Eat, pray, develop at LoomingTech

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Publish date:

October 24, 2022

Updated on:

March 13, 2024

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Eat, pray, develop at LoomingTech


The soul of’s brand is making human connections. Our tech partners continue to build and strengthen our community’s DNA. We are very proud to have Looming Tech as part of our circle, whose unique individuals now inspire and empower all of our team members.

Time to meet the Senior Front End Developer at Looming Tech, Martin !

Why did you join Looming Tech, and what has kept you here?

I'd say I joined LoomingTech out of a fair bit of curiosity mixed in with a bit of hopefulness. After the interview steps, few as they were, I was left with the impression that some of the projects I would eventually be working on might turn out to be interesting, even pleasantly challenging.

But what really drew me in was the attitude of my interviewers; I wasn't promised heaps of outlandish benefits and bonuses, or treated to a boastful speach about how great the company is. They simply said, hey, we're a bunch of like-minded individuals who really enjoy working here and we'd love to have you with us. We hope you'd be happy here, but you'll just have to come and find out if this works for you. The rest is history.

As for what keeps me here, I'd say that after a year now, this works for me better than I expected. That is to say I'm working with friends on interesting projects in which I'm really invested.

A hike a day keeps the coder's block at bay

How do you define success in life?

By a quote from Churchill - "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."

And success is measured by your growth as a person, so strive everyday to be a bit better than you were yesterday. Turning that into a habbit, I'd say, it's all you need to do to be successful in life.

What are your primary responsibilities and what does your day-to-day look like?

My responsibilities include estimating the work that needs to be done for some of the potential projects, overseeing one or two other projects, apart from the one I'm on full time and lending a helping hand here and there, if needed. Also coding.

My work day usually starts with a nice cup of coffee and browsing Medium, Changelog and other sites for any new developer tools, news, tutorials, hacks or any interesting titbit of information regarding latest programming trends. After that we usually have meetings or quick huddles to discuss daily tasks or plan whole sprints. Next I sit down and do some actuall coding for a few hours, customarily untill six, at which point I'm usually done with daily tasks. And sometimes, when there's still more work to be done, I just take a one or two hours break to get something tasty to eat, or zesty to drink and crack on!

What’s your next step, or a few goals you’d like to accomplish in life, or while with Looming Tech?

Just grow - grow as a person, grow as a professional, grow as a developer. At the moment I get to do challenging and interesting stuff I like with people I like and respect, so my next step would be to keep on doing what I'm doing now.

Concerning lifegoals, I'd say I have the pretty standart array - a house, a new car, kids, etc.. However working on startup ideas and having clients describe with passion and detail their vision for a potential product gets you motivated to come up with one aswell. Guess I'll add that to the list.

What's your favorite line from a movie?

My favorite one is from American History X and is coincidentally both a line from the movie and a quote from Abraham Lincoln -

'We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature."

How do you spend your time outside of the office?

Well, ever since COVID came and went it kind of redifined the idea of "being in the office", since your home also became "the office".

And I like to spend a good part of my time and do things at home, so I'm not really safe from "the office" or apart from it for long these days. But that just made me also want to do things outside more, so from fishing, biking and going hiking with my dog to visitng pubs, bars and airsoft fields with friends and everything in between, I try to do as much of it as I can and just keep it varied.

Get to know Martin and the rest of the Looming Tech team!

We’re delighted that Martin decided to join Looming Tech – it’s been great having them on board! If you have any questions or want to get to know Martin or one of their colleagues from the Looming Tech team, we can put you in touch. Don’t hesitate to reach out!


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Martin Gaidarov

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Experienced Front End Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the program development industry. Worked on interface design and development of data-heavy web-based applications. Skilled in Javascript, React/Redux, Adobe Photoshop, 3D Studio Max, Graphic Design.

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