to 4 other companies. In a word, Marble IT is exceptional! We highly recommend using their full staff of knowledgeable professionals.”

Tech That Rolls Out All The Digital Marbles

One employee is standing & pointing at a whiteboard with a flow chart drawn on it. Three other employees are sitting around & looking at him.

Chiseling a Plan for Custom Software

Marble IT’s primary services include AR/VR Services, Backend Development, Cloud Services, Frontend Development, Mobile Development and MVP Development. Additionally, their top engagement types include New Product Development and Team Augmentation.

One fascinating project Marble IT worked on in 2020 was Huff Books, an online marketplace that sells secondhand books and gives sellers the ability to scan ISBN codes and upload books with OCR capabilities. Technologies such as .NET Core, Vue.js, Nuxt.js, and MySQL allowed developers to create UI/UX design for the website and scalable architecture that would support a growing number of users.

When it comes to technology expertise and digital wizardry, Marble IT goes home with all the software marbles. Within their diverse and growing main tech stack, the most commonly used technologies include .NET Core, JavaScript, Node.js, React Native, React.js, Flutter, Unity, Python, Django, and Three.js. If you don’t see the stack you prefer listed here, no worries! The team at Marble IT will assuage any anxieties and see to it that your favorite technology is available.

We would love to connect you with Marble IT to get the ball rolling on your unique project. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us and we’ll help you lay the foundation to work with Marble IT and carve your product into life!


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Marina Reza

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I’m a Berlin-based freelance writer, people-watcher & regular co-host of Berlin Spoken Word. For wage labor, I write SEO-based articles (covering mental health to various technical subjects), blog entries, website copy, B2B marketing content and social media content.

I also write poems, prose & songs.

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