CanaryTech's Sweetest Birdsong

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Publish date:

November 30, 2022

Updated on:

March 13, 2024

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CanaryTech's Sweetest Birdsong


BERLIN, Germany - We’re singing the praises of our newest partner in the universe, Canary Technology Innovations! This backend-and-frontend-focused company is adaptable and flexible, building a nest of creative solutions for mobile, cloud, and IoT. Consider these rare birds for your next project!

A Bird’s Eye View

Founded in 2019, CanaryTech operates out of their nest in Ploiesti, Romania. Their commitment to building lasting partnerships with clear communication and real transparency caught our eye, and we welcomed them to the flock of’s partners in 2022. What sets them apart? Their CEO, Iulian Anghelache, answers:

First of all, our primary focus is on the people from our team. We believe in professional growth, communication, transparency, and trust. We can only be as good as the people that make up the company. Second, our focus is having a very transparent and results-oriented partnership with the companies we work with. We try to be as proactive as possible and we tend to be involved in the decision processes in order to reduce future costs, increase maintainability and reduce technical debt.”

They scored 8.7/10.0 for their Overall Pangea Score, and top clients of the company include e-commerce leaders E-Point, consulting firm EY, and NTNU, who sang resoundingly glowing praises for the company (more on that below).

Launching New Ideas in Unison

High-Flying Clients

CanaryTech’s biggest successes have been in entertainment, computer software, and education management, and they’re expanding into the food and beverages industry, as well as marketing and advertising. They work with clients all over Europe and North America, including the US, the UK, Belgium, and Norway. Beatrix Vereijken, the Project Manager of the previously-mentioned Norwegian University of Science and Technology, tells us:

“Working with Canary Technology Innovations has been seamless, efficient, and a great pleasure. Products are delivered on time and as promised, issues and problems are dealt with and solved immediately. Great value for money!”

It should be no surprise that one of their highest scores on the Pangea Client Insights Score was in the Project Management metric with 9.3/10.0, followed closely by a 9.0/10.0 in Process Maturity. Another client could hardly contain their excitement:

“It's been awesome working with CanaryTech! Their experienced team helped us build our product within our planned timeline and proved to be a reliable partner throughout. I highly recommend their team!”

We’ll talk about their team’s expertise in a second, but one of their satisfied clients – Ronny Broekx, founder of E-Point – specifically praised CanaryTech’s CEO Iulian’s hands-on approach to working with their partners:

“Iulian is an experienced entrepreneur who sees and creates opportunities in the field of telehealth applications and apps. Working with Iulian is pleasant, professional, and effective.”

Birds of a Feather

Iulian’s passion trickles down the tree to all branches of the company. He tells us:

“We provide creative solutions for Mobile, Cloud, and the Internet of Things. Our young enthusiastic team of professionals seeks to build and maintain products and services in a variety of technologies and areas for a better future for us and for the people around us. Our mission is to have an impact on society and one way we are doing this is by building health solutions that can help patients, medical professionals, and public at large in the near technologically advanced future.”

CanaryTech’s 20+ full-time employees carry an average of 4.2 years of experience on the job, and the first-year retention rate of 94% is a clear indicator of a healthy company culture. Their Pangea Team Health Score is 4.4% higher than average at 9.1/10.0, with their highest-scoring metrics in Personal Growth at 9.4/10.0, Management Rapport at 9.3/10.0, and Feedback & Recognition at 9.2/10.0. If staring at numbers is for the birds, have no fear: you can hear about CanaryTech right from the birds’ beaks! Software Developer Ana-Maria Radulescu reports:

“The most exciting aspect is that I have learned a lot and experimented with a lot of technologies. It is a place where you can learn and grow professionally, with a great team. Everyone is very helpful and friendly, we work really well together and we support each other. It is a very calm place; I really enjoy working here.”

Maria Zanescu, her fellow Software Developer, echoes:

“Working at Canary helped me develop both professionally and personally. I’ve gained a lot of knowledge in this field and I feel that I have evolved as a person from certain points of view because I had to learn to work in a team, communicate with my colleagues, but also with people from ‘outside the office’ – people that we work with [on] certain projects.”

A third Software Developer, Gabriel Neagu, had so much to say about what he loved about working at CanaryTech that we had him break it down:

“Well, here I can make a long, long list, but I will stick with only three points. First, the colleagues and the team spirit. Second, it’s about work flexibility. We are able to work flexible hours and that's great! Third, should be about the new things that you learn here. Every day there may be a new challenge, and if you’re like me, you’ll like new challenges and learning new things.”

The CanaryTech team poses happily next to cars in the parking lot on their way to a team bonding event.

Team Bonding to Build a Better Nest

Fine Tech Feathers Make Fine Tech Birds

CanaryTech flies from branch to branch with the latest technology updates with adaptability and skill. Best suited to New Product Development and Support & Maintenance, they thrive in Backend, Frontend, CMS, Databases, and Integrations. They can certainly fluff their feathers out with their robust tech stack that most frequently includes React.js, Angular.js, React Native, Apache Cordova, .NET, PHP, Umbraco, and WordPress. Using these powerful languages, CanaryTech sings sweetest in Backend Development, Bespoke Systems, Cloud Services, Frontend Development, Implementation of Features, and Mobile Development.

Currently, the team is working on Coach My Life; a digital reminder notes program to assist people with memory and mild cognitive impairment issues. Because the program relies on smartwatch use and Bluetooth localization, tech companies with integration and IoT specializations were necessary, and CanaryTech answered the call. Since joining the project, the team has been working on sensor integration, edge computing, wearable integration, machine learning, sound analysis, and computer vision.

If you’re looking for a partner with an eye on the long term and who values being results-oriented, transparent, communicative, innovative, and working on a team, look no further than Canary Technology Innovations! We’ll leave you with words from their CEO Iulian, who reiterates:

“CanaryTech is and will always be focused on building and maintaining long-term partnerships with a special focus on communication and transparency.”


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Keilian Knudsen

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Keilian Knudsen is the Co-founder and CSO at, where he is at the forefront of transforming the future of work through innovative remote and distributed work solutions. Under his strategic leadership, is developing the leading platform for businesses to access the top percentile of remote design and engineering talent. Keilian's vision for a work environment that is remote for talent and distributed for organizations is central to the company's mission. His expertise and forward-thinking strategies are key drivers in's journey to redefine how businesses and talent connect in the digital age.

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