Beyond the Peel with Grapefruit

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Publish date:

December 20, 2021

Updated on:

March 13, 2024

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Beyond the Peel with Grapefruit


BERLIN, Germany - If you’re looking for a zesty end-to-end developer, you’re in luck with Grapefruit! This frontend-focused team is great at clear communication, making them an attractive addition to the Pangea orchard. Have a squeeze at their work and see if they’re the right fit for you!

Getting Juiced to Success

Grapefruit opened their doors in 1999, planting their headquarters in Iasi, Romania. Putting down roots, they have a great practice of creating and maintaining long-term partnerships with their clients, watering the seeds of success with adaptability, flexibility, and ongoing transparency. Their CEO, Georgiana Dragomir, details their approach to client relationships:

“We deliver end-to-end digital and user experience services so that we build long lasting relationships with our clients, looking to improve the value they deliver to their end customer. In this quest we are always looking to bring the right kind of people on board, recruiting, retaining & growing passion and competence alike. We really seek meaning behind our work, looking for clients with real challenges.”

Top clients of the company include tobacco tycoons Philip Morris International, automotive conglomerate Dacia Renault Nissan, and German electricity provider EON. With an overall Pangea Score of 9.4/10.0, Grapefruit is the pick of the crop!

The Peel of Approval

Grapefruit’s decades in the market mean they have the experience to work with clients of any size! They have grown success with seed to series A startups, SMEs, and enterprises and corporations alike, with their own personal flavor. Don’t just take our word for it, though; clients were happy to come forward with praise for the company’s many strengths. Constantin-Cosmin Stan, Product Manager at tobacco industry titan Philip Morris Trading SRL, tells us:

“I have closely worked with Grapefruit for the past 4 years for the "IQOS Club" loyalty platform for PMI Romania. During these 4 years, they consistently displayed professionalism, capabilities improvements and a strong appetite for innovation.”

A fellow project manager at a similarly large corporation added:

”Grapefruit has proven to be an amazing team from the start and their standards are kept through all processes and interactions. Their expertise and constant bringing of innovation to the table recommends them highly for any type of partnership. ”

But large enterprises are not the only benefactors of Grapefruit’s zest; the CEO of a seed to series A startup shared with us that:

I have successfully worked with Grapefruit to develop our portal / app. The team is extremely competent and a pleasure to work with! Highly recommended!”

Whether you are in the automotive industry, banking, consumer goods, pharmaceuticals, or food and beverages, Grapefruit’s got the juice for you! Their Pangea Client Insights Score is off the charts with an overall 9.4/10.0, scoring perfect 10s in customer journey, UX/UI design, and project management!

A normal day at Grapefruit

The Pith to Success

The dedicated, skillful team have brought Grapefruit’s many accomplishments to fruition with gusto. The 47 full time employees have an average seniority of 3.2 years of experience, but their team is ripe beyond their years. Grapefruit is a place for developers to grow and reap the rewards of their work, and it shows; both the first year and overall retention rates for employees hold at an astounding 98%! Their CEO Georgiana describes how the company culture keeps boots on the ground:

Grapefruit's personality is shaped by the values ​​and principles that each team member resonates with. We constantly make sure that our values ​​and principles coincide with those of the people who are part of the team. At Grapefruit we put people first because the well-being of our employees is a priority for us. That is why we constantly take measures to increase employee engagement and happiness and we always adapt our benefits package, depending on their needs.”

It should come as no surprise that their Pangea Team Health Score is among the top in the industry, with an overall score of 9.3/10.0 being bolstered by 96% satisfaction rates among the team in management rapport, 95% satisfaction with the company culture, and 94% satisfaction with personal wellbeing. The employees themselves can tell you more about what it is like to work at Grapefruit, starting with Mircea, a Senior Frontend Developer:

“I joined the Grapefruit team because all other jobs that I used to have were small teams, and the roles were very splitted, causing major overlaps within people's roles. Here I discovered that our roles are well defined, and we manage to collaborate really well for the benefit of the projects.”

Mircea is not the only person on staff who appreciates smooth collaboration; Project Manager Aiftimie chimes in:

“Teamwork is the thing I like most working in Grapefruit. I've joined them in full pandemic context and even though, for 3-4 months, the work has been remote, when we finally met in the office it was like we knew each other for years.”

The team is as ambitious as they are synergistic; Customer Success Team Lead Iuliana says the most exciting part of working at Grapefruit is:

“The fact that we are an entrepreneurial, independent company. It's a challenge because we have the liberty to adapt, yet we need to find the right business model and also build an operating system and workflow to be able to deliver very well and generate profit.”

Nothing but laughs at the Grapefruit office

No Challenge Too Grape-fruit

After over 20 years in business, Grapefruit has distilled their workflow into the perfect blend of their strengths and innovations. Their technology stack is streamlined and efficient, most frequently making use of PHP, React.js, HTML/HTML5, MySQL, and Docker. Utilizing these programming languages to the fullest of their capabilities, they specialize in building databases, front- and backend, UX/UI design, and CMS. They are best suited to new product development, team augmentation, and support and maintenance.

Although they have found success in international markets, Grapefruit’s most recent effort is supporting their compatriots at home. Partnering with Banca Comerciala Romana (BCR), the company launched Scoala de Bani, the first ever e-learning platform to help improve Romanian financial literacy. Scoala de Bani is a progressive web app, allowing users to use it offline and add it to their smartphone’s home screen without having to install it. Users can use the app anywhere they can use their phone to take financial literacy courses or calculate their finances in real-time. Building prototypes in sprints of two weeks at a time, the team was able to build the interface using Next.js, ensuring that the app would function properly across multiple platforms and browsers, including Internet Explorer.

With their focus on empowerment, innovation, and a commitment to constantly evolving with the industry, Grapefruit makes an excellent partner on just about any job. Their CEO Georgiana wants potential clients to know:

“At Grapefruit we are always eager to immerse ourselves with clients' business challenges and help by providing the right user experience and digital services mix. What makes us different is our flexibility in building the right teams and our focus on understanding the problem before providing proposals and solutions.”

If you value fairness, accountability, quality performance, team play, and passion as much as Grapefruit does, head on over to their profile page and let us connect you with a member of their team today!


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Arielle Cottingham

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Texas-born Afro-Latina poet, performance artist, and dancer. With a theatre degree, two books, and an Australian Poetry Slam Championship under her belt, Arielle explores the interplay between spoken word and the body, merging elements of dance and physical theatre with written poetry to create multidisciplinary short works that she has toured through Texas, Australia, and Southeast Asia, from the pubs of Melbourne to the cafes of Singapore to the Sydney Opera House.

During her free time, she enjoys editing and contributing to content at and other sites.

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