LimeChain Has the Juice

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Publish date:

July 28, 2021

Updated on:

March 13, 2024

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LimeChain Has the Juice


BERLIN, Germany - The seeds of the blockchain revolution are beginning to sprout, and LimeChain is fertilizing growth for the future! The company has been part of the Pangea party since 2019, providing decentralized solutions for blockchain and DLT needs. Let the cutting edge of tech slice through your security issues today!

Fruitful Endeavors

Founded in 2017 in Sofia, Bulgaria, LimeChain helps startups and corporate clients enter the ever-growing environment of blockchain operations. Their founder and CEO Nick Todorov describes their mission—their vision—below:

‘At LimeChain, we're focused on pioneering blockchain adoption by helping leading enterprises and startups bring their products to market. What's more - we focus on bringing tangible business results by leveraging blockchain technology in both enterprise and startup environments. “

Top clients of the company include well-known blockchains like Polkadot, The Graph, Hedera Hashgraph, the brand new and NFT project - Universe, blockchain infrastructure builder Arxum, and multinational consumer goods titan Procter & Gamble. With an overall Pangea Score of 8.9/10.0, LimeChain is bringing the zest that makes the world go rind!

Lime Feelin’ Good

The 50+ full-time employees at LimeChain have an average seniority level of 4+ years experience, with a dedication to being part of a team that values professionalism and a go-getter attitude for ongoing knowledge and skills advancement. If a “lemon” is a dud, a Lime is a success; CEO Nick describes the ideal employee as:

‘A “Lime” is a word we use to describe a person that is willing to go the extra mile, that is gritty, a top performer, a life learner, and a discoverer.’

With an overall (and first-year) retention rate of 90%, it’s clear that employees at LimeChain have got the juice. Plus, with a Satisfaction score of 9.7/10.0 and an Advocacy score of 9.8/10.0, their overall Pangea Team Health Score is a whopping 9.1/10.0! Hear about the company culture straight from one of the company’s Limes, Blockchain Solutions Architect Daniel Ivanov, who describes the pursuit of happiness as:

“You want something? Go get it. Period...I came to the conclusion that being a part of the blockchain and crypto world is an opportunity I certainly can't pass up.”

Blockchain Programmer Aleksey Tsekov is exactly the kind of lifelong learner that LimeChain looks for, describing his entry to the orchard of blockchain operations:

“I got into programming quite late, although I had the desire since I was little. One of the courses I took was blockchain. I found the technology quite interesting and wanted to pursue a career in this field. A friend introduced me to George and that's how I got into LimeChain, which I'm very happy about.”

Blockchain Developer Desimira Mitkova was the first woman to join the dev team three years ago, and she embodies the pursuit of the future, saying her reason for joining a blockchain company was:

“That it was doing something new, not just for me, but for the world at large. I believe in the future of blockchain technology.”

Some Limes enjoying some friendly competition

Get in Lime

Working with companies from seed and series A startups to multinational corporations, LimeChain has a flavor for businesses of all shapes and sizes. They have completed over 100 projects to date, a majority of which were related to blockchain in some way, shape, or form. The company is also building development and testing frameworks for various blockchains to support the community. They have so far built EtherLime – a dev suite for Ethereum, EOSlime - for EOS, a framework for Substrate Runtime development – Subsembly and now working on a dev tool for The Graph. LimeChain is a contributor and member to multiple initiatives including Baseline protocol, Hyperledger, EEA, R3, and many others.

Why not hear it from the tasters themselves?

“We enjoy working with Limechain very much and continue to do so!” - Markus Jostock, CEO at Arxum

The rave reviews from clients continues with Clive Wright, CTO at referral platform Weevr:

“We have found working with LimeChain to be a real joy. Technical experts in the field, clear well thought-out responses, professional through and through.”

SVP of Industries & Partners at Hedera Hashgraph, Nigel Clark, praises LimeChain for its highly professional team and commitment to quality work:

“We were just particularly impressed in terms of the experience and the scope of experience in the work that had been done to date. The LimeChain team had worked extensively on Ethereum, Baseline, and other blockchain networks such as Polkadot, and we always wanted to do some work together.”

Serving up financial services, logistics, and supply chain management, LimeChain puts the squeeze on client satisfaction with their tech expertise ranking at 9.3/10.0 and customer journey at 9.5/10/0; their overall Pangea Client Insights Score sits at 8.8/10.0!

A typical day in the LimeChain office

Squeeze the Day

LimeChain’s dedicated focus lies in DeFi products, token development and NFTs, enterprise solutions, investment platforms, wallets, dApps, DAOs, and token offerings. The company offers blockchain consulting for new and returning clients, end-to-end project development, PoC and MVP development, and extending existing teams with their developers’ expertise. Their top engagements include new product development, team augmentation, and support and maintenance for blockchain adoption.

Their hearty tech stack includes Solidity, Node.JS, React.JS, Angular, React Native, JavaScript, Golang, and Kubernetes. LimeChain uses this variety to spice up their projects across their clientele. For more information on how LimeChain can help your company grow into the future, visit their engagement page so we can connect you!

With its branches bearing fruit for the future of blockchain adoption across industries, LimeChain aims to provide impactful craftsmanship from curious innovators and good communicators with a conscientious work ethic. CEO Nick touts his team’s taste for true-to-life solutions:

“At LimeChain, we're focused on applying blockchain technology to bring tangible results in real business environments.”

Bring some extra zest to your business today with LimeChain’s decentralized development!


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Arielle Cottingham

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Texas-born Afro-Latina poet, performance artist, and dancer. With a theatre degree, two books, and an Australian Poetry Slam Championship under her belt, Arielle explores the interplay between spoken word and the body, merging elements of dance and physical theatre with written poetry to create multidisciplinary short works that she has toured through Texas, Australia, and Southeast Asia, from the pubs of Melbourne to the cafes of Singapore to the Sydney Opera House.

During her free time, she enjoys editing and contributing to content at and other sites.

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