Catch Some Excellence with Nexllence

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Publish date:

November 12, 2021

Updated on:

March 13, 2024

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Catch Some Excellence with Nexllence


BERLIN, Germany - We are delighted to introduce Nexllence—a still new star in the tech sky! Nexllence is the most recent addition to the Pangea universe and the Portuguese company has already impressed with its commitment to develop high-quality technological solutions for companies that are bound to be leaders in the digital future. Game on!

Innovative Tech Solutions Par Nexllence

Although Nexllence was only founded in 2020 in Sintra, Portugal, the company has already made it into the top percentile of Pangea's software development companies. You might be wondering: how come? For one thing, they are part of the already established Glintt, one of the largest Iberian technology companies, and are determined to follow in its legacy. For another, as their name suggests, their commitment to excellence is unparalleled—CEO, Nuno Vasco Lopes, tells us the secret of their success:

“At Nexllence we are passionate about two things: people and technology! What is our mission? Making both variables work and creating a fantastic result: culture of excellence, satisfied and constantly evolving people and our satisfied customers. We create technology in a culture of people and for people!”

So far, companies such as Millennium BCP (Banco Comercial Português), EDP, or Galp have already committed themselves to Nexllence's zealous mission. We sat down with some of these satisfied customers, and polled members of the company’s staff to get an idea of what makes Nexllence tick. As a result of this inquiry, Pangea is delighted to reward the young company with a remarkable overall Pangea Score of 8.2/10.0. We are certain that the future will bring nothing but excellence!

“Quit Doing Less-Than-Excellent Work”

This or a similar thought has probably crossed the minds of all Nexllence clients before they started working with the Portuguese technology company. Nexllence typically works with companies in the logistics and supply chain sectors. The talented team works to build long-term relationships based on quality of service and innovation, fully aligned with clients' business needs.

Clients particularly appreciate the company’s Quality Assurance (8.7/10.0), the Technical Expertise and well-organised Project Management (8.3/10.0) of each collaboration. André Vasconcelos, Product Owner at AMA, summarises the partnership for us as follows:

”Nexllence delivers high-quality projects in a short time, wearing the client's skin and actively contributing to solve the client's business challenges. ”

Other clients also revel in enthusiasm:

”What I appreciate most in the partnership we have with Nexllence is their flexibility and their ability to mingle with our other teams to achieve our objectives. ”

- Project Manager @ Enterprise/Corporation

”Very high level of knowledge. Project management with great professionalism”

- Head of Software @ Enterprise/Corporation

You can already guess what all those clients have in common: they have stopped doing less-than-excellent work and started to have Nexllence as a valued partner by their side with whom they will lead the digital future!

Hard at work in the Nexllence office

Three Steps Towards Greatness

Nexllence currently employs around 150 dedicated professionals. The culture that all team members love and live is based on the following three pillars: the motivation of the individual, the training that is offered and the care that is given. This approach earns Nexllence solid scores in several Team Health KPIs: an 8.4/10.0 in Culture, an 8.5/10.0 in Peer Rapport, and a whopping 8.8/10.0 in Personal Growth.

In quarterly meetings, the entire company sets goals together, creates training plans and then puts them into practice. Even though Nexllence is still a young company, the hard-working team is anything but inexperienced. The average work experience is 5.9 years, and some of the employees even bring over 20 years of work experience onboard. They use their skills for the benefit of the staff, clients and communities in which they work.

At Nexllence, each person is seen as unique and therefore respected and recognised as an important part of the team. This and more makes employees stay with the company in 96% of the cases in the first year. But let's take a look at what the staff themselves have to say about the up-and-coming company:

“The ‘groove’ of the office is amazing! Every difficult moment passes by easily because everyone on the team is willing to help with all kinds of issues. It’s the small moments that make every single day a better day.”

- Bruno Neves, Full-Stack Developer @ Nexllence

At Nexllence what I like most are the people and the companionship that exists, not only in the entire department but throughout the company.”

- Sílvio Neto, Full-Stack Developer @ Nexllence

“This company gives you the opportunity to learn and gain understanding of different concepts. We have excellent senior developers available to support your professional development and they are very keen on coaching and are very accessible.”

- Claudia Sebastião, Software Programmer @ Nexllence

The Nexllence team

Take Your Business to the Nexllence Level

If you're in the planning of launching a new product but need technical support, consider the eager team at Nexllence! The programmers are well-versed in all possible areas: from mobile, MVP or web development to frontend or backend programming—you will not lack for anything.

The team is proficient in many state-of-the-art programming languages, frameworks, and systems, and their tech stack includes .NET, Java, Outsystems, Angular, React.js, Flutter, JavaScript, .NET Core, Apache Kafka, or Microsoft Azure.

Nexllence creates and manages technology, which allows clients to distinguish themselves from competitors. CEO, Nuno, further adds:

“At Nexllence, we develop premium technological solutions (...). We believe that a strong culture is built with the help of all people involved and the result is success.”

Company values such as employee development, value creation for customers, innovation, long-term trust and relationships, integrity and ethics help the ambitious staff achieve their goals.

So what are you waiting for? Get in touch with Nexllence today—and go catch some excellence!


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Isabelle Beyer

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Isabelle Beyer is a German Copywriter and Content Manager who excels in translating complex ideas into engaging narratives. As an adept Translator and meticulous Editor, she ensures that every piece resonates with clarity and cultural relevance.

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