Find True North With Nortik Software Solutions

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Publish date:

May 21, 2022

Updated on:

March 13, 2024

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Find True North With Nortik Software Solutions


BERLIN, Germany - With Nortik Software Solutions you are guaranteed to be on the right track, heading straight for your business goals! Nortik helps you find smart and high-quality software solutions that are tailor-made to your wishes and needs. The Serbian software company focuses on building and maintaining enterprise clouds—just let them show you the right way!

Determined Directions

The company's name, Nortik, is derived from its mission to always strive due north. Since 2019, Nortik from Novi Sad, Serbia, has been helping its partners to significantly grow their business.

The Nortik team helps companies reduce their development costs and optimize their time-to-market by bringing in certified in-house engineers. With primary focuses on video streaming, entertainment, FinTech and blockchain industries, they have managed to win over clients such as WhyLabs, SmartX and Index.

Along their journey, Nortik Software Solutions has recently joined Pangea—with scores reflecting the company’s strong sense of orientation. After all, they have managed to get a 9.0/10.0 overall rating from Pangea.

Be assured that with Nortik as a trusted partner, your business will not falter in its path, in fact, it will be heard and seen throughout the whole land of technology!

Sitting Back to Back, Yet Standing United

Nineteen Tour Guides… and Counting

To achieve their clients' ambitious goals, the 19 high-performing employees with several years of experience and in-depth expertise navigate each client on their path to business success!

With the goal of hiring only the most ambitious crew-members, Nortik's hiring process is strict but efficient. This gives clients the opportunity to select a team that perfectly fits their needs. At Nortik, there is a strong emphasis on transparency and open communication, ensuring that the bold goals can actually be achieved. And even if things stray off-course, you will return on track with Nortik as your compass.

Nortik's management has a clear, very sophisticated growth plan—for the company as such, but also for its employees. Front-end developer, Nebojsa Jovanovic, confirms this:

“Along with responsibility comes a lot of experience, learning, and personal growth. Nortik gave me all of that and also I met many hard-working people who share their knowledge without vanity.”

Nortik Software Solutions encourages the development of its employees in several ways: Firstly, by using only the most advanced technologies. This way every engineer can gain hands-on experience with the most up-to-date tools. Second, the company has an extensive library of Udemy, SystemsExpert and other courses available to all employees at all times. Furthermore, Nortik organizes knowledge-sharing events once a month, particularly lectures given either by a Nortik employee or by engineers from other companies. These measures for improvement lead to a Personal Growth Score of 9.3/10.0 for Nortik. Vladimir Jakišić, Backend Developer, adds:

“Colleagues are highly professional, knowledgeable and supportive people and I'm happy to say that I've become friends with many of them. Projects, on the other hand, are diverse and, while working on them, I had a sense that I was doing something meaningful and that I really helped end users have a better experience.”

Nortik also receives a top rating in Feedback & Recognition, 9.3/10.0, as well as in Management Rapport, also with a 9.3/10.0. Tamara Zeković, HR Manager at Nortik, gives us a further insight into the highly committed team spirit:

“My team members are full of understanding, they always want to hear me out, help me to solve the problem, and be by my side when something goes wrong. I appreciate all my colleagues because they are hardworking young people who make every day's workday funny and everyday when I wake up in the morning I am really happy to go to work.”

Overall, this gives Nortik an excellent Pangea Team Health Score of 9.2/10.0. From our vantage point, they are well on their way to achieving great things!

Pillars of their Own Community

Going The Extra Mile

The Nortik team believes that trust is the most important component in any business relationship—which is why they decided to make it the foundation of the entire company. They collaborate mainly with start-ups and medium-sized companies, but also support larger corporations from time to time. They are particularly knowledgeable in the marketing and advertising, entertainment, banking, health, wellness and fitness, and commercial real estate sectors.

Mihaela Ciobanu, VP of HR at Smartx Net Apps, tells us why he and his company already enjoys a long-term partnership with Notik:

”Nortik have provided the real professionals we needed when time was of the essence. The constant availability and support have made Nortik one of our closest partners for long term collaboration.”

S.G., VP of Product at a Seed to Series A Startup, enthusiastically shares his experience with Nortik:

”Nortik have been a great partner for us, helping us to build out a strong frontend team that have been critical to the success of our product.”

Dane Trbović, Product Manager at Index promocija d.o.o, confirms that Nortik is not just any software company, but one that is willing to go the extra mile, right from the very beginning:

​”Even though we are still in the project's development phase, I am very pleased with the level of communication, openness to solving issues, and going the extra mile for us. ”

Not only are they taking a number of international clients with them on their triumphant journey, but they have also earned a Pangea Client Insights Score of 8.9/10.0 along the way, with a particularly good score in Customer Journey (9.3/10.0) and an absolute top score in Process Maturity (10/10.0).

Keep On Course

It's Nortik's goal to grow every business through a highly skilled team and high quality software. To do this, they have the latest technologies such as Node.js, .NET, Java, Python, Solidity, React.js, React Native, Angular.js, Vue.js and TypeScript at their disposal. In their very own agile way, they navigate you through the realms of Backend Development, Big Data, Chatbots, Cloud Computing, CMS and SaaS.

On top of that, they will be the perfect companion when you need someone to support you with a newly developed product, team reinforcement or a project handover.

Nortik stands for Transparency, Competence, Responsibility & Proactivity, Communication, as well as Integrity. The company has aligned the culture of the entire crew with these values. CEO, Ognjen Gatalo, gives you plenty of good reasons why you should pack your bags now and move up north:

“From the start, we had the vision to create a company where people’s creative potential can bloom inside a dynamic environment. Today, we would like to welcome you to this environment (...). Let's work together and create a world where no story goes untold or unheard!”

Feeling intrigued? Contact us directly to head up north; with Nortik as your personal travel buddy, of course you’ll never be off-course!


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Isabelle Beyer

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Isabelle Beyer is a German Copywriter and Content Manager who excels in translating complex ideas into engaging narratives. As an adept Translator and meticulous Editor, she ensures that every piece resonates with clarity and cultural relevance.

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