Bite Into Open Tangerine

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Publish date:

October 22, 2021

Updated on:

March 13, 2024

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Bite Into Open Tangerine


BERLIN, Germany - The seeds of great projects flourish in fertile soil, and top software house Open Tangerine is bearing the fruit of their hard work. This legacy member of the Pangea network is dedicated, detail-oriented, and deliciously talented. Why not take a bite out of Open Tangerine?

The Squeeze

Founded in 2012, Open Tangerine quickly grew its reputation as one of the top software houses development companies in its home country of Poland. Though their headquarters is based in Skoczów, clients have sought them out from all over the world. They have worked with US-based cyber security firm Stealthcare and media AI startup Corto, management consulting firm The Human Company, social media intelligence platform Sekaii, and the popular cruise company Viking. What makes Open Tangerine such a sweet deal to so many international partners? CEO Paweł Papkala breaks it down for us:

“Every day we are: Improving code quality and performance for mission-critical systems, Migrating bare-metal solutions to cloud platforms, Conducting data science, research, and artificial intelligence analysis, Building custom desktop, web, and mobile applications. If you are looking for an honest and reliable software development team, filled with people you can trust - we are here for you.”

Pangea has been a proud partner of this thriving European software house since 2019, and their Overall Pangea Score of 8.5/10.0 is nothing to squeeze at. Read on for more of the juice on Open Tangerine!

The Juice

With an orchard of 20 full-time engineers, project managers, UX/UI designers, and QA specialists, Open Tangerine boasts an impressive slate of employees seasoned in global logistics. They are adaptable and well-prepared to meet all kinds of challenges, especially since the seniority of the team averages out to a whopping eight years of experience. In particular, employees pay close attention to detail, knowing that minor missteps can bloom into bigger issues further down the path. Speaking more about the culture at a company connected across the globe, CEO Paweł sprouts praise for the team:

To maintain work and life balance for us, our customers, and our employees, we are continuously developing highly adaptive and organic processes that are evolving based on real-life demands.”

Scoring 86% satisfaction on Culture and 90% on Advocacy, Open Tangerine’s Pangea Team Health Score clearly shows a fully ripened and cohesive team that is dedicated to creating high-quality, custom software solutions.

Tomasz Slanda, Senior Unity Developer at OT

Fruits of Labor

The team at Open Tangerine bites off as much as they can chew with clients, whether they are agencies, consultancies, or full enterprises and corporations. Their Pangea Client Insights Score is fleshed out with perfect 10/10’s in Tech Expertise and Process Maturity, with the Customer Journey scoring 90% satisfaction. Don’t just take our word for it, though; their many satisfied clients can tell you themselves the zest that Open Tangerine has for producing the best fruits of their labour. Jason Kraft, CTO at digital commute aggregator, expounds upon their adaptability:

“Paweł and his team are always accessible, flexible in their working hours, hardworking, realistic, and accountable - a skilful batch of wizards.”

Aleksander Demmeler, CEO at financial IT services firm Lacuna Solutions and longtime returning client at Open Tangerine, says:

“We are partners since years. They are my first choice.”

Further extolling the virtues of the Open Tangerine team is Y. B., founder and CEO at an SME in Information Technology and Services. They declare:

“Open Tangerine was outstanding in every aspect of the engagement: technically proficient, clear, communicative, motivated. I will work with them in the future, and I very highly recommend working with them.”

Whether a client approaches them about a project in entertainment, computer software, or leisure, travel & tourism, Open Tangerine has the juice to squeeze the best possible product into an ice-cold glass for their consumers!

Down to the Pulp

With a sweet technology stack that most frequently comprises AWS Lambda, TypeScript, AWS, Redis, Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, React.js, and Spring, Open Tangerine has a programming language for every flavour of project, especially when it comes to artificial intelligence, machine learning, and web apps. The team strives to go above and beyond client expectations, describing their approach in terms of software craftsmanship.

Cultivating this level of meticulous focus in the office allows for successful products that are flawless in both front-end and back-end performance, and the complexity of a project does not phase a team so well-versed in the various challenges of tech development. Their tech expertise makes them a great fit for firms that are after team augmentation, project handovers, or support and maintenance.

Recently, Open Tangerine partnered with Novamente LLC, a software supplier that focuses on artificial intelligence drivers for training simulations, virtual worlds, and open-world video and computer games. They built complex back-end architectures that were used for several of Novamente’s platforms, and their founder and CEO, Yves Bergquist, was torn about telling us just how good a job the Open Tangerine team did:

“So I’m in a bit of a bind here. On the one hand, OpenTangerine is one of the finest groups of developers I have had the pleasure of working with. On the other, they are so good I kind of want to keep them for myself and not share them with you. So I won’t tell you that Open Tangerine and it's team are among the most ingenious and professional engineers I have worked with...That they are the best kept secret in European tech. Move along, there’s nothing to see, goodbye."

Open your project up to a whole new spectrum of possibilities with Open Tangerine! If you want to know more about how this highly experienced team with a scrupulous eye for detail can take a bite out of your workload and squeeze the best results out of a project, have a pip at their engagements page for more information on how to connect! CEO Paweł’s description of the company’s guiding principles concludes our overview:

Our values are: Remote First, Trust & Honesty, Quality, Transparency and Agile.”

The ability to work anywhere is a state of mind that makes fertile ground for international projects, and grown alongside integrity, accountability, and versatility, Open Tangerine add tangy-ble flavor to the Pangea universe!


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Arielle Cottingham

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Texas-born Afro-Latina poet, performance artist, and dancer. With a theatre degree, two books, and an Australian Poetry Slam Championship under her belt, Arielle explores the interplay between spoken word and the body, merging elements of dance and physical theatre with written poetry to create multidisciplinary short works that she has toured through Texas, Australia, and Southeast Asia, from the pubs of Melbourne to the cafes of Singapore to the Sydney Opera House.

During her free time, she enjoys editing and contributing to content at and other sites.

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