A Pinch of Flavor with Cinnamon Agency

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Publish date:

November 19, 2021

Updated on:

March 13, 2024

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A Pinch of Flavor with Cinnamon Agency


BERLIN, Germany - Looking to spice up your next project? Try adding a little Cinnamon Agency flavour! The newest member of the Pangea kitchen blends sweet client communication with sharp professionalism suited to every taste. Add some zing with Cinnamon Agency!

Once Ceylon-gTime Ago

Founded in 2014, Cinnamon Agency is based in Zagreb, Croatia, swirling complex flavours into successful strategies. They give their best every time so that they can continue to be proud of their work, learning from their mistakes to deliver even better products as they rise. Their CEO, Ivan Kovač, is on a roll:

“Cinnamon is a team of problem solvers. We apply design thinking and engineering precision to solve business challenges our clients face. As an agency, we grew through successful cooperation with a number of startups. This means we know how to deliver real-world results, quickly and within the budget, over and over again. All software, zero bullshit.”

Their repeated accomplishments have garnered praise from their past clients, which include digital messaging platform ping, price optimization software Corrily, and nanotechnology cancer diagnosis pioneer Artidis. With an overall Pangea Score of 9.1/10.0, Cinnamon Agency is absolutely delicious!

Fragrant Success

Cinnamon Agency has been in the business long enough to know their stuff, and when we spoke with their clients, we found top ratings across the board. Whether they had worked with seed, series A, or series B++ startups, venture builders, or SMEs, all returned rave reviews for the Cinnamon touch. Abel Riboulot, CEO of Corrily, Inc., extends his compliments to the chefs:

“Cinnamon Agency has been our closest partner over the past year and keeps on over-delivering every day. They are the best agency we've ever worked with. Highly recommend.”

The visionaries in marine safety over at SeaVision, d.o.o. serve the highest praise yet; their CEO, Matija Jasarov, raves:

“Cinnamon are amazing. Where the project was called impossible by 5 other agencies the people at Cinnamon made it work with no issues and delivered ahead of schedule. Their communication is clear and they respond within the same day. 5 stars.”

Garin Toren, CEO of messaging service ping, speaks warmly of their longtime partnership:

“We have used Cinnamon Agency for the past four years and have found every member of the team to be exceptional; the output is world class.”

Cinnamon Agency works with companies across a wide range of industries, including the automotive, entertainment, events services, financial services, and hospitality industries. With such a breadth of clientele, you’d think that they would struggle to feed so many interests—and you’d be wrong. Their Pangea Client Insights Score is sprinkled with chart-topping ratings; their 9.7/10.0 in quality assurance and 9.4/10.0 in both process maturity and project management combine with other test elements into a delicious overall score of 9.2/10.0!

All smiles working at Cinnamon Agency

The Right Ingredients

With a company-wide average of three years’ experience in the field, the 80+-strong team of full-time employees at Cinnamon has baked hard work and ongoing skills development into their processes. With an outstanding Pangea Team Health Score of 9.1/10.0, their first-year retention rate of 95% should come as no surprise. CEO Ivan savours the company culture they’ve built, describing it as:

Delivering outstanding results — we work hard to build the very best. Our teams are committed to making digital products that are more than just usable, useful and efficient – they’re rewarding, life-enhancing and truly innovative. Continuously improving — Technology is constantly evolving – and that’s why we do the same. We’re always playing, exploring and testing our own limits to make sure we’re producing the best possible results for our clients.”

In addition to pushing and inspiring each other to be collaborative, clever, and creative, the team has five in-house cuddle mascots — Vela, Archi, Lana, Kudos, and Vendy — who exemplify the bring your pet to work policy, which was put in place to ensure warm, welcoming workplace vibes. Flutter developer Samantha spills the secret ingredient:

“I think there are many challenges that you face as a Flutter Developer, but being surrounded by a team that is always ready to help definitely makes those challenges seem less big. Being on my second project now I can see how far I’ve come and while I still face challenges, after solving something once, doing it the second time is much easier and takes much less time.”

A willingness to help and strong collaboration is key, and Josip, another Flutter developer in the same department, adds:

“One misconception I hear a lot is that being a Flutter Developer is stressful and leaves you with no free time. The job is anything but that; my colleagues are always here to help me if I get stuck with anything, and the tasks are spread into smaller chunks, so you rarely get overwhelmed. There are a lot of tasks, but the feeling of happiness and positivity that I get from each solved task is really motivating.”

Hrvoje, one of the product designers on the team, enjoys the variety of challenges the job at Cinnamon puts in the front window, saying:

“The flexibility and the scope of projects a designer can be working on is something that I really enjoy. One day you will be learning about gift cards, and the other day you'll be making a user flow for a bunch of complicated financial services. I just like to solve problems, untangle very complicated user flows, and talk to people to understand their needs and problems.”

Relaxing with a game of ping pong

Elements of Flavor

Best suited to new product development, firefighting responses, and support and maintenance, Cinnamon Agency’s technology stack has some kick to it. Their pantry is most frequently stocked with Flutter, Kotlin, Swift, React.js, Node.js, Selenium, Java, TypeScript, JavaScript, and AWS, making cooking with augmented reality, backend, databases, big data, and data analytics and visualization as easy as pie.

Messaging platform ping commissioned the company to commandeer quality assurance for their app’s user interface. Committed to creating a safer driving environment, ping promises to push for a hands- and eyes-free message experience while driving, reading texts, emails, and notifications out loud for users on the go. Much of the initial issues arose for Cinnamon with introducing lots of new features to a large base of existing users, but they managed to refactor 100% of the old code without dropping usability, all while priming the app for Alexa integration and introducing an Android version, complete with SDK functionality for all types of messages. You can even reply without using the screen!

The icing on the cake with Cinnamon Agency is what they value most: building something that works first, making it perfect later, building projects around motivated individuals, and frequent and transparent communication. CEO Ivan sprinkles in his goals for the company:

“Always do your best, be proud of your success, own your mistakes, learn from them, and do even better next time. I truly believe this mindset is what got us to being trusted tech partners to the world's best startups. No ego, no BS, just do hard work and deliver results.”

If you’ve got a whiff of something great, head over to their vendor profile and we’ll connect you with a member of their team. Cinnamon Agency just keeps getting better, and we at Pangea can’t wait for you to have a taste!


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Arielle Cottingham

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Texas-born Afro-Latina poet, performance artist, and dancer. With a theatre degree, two books, and an Australian Poetry Slam Championship under her belt, Arielle explores the interplay between spoken word and the body, merging elements of dance and physical theatre with written poetry to create multidisciplinary short works that she has toured through Texas, Australia, and Southeast Asia, from the pubs of Melbourne to the cafes of Singapore to the Sydney Opera House.

During her free time, she enjoys editing and contributing to content at Pangea.ai and other sites.

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