Coding a Vision For the Future with Merixstudio

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January 25, 2022

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Coding a Vision For the Future with Merixstudio


BERLIN, Germany - Read in between the lines of code, Merixstudio is here to introduce a vision that will help develop your products from mind to matter. Equipped with the best-in-class software team, they’re trusted by 250+ revolutionary businesses worldwide! And if that doesn’t pique your interest, then their tech-god of a team will ‘wow’ you with their speed and expertise.

Enter the Merix

Merixstudio first materialized in 1999 as one of the first Polish interactive web agencies of its kind. Hidden in the grid of Poznań, Poland, the Merix team has gone beyond their borders, serving more than 285 clients across the globe, showcasing that even if you’re surrounded by old town charm—new ways abound! Although they have managed to develop custom software for both global brands and fast-scaling startups, their real focus is working hand in hand with freshly minted entrepreneurs, optimizing their product goals, and designing the software to propel them into the digital world.

Beyond the aesthetics and functionality of their progressive apps and web platforms, Merixstudio promises something more—a product designed for your future. The team of 200+, made-up of a multitude of well-versed developers, is not only dedicated to walking you step by step through design and prototyping, but they’re fully invested in assessing future growth, quality of code, and product development based on your company’s needs before they even arise! Now, that’s some serious fortune-telling.

Working with companies like Six Flags, VW, and MoneyFarm proves that Merixstudio is capable of working in a variety of industries ranging from entertainment to financial services. Merixstudio CEO Adam Śledzikowski describes his company’s philosophy for helping their customers, no matter the industry:

“Mixing an innovative mindset and extensive tech expertise, we strived to help entrepreneurs discover high-potential opportunities and help them embrace the power of digital transformation.”

It’s safe to say, if you’re looking to launch your product straight to the top, Merixstudio will get you there! This is why Pangea was more than excited to bring them on board with an overall Pangea Score of 8.5/10.0. Interested in knowing why? Keep reading to learn how the future is unravelling with Merixstudio at the forefront.

The Oracle Speaks, Merix is Your Match

Okay, so you’ve managed to enter the industry, now what? Branding? Software modernization? AI? Let’s check all of the above. Merixstudio is equipped with a team of consultants to take your Series A to startup to full-fledged enterprise. Yes, Merix can help with everything from early-stage development to the great beyond. Their goal is simple: you don’t face challenges alone. Their 6-week Startup DNA, for example, is a starter package that helps early-stage founders workshop ideas around designs, interactive prototyping, and even building a pitch deck worth praise. Maxwell Hartman, founder, and CEO at Humanitrack, shares:

“Although I’m a smaller customer, I appreciate that they still treat me like a huge client. I had the pleasure of visiting their office and enjoyed meeting their team. They have a strong balance of professionalism, talent, and communication. ”

There’s no doubt this is why they receive a Client Score of 9.3/10.0 for Project Management. Guaranteeing 100% investment, no matter the size of the project is the Merixstudio way, proving every client deserves a future worth building for if you choose them as your architects.

Although Merix knows how to build, they don’t make it complicated for their clients to keep up. One of their company’s core values is to KISS, the classic acronym for, “Keep it simple, stupid!” They aim to keep their coding clean, reduce repetition, and stay minimal whenever possible. What’s more, is they do this while always keeping their clients in mind. Alexis Wicen, CEO at Unibo, expresses:

“Merixstudio has continued to deliver clean, high-quality code that’s easily transferable. They ensure that they set off on the right foot by deeply understanding the client’s needs.”

Their speed of development, the flexibility of code, and caring qualities are what boost them to an 8.7/10.0 on Technical Expertise. If you have a vision, there’s no doubt they will help you see it through. Whether they’re focusing on frontend technicalities, backend solutions, or design, Merixstudio upholds the metrics to decipher digital world difficulties and compute clarity.

Hard at work at Merixstudio

Merix-Team Uploaded

Do you ever have that feeling where you’re not sure if you’re awake or still dreaming? At Merixstudio, all your coding dreams can come true. Their company culture shows you really can have it all—quality code, quality of life, and quality co-working relations. They believe that to create great projects, cooperation between specialists is a must! As Radoslaw, their project manager puts it:

“Teamwork allows us to build extraordinary things.”

And that, they do! With 238 brains behind the lines, it’s hard to imagine such synergy in a coworking space where innovation and technology are so cutting edge, but it’s the power of teamwork that drives their excellence.

Workflow is not all that allows their brains to function at top speed. Attending monthly meetups and conferences all throughout the country, Merixstudio invests in sharing knowledge and creating a networking space where personal growth is also a team effort. When they’re not learning from the handful of workshops available, they are learning from one another.

After all, Merixstudio’s vision is built around sharing; if someone has knowledge of ‘how-to’ then they’re more than willing to pass it on. Mateusz, a QA Specialist onboard, explains:

“We never cease to learn. We hold internal knowledge-sharing sessions, but if anybody within a team is more knowledgeable, they always try to educate others. I really appreciate that.”

This is why their dedicated multidisciplinary team gives the company a Team Health score of 8.7/10.0 on Personal Growth. Where one excels, they all grow. Partnership, trust, creativity, passion and growth are the core values behind everything the Merix team does, but it’s the atmosphere that makes all the flair function. Paulina, their Team Leader, and in-house JavaScript Developer, shares:

“A sense of commonality is important for us. Rather than striving for individual greatness, we work as one team.”

This is why Peer Rapport at Merixstudio pulls in at 8.8/10.0! Yes, they’re an agile software team crafting and launching fully-fledged mobile apps for clients worldwide, but their family bond and team synergy is what makes the technology flow effortlessly. At Merixstudio, it’s all for one and one for all!

All fun and games at a company mixer

The Future Is At Your Fingertips

Ready to take the leap of faith? Merixstudio will show you just how advanced the coding world goes. Whether you’re looking for a dynamic design, a well-versed back-end developer, or a specialist in system integration, they’ve got you coded with a long list of specialities. From POC to MVP to prototyping, from machine learning to SaaS, or software modernization to UI design, their nimble fingers and fast-computing brains will assess exactly what your company’s needs are.

Although industries they most often work with are in fintech, entertainment, and e-commerce, they dabble in education, as well. Take their project at Julliard, for example. Ranked as 1st for best institutions for performing arts around the globe, this top-tier client needed an advanced Recital Management System (RMS) handling high traffic, advanced notifications and booking overflows. The Merix team quickly built the backend design with full-stack Python/Django development to integrate a time zone crossing calendar system, equipped with an internal notification system for students and teachers. Their HTML5 Strategy Composer allowed users to choose a stage for performance, time and date, an instrument of choice, and even a design for how the scene might take shape. Now that’s some advanced music for both eyes, ears, and fingers alike!

To plot your future on a grid can be difficult, but Merixstudio shows you where to begin. If you’ve got an idea that requires some computing, let their consultant team think it through with you. Their developers will show you the way, while their management team holds space for your company’s needs and development. To sum it all up, we return to CEO Adam:

“Merixstudio’s key expertise is the delivery of high-quality and performant web applications and cross-platform mobile apps. Based on the needs of our clients, we can support them in end-to-end product development or seamlessly extend their in-house team of engineers.”

There’s no need to face challenges alone. With trust, partnership, a good atmosphere, and passion for development as their core values, the Merixstudio team is here to help. So, in their own words: Keep it simple, stupid! Pop over to their profile page and choose them as your architects and build a future worth coding for.


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Flor Khan

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Flor Khan is a writer and poet from Los Angeles, California. While completing her M.A. in Education at San Francisco State University, she taught college-preparatory courses in Oakland, providing mentorship and support to help prepare first-generation high school students for higher education. She currently works as a national campaign researcher at New York University, where she resides.

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