Get Ready to Feel Better QA!

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Publish date:

October 29, 2021

Updated on:

June 10, 2024

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Get Ready to Feel Better QA!


BERLIN, Germany - Our world is driven by a harder-better-faster-stronger approach to tech, business, and production. Better Quality Assurance Srl has taken this mentality to heart, focusing their efforts on every angle of testing software to ensure nothing will slow you down. If you want the best, test with Better QA!

Go One Better

Better QA opened its doors in 2018, in the Transylvanian tech hub of Cluj-Napoca, Romania. This team of proactive problem-solvers is pushing the industry forward with their comprehensive approach to software testing, because they know that the better your initial testing, the less likely problems are to arise during normal business operation. Their CEO and Quality Assurance Manager Tudor Brad goes into further detail:

By focusing on a niche like software testing, we hope to make our mark in the IT industry. We want to achieve this by using a combination of onsite consulting, offshore test execution, tools and frameworks that will reduce the number of post-release defects. Our main focus is to make your vision come to life while making the product delivery more cost-effective.”

Carving out a niche just for testing IT in today’s world is working wonders for the company; among their top clients, they count AI-based healthcare automators AdviNow Medical, full-service Internet agency Medial Multimedia Services, and marketing strategy masters Cocomore AG. With an overall Pangea Score of 8.5/10.0, we are excited to welcome Better QA to the Pangea universe!

Better Safe Than Sorry

Because Better QA is primarily focused on building their niche in the industry with comprehensive software testing, they generally work with agencies and small- to medium-sized enterprises. Even so, testing alone is vital to a number of different interests in the computer software industry, in addition to financial services, healthcare, and marketing. Satisfied clients from across these industries have chimed in about their experience with Better QA, and the tech lead at an agency they’ve recently worked with summed it up succinctly:

“We are happy to have Better Quality Assurance as our partner.”

Short, sweet, and to the point! James Bates, CEO at AI-healthcare pioneers AdviNow Medical had more to say:

“Great partner in QA that understands the tech well. The engineers assigned were as if they were on our team.”

Better QA is so easy to onboard, in fact, that he isn’t the only happy customer to mention how easy it is to work with their team. Ciprian David, the Project Manager over at Cocomore AG, included in his own assessment:

“Better QA is one of the few companies that make you think you could completely outsource QA from them.”

These glowing reviews are backed up by their Pangea Client Insights Score that includes chart-topping rankings at 95% satisfaction for Tech Expertise, Documentation Level, and—unsurprisingly—Quality Assurance.

Getting into the nitty gritty at BetterQA HQ

Nothing But the Best

With a team of 34+ full-time employees, Better QA is all the better for their professionalism and their willingness to go the extra mile to ensure better quality products. Although their average seniority of the company is just over 2 years of experience, they are highly motivated and pay close attention to detail. Their CEO, Tudor, describes the company culture at length:

Regarding our company culture, we firmly believe that the basis of any successful and long-lasting company is keeping your team happy and satisfied with their work. BetterQA started with only a handful of people, and we know how important each and every team member is and how one small factor could take the entire project off track. The future is built by strong teams willing to put in the work to make big ideas a reality. That's how we want to stay relevant.”

Their highest Pangea Team Health Scores are in Peer Rapport and Personal Growth, but don’t just take our word for it. Better QA employees can tell you best in their own words, and Quality Assurance Engineer and team lead Bianca Iancu has nothing but the best to say about her colleagues:

“What I liked the most from the beginning was that people believed in me. I never felt like a junior, incapable of making decisions, but like an employee whose opinion mattered, even if I was just at the beginning of my career. I also think that taking into account everyone's views is the way a small company will grow.”

Speaking on the personal growth aspects of life at the company, QA Manager and fellow team lead Sergiu Olpretean adds:

“What I like the most is that I’m able to work and dive deep into different technologies. We have a pretty significant number of projects across all kinds of fields of activity, all with different needs, requirements, as well as architectures and workflows, so it feels like an unlimited knowledge faucet.

Roxanna Faur, Better QA’s marketing analyst and recruiter, sums up the vibes of the peer rapport amongst the team:

“What I like the most about working here is the daily interactions with the team. It is a pleasure! The knowledge, talent, and support are second to none.”

The BetterQA team on a company outing

Building a Better Mousetrap

A laser-like focus on testing means that Better QA’s main domains to work with are backend and frontend, fine-tuning even the fiddliest details. Due to this pinpoint concentration, they are best suited for new product development, team augmentation, and support and maintenance for existing projects. Their main technology stack is, for lack of a better word, absolutely stacked; their most frequently used languages include Apache, JMeter, Cypress, Docker, JavaScript, Kotlin, Postman, Selenium, Swift, TestLink, and TestRail.

Recently their work with AdviNow Medical has garnered them praise and recognition for their contributions to in-person and telehealth practices. Patients often have to fill out long, tedious questionnaires about their medical history for each new doctor visit, and AdviNow was looking for something that would be a notch better. When Better QA came in, they created and tested a system for automatically storing patient information that could be used in doctors’ offices as well as via digital telehealth visits. They wrote test cases, managed and executed the test plan, and reviewed documentation with both the product owner and the development team. As issues arose, they reported their results and kept close documentation of defects in operation. They also performed API and load testing, resulting in a better system for patients and doctors alike.

To conclude, Better QA’s testing services can take you to the top. In a company whose values are delivering top quality, client satisfaction, transparency, and employee happiness, few can boast a better understanding of what it means to test your way to the best. We return to the words of their CEO Tudor, who wants you to remember:

“It is our firm belief that BetterQA’s services will not only meet the most ambitious objectives of your business, but will also provide additional benefits while lowering the risks and product malfunction. We believe that our comprehensive approach to QA will yield the best solution and the best ROI for your business.”

You’d better believe it! So what are you waiting for? Check out BetterQA’s vendor profile, and get this crack team of testers on your team today!


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Arielle Cottingham

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Texas-born Afro-Latina poet, performance artist, and dancer. With a theatre degree, two books, and an Australian Poetry Slam Championship under her belt, Arielle explores the interplay between spoken word and the body, merging elements of dance and physical theatre with written poetry to create multidisciplinary short works that she has toured through Texas, Australia, and Southeast Asia, from the pubs of Melbourne to the cafes of Singapore to the Sydney Opera House.

During her free time, she enjoys editing and contributing to content at and other sites.

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