Together, Let's Climb to the PEAK of Success

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March 25, 2022

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Together, Let's Climb to the PEAK of Success


BERLIN, Germany - Celebrating 10 years in business, PEAK is now an official part of Pangea's elite tech vendors. From Belgium to Serbia, the technology company creates end-to-end solutions for its international partners by delivering customised software, web and mobile applications, data science and more. Together, you will climb to the top!

Reaching the PEAK

PEAK's first stop on the way to the top of the tech world was the founding in 2012 in Brussels, Belgium. Before scaling the mountain of its embark, PEAK initially focused on assisting solely Belgian companies to succeed. Today, 10 years later, PEAK provides software development services from start to finish for companies all over the world, though predominantly in Europe and the USA.

With the HQ in Brussels and a second office in Belgrade, Serbia, PEAK is well-equipped to support its extensive customer network, featuring big names such as ICP Transaction Solutions GmbH, Yuvox esports SRL, Geutebrueck GmbH, with innovative software solutions. To date, they have successfully completed 216 projects, consistently finding new opportunities that competitors might never have considered, and have ultimately become an integral part of any partner's business plan.

With an outstanding overall Pangea Score of 9.2/10.0, we did not have to think twice to include this Belgian-Serbian company in our list of top tech providers—honour to those who climb the climb!

Every Client Reaches Altitude

PEAK excels at developing innovative digital products for multinational corporations, SMEs, government agencies, and high-growth startups alike. The versatile tech company supports partners in a variety of industries, however, is particularly adept in the fields of Computer Software, Industrial Automation, and Information Technology and Services.

Catering to all client needs!

Indeed, working with PEAK is cloudbusting for any client, as M. Muller, VP of Business Development at ICP Netherlands, attests, for example:

“Very pleasant to communicate and work with PEAK, as they understood the assignments and always delivered according to the promised specs and timelines. PEAK is trustworthy, client-oriented and highly skilled. ”

Edin Rekic, Account Manager at NetFederation GmbH, adds his name to the long list of avid fans and tells us what qualities in particular make PEAK stand out:

“PEAK is a loyal and trustworthy technology partner for us. They go all the way with you in projects, regardless of size. They are curious and proactive, focusing on the success of our clients and making success a real thing!

Sebastien Riccardelli, CEO of, reports that PEAK is not afraid to go above and beyond in supporting their clients:

“PEAK has been essential in the design of our platform. The team went the extra miles to understand the industry of gaming so they could tailor the customer experience and innovative ideas ”

Such rave reviews are guaranteed not to go unnoticed, and PEAK is therefore rewarded with an outstanding Pangea Client Insights Score of 9.4/10.0, bursting through the stratosphere of Technical Expertise and Business Maturity (10/10.0).

Twenty-two PEAK Performers

PEAK's team brings passion, commitment and focus to each and every project. With 22 eager employees at its core, the team overcomes even the most difficult challenges. It’s what drives them, and it’s what makes up the company's great spirit that enables every employee to reach their full potential.

PEAK's company culture is supportive and encouraging; it allows people to be their authentic selves, simply enjoying what they do. PEAK challenges its employees, who have an average of 4 years of experience, to continually expand their skills and motivates them to learn from one another.

The First Year Retention Rate of a whopping 100% and the Pangea Team Health Score of 9/10.0 tells us that collaboration seems to work at PEAK. In particular, the aspects of Wellbeing, Culture, Personal Growth, Feedback & Recognition (9.1/10.0) and Management Rapport (9.2/10.0) stand out in the evaluation.

Jelena Domčić, DevOps Technical Lead, recounts of her initial experience with PEAK:

“I gained a lot of knowledge during my involvement in different projects. Every project has its own platform, so it was really challenging to fit in all of them.”

Jelena Mihajlović, PEAK Data Scientist, expounds upon the flux of the company’s projects, and how this encourages trust in company competency:

“I would say that flexibility and trust are the two most important aspects of the company. Flexibility to use the approach and technology you think is the best, as well as the trust in your skills and expertise.”

PEAK not only has variable tasks and skillsets abound, but also an office life conducive to bolstering the environment of trust. PEAK CTO, Ivan Pleše, says:

“Before working with Peak I worked as a freelancer from home and this experience taught me to appreciate working with my own team and also working from the office.

Even though we don't have strict rules here, on coming to the office, I still come to the office almost every day because my team makes the time spent in the office extremely enjoyable.”

A team that sails together stays together

Nothing but PEAK Technology

Unlike off-the-shelf products, the digital solutions PEAK develops are tailored to the specific needs of their customers, helping them to leave their very own distinctive fingerprint in the tech world through the innovative use of IT.

PEAK accompanies businesses throughout the development lifecycle of a new, breakthrough product—from conception and design to implementation. With their agile approach to work, the team is also by their clients side when it comes to team augmentation or support & maintenance of existing products and processes.

With programming languages and frameworks such as Java, React.js, Node.js, C#, Python, HTML/HTML5, PEAK provides only the most advanced technologies in areas such as Software Engineering, Application Development, eCommerce or Data Science, and more.

This incredibly capable team of specialists applies their skills not only in engineering, but also in operational scaling, recruiting, business development, product delivery, as well as product marketing. CEO, Uros Milicev, assures all future partners:

“We know that our diverse pool of talent and creativity will bring new ideas forward.”

And with company values of integrity, honesty, trustworthiness, learning and customer experience, you're sure to experience just that—moving forward, and moving upward.

Contact us now to get in touch with PEAK and become mountaineers of the tech industry!


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Isabelle Beyer

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Isabelle Beyer is a German Copywriter and Content Manager who excels in translating complex ideas into engaging narratives. As an adept Translator and meticulous Editor, she ensures that every piece resonates with clarity and cultural relevance.

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