Charge Ahead with Particle Forward

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Publish date:

October 15, 2021

Updated on:

March 13, 2024

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Charge Ahead with Particle Forward


BERLIN, Germany - Take charge of IT issues and make your spark with Particle Forward! The newest ion in the Pangea nucleus prides themselves on their dedication to transparency, revitalizing IT infrastructures for clients who can’t wait to take the next step into the future. Surge ahead with Particle Forward!

Cut to the Quark

Opening its doors in 2016, Particle Forward is based in the heart of Lisbon, Portugal. Transparency with clients is their top priority, and their passion is building products that are more than merely great quality; they will charge projects up to the next level. No one is more amped about the possibilities of the future than the founder, CTO, and CEO Martinho Santos, who outlines his vision for the company and their customers here:

“By offering the right consultancy and technical services, we are not afraid to challenge our clients to create better things together. With our technical expertise we offer product development, POC, MVP, and will take care of your project like it’s our own.”

Some of the clients who have joined Particle Forward on this journey include, Germany’s biggest online automotive marketplace; LähiTapiola, a Finnish finance and insurance aggregator service; and PurpleLeaf Strategy, a pharmaceutical consulting and management agency. With so many success stories, Pangea was excited to energize a bond with this magnetic company, whose overall Pangea Score was a massively positive 9.3/10.0!

The Life of the Party-cle

With 10+ full-time employees, the team at Particle Forward is streamlined and close-knit. From tapas nights to company trips to concerts, they value their time together both on and off the clock; even employees who work remotely regularly join the after-hours fun via video call. CEO Martinho describes the company culture as:

“...inclusive, collaborative and creative. We believe in a flat organisational structure where employees are empowered to influence how their role contributes to Particle Forward’s direction of travel. Directors are always available. We don’t believe employees need to be in the office (we are digital natives).”

And he’s not just blowing smoke; even after half a decade in operation and an average of nearly five years’ experience, both their first year and overall retention rates sit at a perfect 100% score. Their Pangea Team Health Score tops the charts with an overall of 9.6/10.0, with 97% satisfaction with the culture and 98% satisfaction with management rapport.

Some of the Particle Forward team out at lunch

But you don’t have to merely take our word for it; hear what makes Particle Forward such an electric place to work from members of the team themselves! UX/UI designer Susana Oliveira tells us:

“I joined Particle Forward because I felt that would be a big opportunity to grow as a UX/UI designer for many reasons, one of them being the spirit of the company and the projects that were presented to me.”

As the recruitment manager, Daniela Coelho is the first friendly face that potential new hires see. Working remotely, she appreciates the seamless integration of her responsibilities into the pace of her lifestyle, saying:

“What has kept me in the company is without a doubt the work/team environment and transparency. And also the balance I found here between work and personal life.”

Account manager Rodrigo Brito enjoys the relaxed atmosphere of an office where everyone’s voice is not only heard, but equally valued:

“I also like the fact that we work in a flat hierarchy with an easy-going environment between everyone, and where everyone’s input is valid. Every day I spend here I feel as if I'm helping build the company from the ground up, which means a lot to me.”

Up and Atom

Despite the relatively small size of the team, Particle Forward’s spark reaches the highest echelons of business. Usually working in computer software, consumer goods, insurance, and pharmaceutical interests, their main clientele tend to be large-scale enterprises, corporations, and SMEs, but no matter the size of the volt, they’ve got the juice. Daniel Kohlstaedt, CEO of pharmaceutical consulting agency PurpleLeaf Strategy, has glowing praise for the team:

”Particle Forward was brought in to solve some technical challenges in our cloud-platform. The Particle Forward Team was able to enhance the user-value of our platform immensely. Technically the best team we've worked with. ”

The power surge of satisfaction continues with this review from the chief innovation officer of another dynamic enterprise:

”Skills, in-depth knowledge and ability to view any situation from customer perspective makes Particle Forward one of the most reliable partners I've worked with. ”

Keeping it short and sweet, a third client responded:

”It is a pleasure to work with you! ”

After reading through such electric praise, it should come as no surprise that their UX/UI design and tech expertise both scored a perfect 10.0/10.0 in the rankings for their Pangea Client Insights Score!​​

One of the daily Particle Forward meetings

Ion-ing Out the Kinks

Best suited to new product development, team augmentation, and firefighting responses, Particle Forward fuses their experience in tech with an ion the future. Whatever your needs, they can put you on the grid, whether it’s AI, CMS, front- or backend specializations, or a UX/UI design overhaul. Their super-charged technology stack most frequently includes .NET, AWS, CSS, HTML/HTML5, JavaScript, Kubernetes, Node.js, React.js, TypeScript, and Angular.

Recent projects that showcase the company’s electric ability to serve multiple needs for the same client include building a mobile app for The LähiTapiola Group, a mutual finance group based in Finland that offers risk management, staff occupational health logistics, and investments and savings services, as well as life and pension insurance. The project had been ongoing for over a year by the time Particle Forward was brought on board, and their first order of business was an evidence-based audit of the existing programming. Once they had identified key elements for restructuring, they opted to use Node.js as the primary backend language, to complement the skills of LähiTapiola’s developers. TypeScript was implemented across all project teams to ensure developer cooperation, increase productivity, and maximize the reliability of the backend code.

If you’re looking for an IT one-stop company that has a small, experienced, well-connected team you can rely on, contact Particle Forward and watch the quarks fly! Zap on over to their engagements page and we’ll patch you into their station. To close, we circle back to CEO Martinho, who reflects on his vision for the company:

“Technology can change the world. We will build products for the most important issues today: Improvements in Human well-being, robotics in food provision, and environmental projects for the future. Join us on this journey and let’s share the experience.”

Redirecting its power into transparency, trust, integrity, commitment to clients, and refusing to compromise on quality, this company is a conduit to success. Charge into the future with Particle Forward!


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Arielle Cottingham

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Texas-born Afro-Latina poet, performance artist, and dancer. With a theatre degree, two books, and an Australian Poetry Slam Championship under her belt, Arielle explores the interplay between spoken word and the body, merging elements of dance and physical theatre with written poetry to create multidisciplinary short works that she has toured through Texas, Australia, and Southeast Asia, from the pubs of Melbourne to the cafes of Singapore to the Sydney Opera House.

During her free time, she enjoys editing and contributing to content at and other sites.

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