Ignite Development with fireup.pro!

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September 29, 2021

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March 13, 2024

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Ignite Development with fireup.pro!


BERLIN, Germany - Fuel the fire of creative development with fireup.pro! Having joined Pangea in 2019, the software development company builds flexible solutions for complex problems, bringing visions into reality with spark and panache. Light the flame on your next project with fireup.pro!

Kindling Solutions

Founded in 2013, fireup.pro established their headquarters in Rybnik, Poland, and have been cultivating flexibility and trust with both their staff and clients ever since. They understand the human aspect of software design and integration, and are committed to building software that sits at the junction between industry and tech. Fireup.pro’s CEO, Sebastian Rzytki, sums it up here:

“We foster development, creativity, and trust with our employees & customers alike. We carry out short and long-term projects in every area where there is a business need related to technology.”

Some of fireup.pro’s most satisfied clients include industrial shipping logistics platforms Trans.eu and Trans.Info, diabetes management app mySugr, financial services consulting firm Axxiome, and Avra Software, for whom they helped build the non-wage benefits platform MyBenefit. With an overall Pangea Score of 8.3/10.0, fireup.pro is lighting up!

The Perfect Match

Starting with a staff of just two people in 2013, fireup.pro has exploded into a full-fledged company of 80 full-time employees, who have an average seniority of four years’ experience between them. The value the company places on trust and creativity shows in their personnel retention rates—overall, 91% of employees choose to stay with the company, and a whopping 94% of new hires stay on after their first year. This focus on community is further discussed by CEO Sebastian:

“People are our priority. Their knowledge, experience, who they are, and what they are, reflect the uniqueness of fireup.pro. Essentially fireup.pro is all about our team. The atmosphere, the sense of community, and the awareness that the work we do is important and impactful motivate us.”

The positive experiences of the company culture are reflected in their Pangea Team Health Scores, with Peer Rapport ranking at 8.5/10.0 and Advocacy burning down the house with 9.4/10.0! But don’t just take our word for it; their company blog attests to the fireworks of the workplace culture:

“Don’t get us wrong, projects are important. But if we build the people and connect with them, project deliveries become so much more natural. People-first focus enables us to grow people, connect with them, and get projects delivered.”

The fireup.pro team attentive at a company meeting

A Spark of Service

With such emphasis on putting their people first, it comes as no surprise that fireup.pro has a flare for excellent client relationships, too. Working with a wide range of companies, fireup.pro has worked with global corporations and agencies as well as series B++ startups, and the glowing reviews speak for themselves.

Andrzej Pieta, lead project manager at Trans.eu, gasses up fireup.pro:

“Cooperation with fireup.pro is smooth and seamless. The communication is superb. When it comes to defining new functionalities, the teams are engaged and supportive. Also, fireup.pro has skills to fix most of the issues they face without the engagement of the client, although they clearly report all of them so we are aware of the situation.”

The CTO at mySugr, Bernhard Schandl, turns up the heat with his appreciation for the team’s work:

“It really has been a pleasure to work with fireup.pro. Within an extremely short amount of time they got up to speed with our processes, structures, and tech stack, and they continuously deliver highest quality.”

Adding more fuel to the flames, Paweł Czaja is ‘de-lighted’ with their performance:

“People at fireup.pro are professionals in terms of their maturity, knowledge, and culture. It is a pleasure to work with them. I appreciate their transparency, communication skills, and courage to face challenges in a new project.”

Working across a range of industries, fireup.pro flickers to life in software applications in health, wellness and fitness, logistics and supply chains, human resources, and the oil and energy sectors! Their diversity of interests and experience elevates their Pangea Client Insights Scores, with Tech Expertise standing at well over 80% satisfaction and Customer Journey exploding at 90%!

Some fireup.pro staffers enjoying some downtime

Claim to Flame

Whatever your needs concerning bringing your project to life, fireup.pro’s blazing technology stack has the fuel to set it on fire. With their commitment to clear communication and highly skilled team, the company is best suited for team augmentation, new product development, and ongoing support and maintenance for wrangling big data, SaaS projects, and web and mobile app development. They consistently strive to expand the possibilities of their team, and they work with a wide variety of coding technologies, including but not limited to AWS, Java, JavaScript, React.js, React Native, Node,js, RabbitMQ, Apache Kafka, ElasticSearch, Spring, PostgreSQL, and Docker.

Their staff will work with you to determine how best to spark the next step of your project and fan the flames of growth. For complex logistical issues presented by freight companies like Trans.eu and Trans.info, fireup.pro professionals combine multiple coding technologies into one platform, choosing with precision and specificity the right technologies to burn through data processing and analysis, monitoring metrics, and database maintenance.

Whether you have the spark of a brand new idea that needs further development or a team of extra hands to build the fire, fireup.pro shines a light on what you need! Talking to us about the best ways to work in new and ongoing partnerships, CEO Sebastian takes us back to the basics:

“The key to good cooperation is mutual trust. Then we can fully focus on the business needs of our clients and provide them with the best solutions."

The company values transparency, trustworthy delivery, consistently high quality, and reliability—if that sounds like a bonfire you’d like to warm your hands at, visit their engagement page today!


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Arielle Cottingham

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Texas-born Afro-Latina poet, performance artist, and dancer. With a theatre degree, two books, and an Australian Poetry Slam Championship under her belt, Arielle explores the interplay between spoken word and the body, merging elements of dance and physical theatre with written poetry to create multidisciplinary short works that she has toured through Texas, Australia, and Southeast Asia, from the pubs of Melbourne to the cafes of Singapore to the Sydney Opera House.

During her free time, she enjoys editing and contributing to content at Pangea.ai and other sites.

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